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TRANSLATING THE METAPOETIC IN EIKÓNES BY LUCIAN: FROM THE SPANISH VERSIONS OF "THE PORTRAITS" TO AN ARGENTINE VERSION OF "IMAGES"1 1 El presente trabajo forma parte de un proyecto presentado en el marco de una Beca de Iniciación a la Investigación ("Cientibeca") -financiada por la Universidad Nacional del Litoral- titulado "El problema del lógos luciánico en Imágenes (Eikónes): problemáticas de traducción de un texto polifónico", dirigido por la Dra. Ivana Chialva (CONICET-UNL) y el Dr. Santiago Venturini (CONICET-UNL). La investigación busca interrogar las problemáticas específicas de traducción de la escritura luciánica a partir del análisis de las traducciones disponibles en tensión con la producción de una propia versión. Esta beca se integra en el proyecto CAI+D (2011) Transformaciones del lógos en la primera y segunda sofísticas: de la Grecia clásica al Imperio romano, dirigido por la Dra. Ivana Chialva.


From the assumption that every translation is a rewriting that fixes an interpretation and gives a position in the culture of arrival, we inquire about the conditions of production and circulation of two of the current translations of the opuscule "Images" (Eikónes) by Lucian of Samosata, written around the 2nd century A.D. in an artificial attic greek, typical of the atticist movement of the Second Sophistic. In this sense, between the articulation of philological perspective, the traductology of Antoine Berman and the Descriptive Studies of Translation, we observe critically the way in which this text has been interpreted. We analyse a passage in which the multiple decisions of translation shows different conceptions of Lucianic writing and the task of translation. It is observed that the operations dodge the satirical and metapoetic dimension of the text and privilege an encomiastic reading. The advances exposed here are the initial stage in the production of an own translation that retrieves those marks that have been nuanced in the peninsular Spanish versions. The work is part of a broader inquiry about the processes of importation of classical texts between Spain and Argentina and how they delimit and safeguard their possible ways of reading and teaching.

Eikones; traductology; Second Sophistic; Lucian of Samosat; ekphrasis; metapoetic

UNICAMP. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL) Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, n.571 - Cidade Universitária - CEP: 13083-859, Telefone: (+55) 19 - 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil