Basic Information
The aim of the Journal of Physical Education is to publish articles that will significantly contribute to knowledge in Health Sciences/Humanities - Physical Education. They must be of scientific nature and address in depth topics and trends in the area. Its focus is Undergraduate, post-graduate students as well as researchers working in Higher Education institutions, research centers, and national and international companies. It is characterized by its severe assessment policy on papers submitted for publication, respecting the ethical standards of research. The Journal of Physical Education has continued frequency, with articles being published in Portuguese and/or English. Its abbreviated title is J. Phys. Educ., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, bibliographical references and strips. |
Indexed in
Intellectual Property
The Journal is financially supported by: Support Program for Scientific Publications of the National Scientific and Technological Development Council (CNPq). |
Section Editors
Scope and Policy
The "Journal of Physical Education" is a journal of continuing frequency that aims at publishing the knowledge production related to the area of Physical Education. It is open to physical education teachers and professionals in related fields who wish to impart their work in the following sections: original article; review article and opinion article. Editorial Policy
Article Processing Charges Since 2022 February, Article Processing Charges (APCs) for accepted submissions in the Journal of Physical Education are: 1 - Articles submitted from Brazilian authors, will be charged R$ 800.00 (eight hundred reais); 2 - Articles submitted from other countries than Brazil, will be charged US$ 150,00 (one hundred fifty dollars) It is important for the Journal that the authors choose to publish in ENGLISH (for those authors who choose to send the article to be translated, we will publish both versions. - Portuguese and English. Articles submitted in English and translated into Portuguese will have both versions published). It is important for the Journal that the authors choose to publish in ENGLISH (for those authors who choose to send the article to be translated, we will publish both versions. - Portuguese and English. Articles submitted in English and translated into Portuguese will have both versions published). The author should contact a translator accredited by the magazine or one of his/her preference provided the translator signs a “translation certificate” to be sent to the magazine. The cost and form of payment of the translation shall be made between the author and the translator. POLICY AGAINST PLAGIARISM AND RESEARCH MISCONDUCT Keeping up with our tradition of excellence, we would like to inform the editorial improvements aimed at strengthening the integrity of the articles published by this journal. In accordance with COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines, which seek to encourage to identify plagiarism, malpractice, fraud, possible violations of ethics and opening processes, indicated: 1. Authors should visit COPE website, which contains information for authors and editors on research ethics; 2. Prior to submission, authors should meet the following criteria:
3. To meet the criteria, the following procedures will be carried out: a) The editor will evaluate the manuscripts accepted for publication with the CrossCheck system. The textual content of papers will be assessed for plagiarism, duplicate submissions, manuscripts already published and possible research fraud; b) With the results, it is up to the editors and the editorial board to decide whether the manuscript will be published. Copyright Notice DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY AND CESSION OF COPYRIGHT I hereby declare that the article entitled (include the title of the article), under ID (include item number ID) is an original work and has not been submitted for publication to any other national or international journal, either in part or in whole. I also declare that once published in the Journal of Physical Education, edited by the State University of Maringa, the article will not be submitted, whether by me or by any of the other co-authors, to any other journal. Through this document, in my name and on behalf of any of the existing coauthors, I shall cede the copyright of that Article to the Universidade Estadual de Maringa. I also declare to be aware that the non-compliance with this commitment shall refer the violator to sanctions and penalties provided for by the Law for the Protection of Author’s Rights (Law 9610 of 19/02/98). Place, date, name and signature of all authors.
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Form and preparation of manuscripts
Published Articles Sections Articles are accepted in the following categories: Original Articles; Review Articles and Opinion articles. They must be within the scope of the Journal of Physical Education (J. Phys. Educ). Original Articles: This section is intended to disseminate research that fills a knowledge gap which was not addressed previously and presents relevant results, provided they can be reproduced and/or generalized. The article must be divided into Portuguese Abstract, Abstract, Introduction, Methodological Procedures, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References. Additional Information:
Review Articles: focused on the critical and systematic review of the literature, they should contain Summary (in Portuguese), Abstract, Introduction (including methodological procedures, theme delimitation and limitation), Development, Final Considerations and References. Additional Information:
Opinion Articles: to express opinion (views) on issues relevant to the area, which approach infrequent or contradictory situations, which deserve greater understanding and attention from professionals of Physical Education, Sports and related fields. It should contain Summary (in Portuguese), Abstract, Introduction, Discussion Topics, Final Considerations and References. This type of article may be published upon an invitation from the editor, initiated by the author in previous contact with the publisher. It is usually an article written by a researcher or a group of researchers of proven knowledge in the area. Additional Information:
Articles format Articles must have the following format: A4 paper (210 x 297 mm), in a single column, with margins of 2.0 cm, single line spacing, Times New Roman 12 font. All pages should be numbered on the top right edge from the first page. Tables, Figures and Tables Tables should be inserted in the text in its proper place and with its respective caption. They must be 8 cm or 17 cm wide. The title of figures should be placed below them, whereas the titles of tables and boxes must be placed above them, always following the standardization below. They must be nominated as follows: Table 1. or Figure 2., i.e., the first letter capitalized bold and a full stop after the number. Here is an example: Table 1. Socioeconomic status of children and adolescents practicing sports. Figures should be sent in the following formats: power point, excel or word. Illustrations and graphics in jpg, gif, png, etc are to be avoided. If not possible, pictures and graphics can be sent in PDF and EPS format. Figures should have a resolution of at least 300 DPI. Article Structuring Texts must respect the number of words for the corresponding section as well as the norms of the Journal (Table, patterns, text limits, etc., mentioned in these guidelines). The title of the article must be concise and informative, avoiding superfluous terms and abbreviations. It is recommended to start with the most representative term, avoiding the place and the city where the study was conducted. Article’s First Page
1) Article Category in size 12 Arial font; Summary and abstract: They should be written in size 9 Times New Roman font. Original articles must have their summary, in Portuguese and the abstract, in English. Articles should be structured descriptively containing a brief introduction, aim, methods, results, and conclusions. Review/updates articles should also have a descriptive summary. Citations should be avoided. Keywords (3-5) should be shown right below the summary and abstract, taken from the vocabulary, "Descriptors in Health Sciences". Introduction (It starts on the first page and continues from the second page)
The introduction must identify the research’s addressing key points, inform the state of art theme and the most important references. It must clearly identify the relevance and the problem gap to be addressed in the literature, characterizing the fundamental basis of the study. The introduction and other topics should follow the Vancouver style of scientific writing (see specifications at the end). Method Authors must provide sufficient detail to allow replication of the study. The method must include, according to the type of the study, the following description:
Results Authors should submit the data in tables, graphs, charts or figures. Discussion Authors should interpret their results and present their findings, which should clearly support their data. Authors must emphasize the relevance of their findings, pointing the directions for further research, their practical implications and identify the study limitations. Conclusions Strictly based on the objectives, assumptions and problem question raised in the introduction. References: References should be arranged in numerical order, according to the order in which they are first mentioned in the text, according to the Vancouver style. The titles of journals should be referred to in abbreviated form, according to the Index Medical. All references must be typed, separated by commas with no space and superscript (Ex.: Studies2,8,26 indicate ...). If more than two references are cited in sequence, only the first and the last should be given, separated by a dash (Ex.:5-8). In case of direct quotes, the page number must be placed right after the reference number preceded by a colon (Ex.: “Studies26: 45 indicate ...” . The cited author(s) may also be part of the sentence (Ex .: Documents written by an author: According to Oliveira1... Documents written by two authors: According to Oliveira and Matos1 ... Documents written by more than three authors: According to Oliveira et al.1). Citations of books, abstracts and home page should be avoided, and shall not exceed 20% of the references altogether. Below some examples of references: Magazine Article
Format: Magazine Articles (up to six authors)
Example: Magazine Articles (more than six authors) Mention the six first authors followed by the expression. “et al.”.
Example: Dissertation/Thesis
Example: References to papers presented in events (proceedings or magazines) whether as Summary or in FULL are not accepted. End of course Papers (TCC) are NOT accepted. Papers published in journals are NOT accepted. Books and similar publications.
Example: Book Chapters
Example: Electroninc Documents
Format: Example: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística [Internet]. Análise da disponibilidade domiciliar de alimentos e do estado nutricional no Brasil [acess on 27 mar 2015]. Available at: |
Send of the manuscripts
Manuscripts should be submitted through the magazine electronic system. |