Logomarca do periódico: Psicologia em Estudo

Open-access Psicologia em Estudo

Publication of: Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Area: Human Sciences ISSN printed version: 1413-7372
ISSN online version: 1807-0329



Basic Information


Title: Psicologia em Estudo,  abbreviated title: Psicol. Estud.

Objectives and areas of interest: to publish original texts on themes in the area of Psychology and its interfaces with the Human Sciences and Health Sciences, problematizing the current reality, contributing to the practice in Psychology and promoting theoretical development.

History: The journal began its work in 1996 in printed form and directed by PhD. Maria Lúcia Boarini. In 2014, it was published the last printed issue and started to be published exclusively online. It is administered by the Department of Psychology and Graduate Program in Psychology of the State University of Maringá.

Periodicity: the journal began its activities as semiannual, then three times and four times a year. From 2018, it adopted the rolling pass system.


Indexing sources


- American Psychological Association (PsycINFO)
- National Autonomous University of Mexico (CLASE)
- Federal Council of Psychology – PUC-CAMPINAS (INDEX-PSI)
- Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (LILACS)
- Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (LATINDEX)
- Official College of Psychologists of Madrid (PSICODOC)
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (REDALYC)
- Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (SOCIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS)



Intellectual property


The journal adopts the Creative Commons BY license.





- National Council for Technological Development - CNPQ
- Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES
- State University of Maringá
- Postgraduate Program in Psychology – State University of Maringá





Editor in Chief

  • PhD. Marilda Gonçalves Dias Facci, State University of Maringá, Maringá/PR/Brazil. marildafacci@gmail.com



Associate Editor

  • PhD. Alvaro Marcel Palomo Alves, State University of Maringá, Maringá/PR/Brazil. ampalves@uem.br



Assistant Editors

  • PhD. Adriana Fátima Franco, State University of Maringá, Maringá/PR/Brazil. adriffranco@hotmail.com
  • PhD. Zaira Fatima de Rezende Gonzalez Leal, State University of Maringá, Maringá, /PR/Brazil. zairagleal@gmail.com


Editorial Board

  • PhD. Paul Bartolo, University of Malta, Valeta/VA,/Malta. E-mail: paul.a.bartolo@um.edu.mt
  • PhD. Michelle de Freitas Bissoli, Federal University of Amazonas, Manaus/AM/ Brazil. E-mail: mibissoli@yahoo.com.br
  • PhD. Shane R. Jimerson, University of California, Santa Barbara/CA/United States of America. E-mail: Jimerson@education.ucsb.edu
  • PhD. Carl Ratner, Institute for Cultural Research & Education, Trinidad/CA/United States of America. e-mail: cr2@humboldt1.com
  • PhD. Marli Lucia Tonatto Zibetti, Federal University of Rondônia, Porto Velho/RO/ Brazil. E-mail: marlizibetti@yahoo.com.br
  • PhD. Samuel Luis Velazquez Castellanos, Federal University of Maranhão, São Luis,/MA Brazil. E-mail: samuel.uema@hotmail.com
  • PhD. Leslie Sechel Vela, Universidad Rafael Landívar de Guatemala, Guatemala City/GT, Guatemala. E-mail: vonsechel@gmail.com
  • PhD. Lígia Márcia Martins, State University of São Paulo Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Araraquara/SP/Brazil. E-mail: ligiamar@fc.unesp.br
  • PhD. Rafael Siqueira de Guimarães, Federal University of Southern Bahia, Ilhéus/BA/ Brazil. E-mail: rafaorlando@uol.com.br
  • PhD. Sônia da Cunha Urt, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande/MS/Brazil. E-mail: surt@terra.com.br
  • PhD. Silvia Maria Cintra da Silva, Federal University of Uberlândia, Uberlândia/MG/Brazil. E-mail: silvia@ufu.br
  • PhD. Ana Cecília de Sousa Bastos, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador/BA/Brazil. E-mail: acecil@ufba.br
  • PhD. Celiane Camargo-Borges, Department of Imagineering, of NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences, Breda//NB/The Netherlands. email: celianeborges@gmail.com
  • PhD. Eduardo Augusto Tomanik, State University of Maringá, Maringá/PR/Brazil. E-mail: eatomanik@gmail.com
  • PhD. Francisco José Albuquerque, Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa/PB/ Brazil. e-mail: frajoba@uol.com.br
  • PhD. Guillermo Beatón Arias, Faculty of Psychology, University of Havana/HA/Cuba. e-mail: garias@fq.oc.uh.cu
  • PhD. Gustavo Adolfo Ramos Mello Neto, State University of Maringá, Maringá/PR/ Brazil. E-mail: garmneto@gmail.com
  • PhD. Hugo Klappenbach, National University of San Luis, Buenos Aires/B.A/Argentina. E-mail: hklappen@unsl.edu.ar
  • PhD. Jacques André, University Paris VII, Paris/FRJ/France. E-mail: andre.jac@wanadoo.fr
  • PhD. José Antônio Carrobles, Autonomous University of Madrid, Madri/CM/Spain. E-mail: joseantonio.carrobles@uam.es
  • PhD. José Antonio Damásio Abib, Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos/SP/Brazil. E-mail: j.abib@terra.com.br
  • PhD. José Sterza Justo, State University of São Paulo Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Assis/SP/ Brazil. E-mail: justo@assis.unesp.br
  • PhD. Maria Emília Marques, University Institute of Psychological, Social and Life Sciences, Lisbon/LB/Portugal. E-mail: emarques@ispa.pt
  • PhD. Maria Lucia Boarini, State University of Maringá, Maringá/PR/Brazil. E-mail: mlboarini@uol.com.br
  • PhD. Oswaldo Hajime Yamamoto, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal/RN/Brazil. E-mail: oswaldo.yamamoto@gmail.com
  • PhD. Paulo Rogério Meira Menandro, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Vitória/ES/ Brazil. E-mail: paulomenamdro@uol.com.br
  • PhD. Sheila McNamee, University of New Hampshire, Durham/NH/United States of America. E-mail: sheila.mcnamee@unh.edu
  • PhD. Silvia Helena Koller, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre/RS/ Brazil. E-mail: silvia.koller@gmail.com
  • PhD. Victor Eduardo Silva Bento, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro/RJ/Brazil. e-mail: victorbento@oi.com.br




Scope and policy


To publish original texts on themes in the area of Psychology and its interfaces with the Human Sciences and Health Sciences, problematizing the current reality, contributing to the practice in Psychology and promoting theoretical development. From the methodological point of view, the journal Psicologia em Estudo publishes articles that are based exclusively on the qualitative perspective.

The articles submitted to the journal will be evaluated by the editorial team and if approved, will be sent to ad hoc evaluators, who should indicate no conflict of interest in the blind review. Further details in the “Editorial Policies” section. The opinions issued by the evaluators contain justifications that may suggest approval for publication without changes, approval for publication with recommendations for changes or may not recommend publication. Editorial board members, after the reformulated revision, have final decisions on manuscripts, including the need for further reformulations. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make minor modifications to the authors’ text to expedite the editorial process.
The information present in the articles, as well as the veracity of the contents of the research, are the responsibility of the authors. We request that during the submission of the manuscript the number orcid, obtained through the address https://orcid.org/

Psychology in Study publishes its articles in Portuguese and English (bilingual). The texts of national authors will be accepted in Portuguese. The texts of foreign authors will be accepted in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish, duly revised

Form and preparation of manuscripts


Original texts that fall into the following categories will be accepted:  

In special cases, texts that have already been published in foreign journals, subject to the same evaluation of unpublished originals, will be accepted. However, in such cases, the author must submit an authorization, with the signature of the editor of the journal in which the text was originally published, attached online, by the publishing system of the Journal.

After adapted to the norms, the original texts should be submitted electronically at the site www.periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/PsicolEstud, in text editor Word for Windows 6.0 or later version, double-spaced (everywhere of the manuscript) in Times New Roman font, size 12, not exceeding the number of pages appropriate to the category of the work. The page layout should be A4, with a 2.54cm formatting for the top and bottom, left and right margins. Do not use the “AutoCorrect - Track Changes” feature of Word.

The figures, tables and graphs must, in addition to the specific instructions below, consider that: a maximum of five (5) will be accepted, considering the sum of these categories.
Figures, including legend, one per page in paper, placed at the end of the text, in the same file, in sequence to the references. To ensure quality reproduction, the figures containing drawings must be submitted with high-quality (300 dpi minimum resolution). As the published version cannot exceed the width of 11.5 cm for figures, the author must take care that the subtitles maintain reading quality, if reduction is necessary.

Tables, including title and notes, must be presented one per page, placed at the end of the text, in the same file, following the references section. In the publication, the table cannot exceed 11.5 cm wide x 17.5 cm long. The length of the table should not exceed 55 rows, including title and footnote(s). For further details, especially in cases not included in these Guidelines, the APA manual should be consulted.

Any text submitted online to the Journal must be accompanied by a letter signed by all authors (see the template below), where the intent of submission or new submission of the work to the publication is made explicit. This letter must also contain authorization for reformulation of language, if necessary to meet the standards of the Journal. In the case of multiple authored text, a maximum of six authors will be accepted. In case of more than four authors, it is necessary to include a note at the end of the manuscript indicating the contribution of each. It is important to note that the total of the files sent electronically cannot exceed 3MB and in the file containing the text there can be no identification, not even in Word properties, to guarantee the blind review evaluation.

Use single space in the references section, with double space to separate them. References should be cited in alphabetical order by surnames of the authors. In cases of reference to multiple studies by the same author, use chronological order, that is, from the oldest to the most recent study of this author. Author names should not be replaced by dashes. For more information, consult APA manual (6th edition) https://www.apastyle.org/.

Presentation of manuscripts

The presentation of the texts should obey the following order:

l. Cover sheet containing:
Full title in Portuguese, between 10 and 12 words.
Suggested short title in Portuguese, for header, not to exceed 4 words.
Full title in English, compatible with the title in Portuguese.
Full title in Spanish, compatible with the title in Portuguese.
Suggested short title in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

2. Sheet(s) containing:
- Abstract, in Portuguese.
All texts included in categories 1 to 3 must contain abstracts of 150 - 250 words. The other categories do not require abstracts. After the abstract, 3 keywords (the first beginning with a capital letter and the others starting with lowercase letters separated by a semicolon). The keywords must be included in the BVS-PSI database http://newpsi.bvs-psi.org.br/cgi-bin/wxis1660.exe/iah/?IsisScript=iah/iah.xis&lang=P&base=TERMINOLOGIA
- Abstract and keywords, translation of abstract and keywords in English.
- Abstract and keywords, translation of abstract and keywords in Spanish.

3. Annexes and/or Appendices, only when they contain important original information, or indispensable prominence for understanding some section of the text. It is recommended to avoid annexes and appendices.

4. Sheet containing titles of all figures, numbered as indicated in the text.

5. The figures, tables and graphs must, in addition to the specific instructions below, consider that: a maximum of five (5) will be accepted, considering the sum of these categories.

6. Figures, including legend, one per page in paper, placed at the end of the text, in the same file, in sequence to the references section. To ensure quality reproduction, the figures containing drawings must be submitted in high-quality (300 dpi minimum resolution). As the published version cannot exceed the width of 11.5 cm for figures, the author must take care that the subtitles maintain reading quality, if reduction is necessary.

7. Tables, including title and notes, must be presented one per page, placed at the end of the text, in the same file, following the references section. In the publication, the table cannot exceed 11.5 cm wide x 17.5 cm long. The length of the table should not exceed 55 rows, including title and footnote(s). For further details, especially in cases not included in these Guidelines, the APA manual should be consulted.

8. Text should present: introduction, method, results and discussion and, final considerations/conclusion - it is not mandatory to use these terms as items. Footnotes (maximum 5 in all work), if necessary, should be placed at the foot of the pages, ordered by Arabic numerals which should appear immediately after the text segment to which the note refers. Suggested places for insertion of figures and tables should be indicated in the text. Do not use the terms apud, op. cit., id., ibidem and others (they are not part of the APA standards).

9. References should not exceed the limit of thirty (30), including in this total up to 10% of citations referring to the authors themselves. At least 40% of the total must refer to the last 5 years. Unless justified, these limits will be revised by the Editorial Board, for example, in the cases of articles of historical revision. We caution the authors that the text update will be evaluated by the evaluators.

  • Research report: synthesis of original research (minimum 20 and maximum of 25 pages);
  • Literature Review/Theoretical study: articles resulting from theoretical elaboration, critical review of literature and/or specific theme (minimum 20 and maximum 25 pages);
  • Report of professional experience: article describing individual or collective experience of a punctual intervention proposal, which makes the theory/practice counterpoint and accurately indicate the conditions for the accomplishment of the reported experience (minimum 10 and maximum 15 pages);
  • Debate:essayistic, opinionated article on topics of current controversy or that one wants to propose to polemic. Replies to previously published material may be found here. The evaluation is carried out by the Editorial Board and Executive Team (minimum 10 and maximum 12 pages);
  • Interview: Interview report with National and International researchers of great scientific relevance for the area of Psychology. The evaluation is carried out by the Editorial Board and Executive Team (minimum 10 and maximum 15 pages);
  • Special section: in this modality, of an eventual character, texts not included in the modalities foreseen in the journal will be selected, that bring relevant contribution both to the readers and to the scientific community as: management report, conferences of authors of national or international relevance presented in scientific events, translation of articles or texts of international authors, which are unpublished in Portuguese language, among others defined by the Editorial Team of the journal. The texts of this modality are evaluated only by the Editorial Board and executive team of the journal regarding its scientific merit (minimum 15 and maximum 25 pages).

OBS. Only the cover sheet is not counted in the total of the article’s pages.

Cover letter template
I/We wish to submit the text titled (title of the text) that is about (Research report, Theoretical study, Report of experience, Review, Debate) for appreciation and possible publication by the journal Psychology in Study.
I/We declare that the present work is unpublished and original, has strictly followed all ethical procedures and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
I/We authorize the reformulation of language, if necessary to meet the standards of the Journal Psychology in Study.

Best regards,

Signatures of all authors


Conflict of interests
The articles submitted to the journal will be evaluated by the editorial team and if approved, will be sent to ad hoc evaluators, who should indicate no conflict of interest in the blind review. Potential conflicts of interest are considered when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that, apparent or not, may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts. The conflict of interest may be personal, commercial, political, academic or financial.

When submitting the manuscript to the Editorial Board of Study Psychology, the author (s) assumes responsibility for not having previously published or submitted the same manuscript by another journal. In case of multiple authorship, the manuscript must be accompanied by an authorization signed by all authors. Articles accepted for publication become the property of the journal and can not be reproduced without written consent.



Submission of manuscripts


The manuscripts must be submitted through the electronic address of the journal



Universidade Estadual de Maringá Avenida Colombo, 5790, CEP: 87020-900, Maringá, PR - Brasil., Tel.: 55 (44) 3011-4502; 55 (44) 3224-9202 - Maringá - PR - Brazil
E-mail: revpsi@uem.br
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