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Brief history


The Estudos Avançados journal is a quarterly publication from the Institute of Advanced Studies (IEA) of the University of São Paulo (USP). It was launched in December 1987, and 110 issues have been published to date.

Its main proposal is to transform knowledge and criticism into a lever for social progress not only for Brazilians, but for all “developing” peoples.

With a unique editorial profile among Brazilian academic publications, Estudos Avançados publishes articles on topics of humanistic, scientific and technological culture. It also has the mission of contributing to implement and improve public policies (national, state, and municipal) by publishing studies that elucidate and provide a better understanding of what we broadly call the Brazilian reality: its achievements, impasses and contradictions.

Estudos Avançados is closely connected to the IEA,. and its issues and dossiers seek to encourage transdisciplinary practices, which specialization in every branch of knowledge makes increasingly less feasible. Its purpose is to support one of the Institute's key goals: to reflect on and understand in-depth Brazil’s present to help build its future.

As an instrument of humanistic, scientific and technological culture, it is averse to any localist bias. And to freely exercise the right to broad information and coexistence with the riches of universal thought, Estudos Avançados has drawn on the most diverse sources of philosophical, scientific, and literary culture in its trajectory. In this sense, its homeland is humanity itself, said professor Alfredo Bosi (1936-2021), who directed the journal from January 1989 to August 2019 (from  no. 5 to no. 96). “We entered deeply into this process of welcoming everything that might enrich our knowledge and our ability to think about Brazil as an active part of cultural and technological systems that transcend us and inhabit us. The journal can and should be a mirror of this ecumenical attitude,” he remarked.

Estudos Avançados will celebrate 40 years of existence in 2027, and it is with satisfaction that its editors see the validation of their initial intent to apply multidisciplinary knowledge, inside and outside the University, to the crucial problems of Brazilian society and the international community. Scientific and humanistic knowledge, as well as attention to the basic needs of our people, is the formula of each of the journal’s dossiers, as can be gleaned from the content summary of the issues published.



Compliance with Open Science


The IEA is associated with the Open Access movement and supports free access to scientific research results at the University of São Paulo. The Estudos Avançados journal has been duly evaluated and is now indexed in the SciELO database and can hold events that bring together experts for debate since the early 2000s.

In March 2004, Estudos Avançados was accepted into the SciELO Brasil Collection library. Issue no. 50, dedicated to black people in Brazil, was the first to be freely and fully available to all readers. Gradually, previous issues were also included. The complete collection became available in March 2006.

To celebrate the this event (56 issues at the time), the IEA promoted the panel “Scientific journals in the age of open access” on May 31, 2006.

The invited panelists were Abel Packer and Rogério Meneghini, from SciELO; Emir Suaiden, from the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) of the Ministry of Science and Technology; Eduardo Krieger, from the Brazilian Academy of Sciences; José Fernando Perez, from PR&D Biotech; João Steiner and Alfredo Bosi, from the IEA; and Herton Escobar, from the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo.

The first part of the event was dedicated to SciELO, and included presentations on its origins, organization and project management; the studies on bibliometrics and scientometrics it provides; the impacts of its implementation on Brazilian scientific journals; and on a model case about the performance of Estudos Avançados in the digital library.

Topics of the second part included the importance of scientific publications for research and teaching; free access as an enabler of scientific development; free access and communication as tools for scientific outreach to the press; and a model case about free access to communication sciences in Portuguese-speaking countries.

Watch here full video of the event.

Estudos Avançados remains committed to Open Science communication practices: open access; preprints at the onset of the article production flow; transparent management of research data; availability of program codes and other materials underlying articles; transparency and gradual opening of the manuscript evaluation process; public dissemination of research and interoperability with the global flow of scientific information and knowledge.

Preprints are manuscripts ready for submission to a journal, which are lodged  either in advance by the author or at the time of submission by the author or journal at an open access web server.  Preprints are optional, meaning that when submitting the article the author must inform whether the manuscript, along with its name and URL, are to be lodged in a preprint server.

Articles submitted for publication must be unpublished in both printed or electronic media, except those available in preprint repositories, and simultaneous submission for evaluation to another journal is not permitted.

At the time of submission, the author must fill out and attach the Open Science Compliance Form, stating whether: (a) the manuscript is a preprint and, if so, its location; (b) data, program codes and other materials underlying the text of the manuscript are properly cited and referenced; and, (c) open options are accepted in the peer review process.



Ethics in publishing


In its 80th issue (2014), Estudos Avançados published a set of articles called “Integrity and scientific innovation,” coordinated by professor Sueli Gandolfi Dallari (president of USP’s Ethics Committee – 2012-2014), as a contribution to the prevalence of ethical behaviors at the University of São Paulo.

Estudos Avançados follows USP’s Code of Ethics, established by Resolution no. 4871 of October 22, 2001, that guides human relations within the University. The general ethical principles make reference to documents that have become an international consensus, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the bedrock of every democratically-inspired contemporary constitutions.

The committee in charge of defining the guidelines of USP’s Code of Ethics, headed by Professor Alfredo Bosi, states in the document’s preamble that USP adopts the inseparable principles approved by the International Association of Universities, convened by UNESCO in 1950 and in 1998, namely: 1) the right to pursue knowledge for oneself and wherever the search for truth may lead; 2) tolerance towards diverging opinions and freedom from any political interference; 3) the social obligation to promote, through teaching and research, the principles of freedom and justice, human dignity, and solidarity, and to develop mutual aid, both material and moral, at an international level. Inherent to university Ethics are the right to research, pluralism, tolerance, autonomy from political powers, as well as the duty to promote the principles of freedom, justice, human dignity and solidarity. The University must always act and speak out in the defense and promotion of human rights, including individual rights and public freedoms, social, economic, and cultural rights, and the rights of humanity.

In Article 28 of Chapter III, “Of Publications,” USP’s Code of Ethics states:

– Members of the University are precluded from:
I – Falsifying data about their publications when preparing articles and reports;
II – Not giving credit to those who contributed to the findings of their publications;
III – Using, without mentioning the author or without his or her explicit authorization, unpublished information, opinions or data;
IV – Presenting as original any idea, discovery or illustration, whether in the form of text, image, graphic representation or any other means, that in reality is not original;
V – Falsifying data or misrepresenting its scientific interpretation;
VI – Falsifying data about their previous academic life.”

Regarding the initial steps for submitting the original, authors must state that all ethical guidelines concerning the integrity of scientific activities during the research have been respected, and inform their funding sources, such as research agencies. If applicable, they must also state that the ethical principles have been submitted to and approved by the ethics committee of their institution. Compliance with good ethical practices in research is solely responsibility of the author.

Estudos Avançados is guided by the principles of SciELO's Codes of Ethics found in the “Guide to Good Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication;” by the “Principles of Transparency and Good Practices in Academic Publishing” recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics; by the principles of Directory of Open Access Journals; and by the principles of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association.

For research in a virtual environment, the document of the National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP) is used as a reference.



Focus and scope


What have a hundred issues and dozens of dossiers revealed to us in the 37 years of Estudos Avançados’ existence?

They reveal significant figures: 110 issues; 2,397 articles published; 5,156 authors; 36,302 pages; 210,000 printed copies and more than 70 million accesses to articles in the databases.

In terms of content, they reveal an intimate connection with the Institute of Advanced Studies (IEA) of the University of São Paulo (USP), responsible for its edition. The editions and dossiers sought to encourage a transdisciplinary practice, which specialization in all branches of knowledge makes increasingly less feasible; and had the purpose of supporting one of the Institute's central goals: thinking about Brazil, getting to know its present in depth to help build its future.

Alfredo Bosi used to say that a nation's values of justice and democracy cannot be proclaimed without an objective analysis of the material and cultural conditions of its people. That is why Estudos Avançados sought and seeks to convey knowledge that reflects the Brazilian reality. The main idea has been, from the beginning, to learn what Brazil is, what it thinks, and what it does. Above all, what it does. Bosi used Father Antonio Vieira's phrase “each person is their own actions” to confirm the verdict: How we have resolved or have not yet resolved our problems in the multiple spheres of national life.

The journal’s past and future issues and dossiers should be understood as x-rays of our material and symbolic existence. In this sense, its connection with an institute of higher research founded with clear multi- and transdisciplinary purposes is a unique characteristic that, in some aspects, makes it different from other publications of general culture.

Firstly, when creating its dossiers, the journal can make use of the most recent broad spectrum of findings from research groups working with the IEA, including specific topics of applied social sciences to themes of a strong transdisciplinary nature such as sustainable development, biotechnology applications, socio-environmental theories, and educational practices in Brazil.

Complex topics such as education, health, transportation, energy, regional conundrums such as the Amazon and the Northeast, racial problems, religions, economic thought, rural development, agrarian reform, work and unemployment, migration, nationalism and organized crime, among others, have been exhaustively addressed by advanced research centers in Brazil and abroad providing extensive information and dense interpretations in all these fields. The IEA's proposals and activities in these areas are amply acknowledged as maximally objective in primary data collection phase and highly balanced balance in the stages of interpretation, judgment and potential solutions. Professor Alfredo Bosi said: “A healthy non-partisanship has guided us, which does not mean absence of the indispensable civic passion that the challenge of public policies require.”

Another characteristic revealed by the issues and dossiers apparently points in the opposite direction, but is in fact complementary. For Bosi, Estudos Avançados is an organ of scientific and humanistic culture, and, as such, it should hold no strictly localist bias. For the journal to freely exercise the right to broad information and interact with the all the wealth of universal thought, he believed it should draw on a range of diverse sources of philosophical, scientific, and literary culture: “We went deeply into this process of receiving everything that might enrich our knowledge and our ability to think about Brazil as an active part of cultural and technological systems that transcend and inhabit us. The journal can and should be a mirror of this ecumenical attitude.” Examining our catalog, one will find texts by Hobsbawn, Derrida, Habermas, Bobbio, Gorbachev, Berlinguer, John Kenneth Galbraith, Chomsky, Starobinski, Georges Nivat, Edgar Morin, Boaventura de Souza Santos, Kenneth Maxwell, Richard Morse, Ignacy Sachs, Jacques Chonchol, Michel Vovelle, Edouard Glissant, Roger Chartier, Peter Burke, Aldo Ferrer, Luciano Cânfora, Aníbal Quijano and Frederico Mayor, among many others. The list is representative, but not exhaustive. As for Brazilian authors, Bosi said one should not mention the living, as omissions are always unforgivable, whether involuntary or voluntary. He recalled some of those who left us and whose names already belong to the history of our culture: Mário Schenberg, Leite Lopes, Alberto Carvalho da Silva, Erasmo Garcia Mendes, Raymundo Faoro, Celso Furtado, Miguel Reale, Sérgio da Costa Ribeiro, Oswaldo Elias Xidieh, José Mário Azanha, Aziz Ab’Sáber and a poet who didn't need university degrees to be one of the IEA's first visiting professors, José Paulo Paes, as he proudly used to say.

What also makes Estudos Avançados unique is its profile as a culture periodical that seeks to express itself in accessible language, avoiding an excess of technical terms, without, however, forgoing the scientific rigor that must guide published essays. In other words: the goal of high-level cultural dissemination is pursued, and in certain ways this distinguishes the publication from journals fully specialized in a specific theme and language. Its readers are a broad cross-section of academic life: graduate and undergraduate students, post-doctoral scholars, as well as professors and researchers with various backgrounds from within and also from outside the university milieu.

Estudos Avançados would not deserve this name (undoubtedly ambitious and perhaps compromising) if it did not contemplate the highest and purest of human creations: art. In the section dedicated to Creation, the journal has published poetry (original or translated), annotated musical scores, photos of works of contemporary art, etc.



Digital preservation


The online version of Estudos Avançados (ISSN: 1806-9592) is archived in the Brazilian national open access digital repository Diadorim – <>.

The printed version of Estudos Avançados (ISSN: 0103-4014) complies with Law no, 10,994 of 12/14/2004, concerning the Legal Deposit of publications at the National Library of Rio de Janeiro, to ensure the collection, safekeeping and dissemination of Brazilian intellectual production for preservation and the formation of the National Memory Collection.

In the University of São Paulo, Estudos Avançados is available from USP’s Journals Portal – <>.

Estudos Avançados follows the standards set in the Digital Preservation Policy of the SciELO Program



Indexing sources


Latindex (Latin America, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal)
Lilacs (Latin America and Caribbean)
SciELO (Brazil)
Scopus Elsevier (Holland)

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) (Switzerland)
Google Scholar

Indexing portals
Diadorim, Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology, Capes Newspaper Portal/MEC (Brazil)
USP’s Journals Portal (Brazil)



Bibliographic Journal Information


Title of journal: Estudos Avançados
Abbreviated title: Estud. av. (online)
Published by: Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo (IEA-USP)
Periodicity: Every four months
Publication method: Continuous
Year of creation: 1987



Websites and Social Media




Editorial Policy



Estudos Avançados accepts the publication of preprint articles.

A preprint is a manuscript ready for submission to a journal, lodged in reliable preprint servers before or aligned with its submission to a journal.

Using preprints is the author's choice, and it is assumed that when submitting articles to the journal through the Open Science Compliance Form, the name of the Preprint server and the DOI of the Preprint are informed.

The journal receives preprints archived on the following servers: SciELO Preprints, Core (MLA), Zenodo, and SocArXiv. Other repositories may be considered upon analysis and approval by the Editorial Board.

Articles submitted as preprints must also be unpublished and the evaluation process will not use double anonymized review process seeing the authorship is known.

Peer Review Process

Originals submitted online for consideration via SciELO or the journal's website ( are analyzed firstly by the Editorial Board for compliance with editorial standards, internal coherence, relevance of the content to the journal's editorial line and contribution to knowledge innovation.

If approved, originals are sent for a consideration of the merit of their content. To this end, the peer review model is used to ensure confidentiality as to the identity of consultants and authors.. The consultant’s opinions are then analyzed by the Editorial Board for compliance with publication rules, content and relevance. After this process, they are sent to the authors with an indication of acceptance, reformulation or rejection.

Regarding the so-called Good Editorial Practices, we follow standards of consensus and common sense.  Firstly, the evaluation of the manuscripts is considered. The text must be sent to a reviewer chosen from among researchers of renowned competence in their field of knowledge. The consultant’s name is protected by strict confidentiality. The articles are reviewed to ensure the integrity of the blind peer process. In the double-blind review adopted by Estudos Avançados, neither the name of the author nor of the reviewers are revealed to each other. The opinion – favorable or opposed, unrestricted or restricted – is sent forthwith to the person concerned. If favorable, the author is informed of the probable publishing timeframe. If favorable with restrictions and these are accepted by the interested party, the new version will be re-examined by the same reviewer. The average time for these procedures varies from one to three months, depending on the promptness of the consultant.

Estudos Avançados adopts three types of peer review:

Double-blind peer review: where authors and reviewers do not know each other's identity.

Single-blind peer review: where authors reveal their identity, but the reviewers remain anonymous.

Open peer review: where authors and reviewers know each other's identity. The standard form of evaluation adopted by the journal is the double-blind.

However, in the case of preprints, it is not possible to guarantee the anonymity of the authors and, therefore, the evaluation can be single-blind or open.

Open Data

To consolidate the Open Science processes, authors are requested to share all contents (data, program codes and other materials) underlying the text, before or at the time of publication. Exceptions are allowed in cases of legal and ethical issues.

The objective is to facilitate the evaluation of the manuscript and, if approved, to contribute to the preservation and reuse of data and information, as well as the replicability of research.

For sharing, the author can use the repository of their institutions or specify relevant and certified repositories: List of repositories for deposit of SciELO research data.

Alternatively, authors may state that the data will be made available upon direct request, or that all data is contained and discussed in the article.

The repository where the data and information are found, if any, should be cited in the text according to the Research Data Citation Guide (Portuguese only), preferably in the methodological section, included in the list of references and in the "Availability of Research Data" section.


Estudos Avançados does not charge authors a fee for submitting or publishing articles.

Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy

Estudos Avançados is in accordance with the main guidelines of international and national organizations that serve as a reference for principles and good practices on ethics and negligence for scientific publications and is guided by the main ethics practices of Cope, the "SciELO Guide of Good Practices for the Strengthening of Ethics in Scientific Publishing" and the "Principles of Transparency and Good Practices in Academic Publications" recommended by COPE, Doaj, Oaspa and Wame. The adoption of the guidelines assists publishers in detecting possible fraud and poor publication practices.

Policy on Conflict of Interest

The conflict of interest may be personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial in nature. Conflicts of interest can occur when authors, reviewers, or editors have interests that may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts. When submitting the manuscript, authors are responsible for acknowledging and disclosing financial or other conflicts that may have influenced the work. If there is, even potentially, a conflict of interest, the author(s) must inform it in a specific document signed and attached to the submission platform. In this case, the journal Estudos Avançados communicates and guides those involved in the reason for the refusal of publication. For more information see: Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest.

Adoption of similarity software

For some time now, Estudos Avançados has adopted the plagiarism identification software iThenticate and more recently the Turnitin tool that allows analysis of text similarity strengthening academic and scientific integrity.

Software adoption, use of Artificial Intelligence resource

Estudos Avançados recommends that authors and reviewers read the Guide for the use of Artificial Intelligence tools and resources in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and content generated by AI applications in research communication.

Gender and Sex Issues

Estudos Avançados and its collaborators should always observe the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (Sex and GenderEquity in Research – Sager).

Ethics Committee

Authors must attach a statement of approval from the ethics committee of the institution responsible for approving the research, if applicable.


Estudos Avançados publishes articles in open access (Open Access) under the CC BY Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, without restriction even for commercial purposes, and that the original work is correctly cited. The author(s) grant the journal the right of first publication.

It also has as a parameter Law number 9.610/98, which regulates copyright in Brazil.

Intellectual Property and Terms of Use

Authors are the copyright holders of the submitted manuscripts, licensing them under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited.

The journal Estudos Avançados is authorized to publish this text. The data, concepts and opinions presented in the papers, as well as the accuracy of the documentary and bibliographic references are the sole responsibility of the authors. All journal content and articles published in Advanced Studies, except where otherwise specified, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license.

Estudos Avançados encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts by publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and scholarly social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, provided that the full citation is included in the version of the journal's website.

Sponsors and Promotion Agencies

The journal Estudos Avançados is maintained by the Institute of Advanced Studies, an organ of the University of São Paulo (USP) responsible for its edition.









Assistant Editor



Editorial Secretary

  • Marli Pedro, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Instituto de Estudos Avançados, São Paulo, SP, Brasil,


National Editorial Board and International Editorial Board



Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo






  1. The Editorial Board of Estudos Avançados requests, receives and distributes texts to qualified advisors for analysis and appreciation of merits.
  2. Authors' credits must include their title, function and institution to which they are linked, Orcid ID, followed by personal e-mail.
  3. Texts must include an Abstract (up to ten lines) and Keywords, with the respective English version (Abstract and Keywords).
  4. Quotes texts, with up to five lines, will enter the body of the main text, highlighted by double quotation marks. Texts cited with more than five lines should be prominently indented, in a smaller font.
  5. The Notes should be restricted to explanatory texts and comments, if necessary, inserted at the end of the text, before the Bibliographic References.
  6. Bibliographic references should be cited in the text, in abbreviated form, in parentheses, by the author's name, year of the work and page number. Example: (Le Goff, 1980, p.134).
  7. The complete bibliographic references must be listed at the end of the text, in accordance with the rules of ABNT.
  8. In addition to being inserted in the text, image files (tables and/or figures, graphs, photos, etc., in color or b&w) must be sent separately, in the extension in which they were originally created, and in high resolution (200-300 dpi). Tables should be in an open, editable format, not as figures.
  9. Submitted manuscripts should not exceed a total of 45 thousand characters with spaces, including notes and bibliographic references.
  10. The Editorial Board reserves the right to request a reduction in the number of pages and the number of characters in the titles of the text.

Types of Documents Accepted

Preferably essays, original unpublished articles, the result of theoretical and/or empirical research, reviews, and reviews, syntheses, interviews and translations.

Authors' Contribution

Authors are all those who contributed to the conception, development and analysis of the data presented. The contribution must use the criteria presented as recommended by the CRediT Taxonomy.

Availability of research data

In the editing phase, the corresponding author will be asked to provide research data related to the article, and the following options will be offered: (1) The data are available at (cite the repository and DOI of the data deposited); (2) Data will be provided upon request; (3) All data were generated or analyzed in this study; (4) Not applicable.


Acknowledgments for the financial support received from funding institutions for the research and/or the preparation of the manuscript should be informed, if any. The name of the funding agency should be written in full, followed by the grant number. If the research has not been funded by a specific project grant, the following information should be included: "This research has not received a specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or non-profit sectors”.


They should include the collaboration of people, groups or institutions that deserve recognition, but do not have their inclusion as authors justified.

Preparation of the manuscript

When submitting the manuscript, the responsible author must inform the following data of all authors: Full name, ORCID, institutional affiliation, e-mail, mini CV informed of the title.

Submission format of articles

Authors must submit the text to spelling and grammar revisions before submitting it to the journal. The text, including abstracts, notes and bibliographic references, should have a maximum of 45 thousand characters with spaces, except in exceptional cases, at the discretion of the editors. Critical reviews should not exceed 12,000 characters with spaces.

Originals must be submitted in extension, .doc or .docx (Word for Windows), Open Office or .rtf, with the following characteristics:

Title: Times New Roman 16 font, centered, bold, with a maximum of 90 characters with spaces, representing the content of the article. Title must also be submitted in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Internal headings and subheadings: Times New Roman 14 font, respectively, in bold and left.

Abstract and keywords: except for reviews and interviews, texts must have an abstract of up to 800 characters with spaces), and a maximum of five keywords that make it possible to identify the content of the article, separated by a comma. Use Times New Roman 12 font, no indentation. Abstract and keywords should also be presented in English and Spanish.

Core: Times New Roman 12 font, no paragraph indentation, 1.15 line spacing and 6 pt before and after paragraphs; margins of 3 cm.

Tables and graphs: must be in the body of the text of the article, presented in accordance with the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). They must be identified with the respective title and source (mandatorily), as well as subtitles (if any). Tables should always be in editable format and never in an image.

Figures anda Tables

Images, figures and photographs: all images must be in the body of the text, in good resolution, properly numbered and accompanied by captions and indication of source.

Tables and graphs: they must be in the body of the text of the article, identified with the respective title and source (mandatorily), as well as a caption (if any). Tables should always be in editable format and never in image.

Citations and References

Examples of organization of references following ABNT Standards:


PEDROSA, M. Arte, forma e personalidade. São Paulo: Kairós, 1979.

Book Chapters:

MURICY, K. Benjamin, política e paixão. In: ADAUTO, N. Os sentidos da paixão. São Paulo: Cia. das Letras, 1987. p.497-508.

Single author for the entire book:

GNERRE, M. Linguagem, poder e discriminação. In: ___. Linguagem, escrita e poder. 4.ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1998. p.5.

Journal articles:

WANDERLEY, M. B. Sistema de informação em gestão social. Estudos Avançados, São Paulo, v.20, n.56, p.149-58, jan./abr. 2006.

Theses and dissertations:

MARTINS, A. M. As universidades como agentes da política pública. Ribeirão Preto, 1997. Tese (Doutorado em Administração e Supervisão Educacionais) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Estadual Paulista.


CEDRO, P. E. El caso del Mercosur. In: CONGRESSO EUROPEO DE LATINOAMERICANISTAS, 1., 1997, Salamanca.

Newspaper article:

GULLAR, F. Pesadelos. Folha de S.Paulo, São Paulo, 21.5.2006. Ilustrada, p.E14.

Supplementary Documents

When submitting the manuscript, it is requested to send the Open Science Compliance Form and the term of approval of the Ethics Committee, in cases where necessary.

Funding Statement

Provide all sources of funding and support for the work, including names of sponsoring institutions or entities, project or contract number. Only legal entities should be nominated. Individuals who supported the research may be listed separately and will appear in the "Acknowledgments" section in the approved version of the article.


Instituto de Estudos Avançados da Universidade de São Paulo
Rua da Reitoria, 109 - Cidade Universitária
Cep: 05508-900 – São Paulo, SP, Brasil
Tel.: (+55 11) 3091-1673/ 3091-1676



Instituto de Estudos Avançados da Universidade de São Paulo Rua da Reitoria,109 - Cidade Universitária, 05508-900 São Paulo SP - Brasil, Tel: (55 11) 3091-1675/3091-1676, Fax: (55 11) 3091-4306 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil