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Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira, Volume: 64, Número: 5, Publicado: 2018
  • Opiophobia and opiophilia: the war continues Editorial

    Oliveira Júnior, José Oswaldo de
  • Lumbar herniated disc - endoscopic discectomy treatment Guidelines In Focus

    Joaquim, Andrei Fernandes; Botelho, Ricardo Vieira; Mudo, Marcelo Luis; Almeida, Antonio Silvinato de; Bernardo, Wanderley Marques

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The Guidelines Project, an initiative of the Brazilian Medical Association, aims to combine information from the medical field in order to standardize producers to assist the reasoning and decision-making of doctors. The information provided through this project must be assessed and criticized by the physician responsible for the conduct that will be adopted, depending on the conditions and the clinical status of each patient.
  • Tuberculous peritonitis following intestinal perforation in malignancy Imaging In Medicine

    Hwang, Jiyoung; Hong, Seong Sook; Kim, Hyun-joo; Chang, Yun-Woo; Nam, Bo Da; Oh, Eunsun; Lee, EunJi

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY Tuberculous peritonitis is one of the most common causes of exudative ascites, especially in the young, and is an important cause of extra-pulmonary disease. However, tuberculous peritonitis is challenging to diagnose because there are no pathognomonic clinical features or imaging findings. Therefore, it is commonly misdiagnosed as another type of peritoneal disease, especially so in elderly patients with malignant disease. In this report, we described two cases of tuberculous peritonitis that were observed after intestinal perforation in elderly patients with malignancies. These diagnoses were established by laparoscopic peritoneal biopsy or AFB cultures of the ascitic fluid. Both patients were treated with anti-TB medications.
  • Osteoma of the cochlear promontory Imaging In Medicine

    Antunes, Luis Manuel da Veiga Ferro; Rodrigues, Pedro Correia; Martins, Paulo Alexandre
  • Hand-foot syndrome due to hepatitis C therapy Imaging In Medicine

    Cunha-Silva, Marlone; Mazo, Daniel; Arrelaro, Raquel; Vaz, Nayana; Rabello, Marcello; Lopes, Tirzah; Corrêa, Bárbara; Torino, Ana Beatriz; Cintra, Maria; Lorena, Sonia; Sevá-Pereira, Tiago; Almeida, Jazon

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO INTRODUÇÃO Antivirais de ação direta são as novas drogas utilizadas no tratamento da hepatite C crônica. São geralmente seguros, com boa tolerância, mas eventualmente podem causar efeitos adversos graves, e não há consenso sobre como tratá-los ou preveni-los. Descrevemos um caso de síndrome mão-pé secundária à terapia livre de interferon para hepatite C crônica. Materiais e métodos Relatamos o caso de um paciente de 49 anos com cirrose hepática compensada secundária à hepatite C crônica, genótipo 1, virgem de tratamento, que iniciou terapia com sofosbuvir, simeprevir e ribavirina por 12 semanas. Resultados Na sexta semana de tratamento, apresentou anemia, sendo necessária redução de dose da ribavirina. Na 20a semana, apresentou lesões eritematosas e descamativas, com prurido em mãos e pés, que teve resposta parcial ao uso de anti-histamínico oral e corticoide tópico. Não foi necessário descontinuar os antivirais, mas na primeira semana após o término do tratamento, houve piora das lesões, com sinais de infecção secundária, sendo necessárias hospitalização e terapia com antibiótico e corticoide oral, com melhora progressiva. Biópsias das lesões foram compatíveis com farmacodermia. O paciente teve resposta virológica sustentada, apesar dos efeitos adversos. Tinha história de farmacodermia há um ano, atribuída ao uso de topiramato, responsiva a corticoterapia oral. Conclusão Os tratamentos livres de interferon raramente causam eventos adversos graves, como lesões cutâneas. Pacientes em uso de ribavirina e com história de farmacodermia ou doença cutânea prévia podem ser mais susceptíveis. Não existe consenso sobre como prevenir reações cutâneas nesses pacientes.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Direct-acting antivirals are new drugs for chronic hepatitis C treatment. They are usually safe and well tolerated, but can sometimes cause serious adverse effects and there is no consensus on how to treat or prevent them. We described a case of hand-foot syndrome due to hepatitis C virus interferon-free therapy. METHODS We report the case of a 49-year-old man with compensated liver cirrhosis due to chronic hepatitis C genotype 1, treatment-naïve, who started viral treatment with sofosbuvir, simeprevir and ribavirin for 12 weeks. RESULTS At the sixth week of treatment he had anemia, requiring a lower dose of ribavirin. At the tenth week, he had erythematous, pruritic, scaly and flaky lesions on hands and feet, which showed a partial response to oral antihistamines and topical corticosteroids. It was not necessary to discontinue antiviral treatment, but in the first week after the end of treatment, there was worsening of injuries, including signs of secondary infection, that required hospitalization, antibiotics and oral corticosteroid, with progressive improvement. Biopsy of the lesions was consistent with pharmacodermia. The patient had sustained a virological response, despite the side effect. He had a history of pharmacodermia one year ago attributed to the use of topiramate, responsive to oral corticosteroid. CONCLUSION Interferon-free therapies can rarely lead to severe adverse reactions, such as skin lesions. Patients receiving ribavirin combinations and those who had a history of pharmacodermia or skin disease may be more susceptible. There is no consensus on how to prevent skin reactions in these patients.
  • Functionality, comorbidity, complication & surgery of hip fracture in older adults by age distribution Original Article

    Jiménez-Mola, Sonia; Calvo-Lobo, César; Idoate-Gil, Javier; Seco-Calvo, Jesús

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO CONTEXTO As fraturas do quadril podem ser a maior complicação secundária à doença osteoporótica. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a influência da distribuição etária na funcionalidade, comorbidade, complicações e características cirúrgicas de idosos com fratura de quadril. MÉTODOS Um estudo prospectivo de coorte foi realizado de 2013-2014. Uma amostra de 557 adultos mais velhos, com mais de 75 anos, com fratura de quadril osteoporótica foi recrutada na Unidade Ortogeriátrica do Hospital Universitário de León (Espanha). As distribuições de idade de 75-84, 85-90 e >90 anos foram consideradas. Em primeiro lugar, foram coletados dados sociodemográficos, tipo de fratura e dias de permanência hospitalar. Em segundo lugar, foram descritas funcionalidades de base (índice Barthel), ambulação, comprometimento cognitivo e comorbidades. Em terceiro lugar, determinaram-se a intervenção cirúrgica, a urgência, o tipo, os resultados da Associação Americana de Anestesiologistas (ASA), a causa não cirúrgica e os tratamentos farmacológicos iniciais. Finalmente, foram observadas complicações e características na alta hospitalar. RESULTADOS As faixas etárias não mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas (P <,05; R2 = ,000-,005) para sexo, tipo de fratura ou dias de permanência hospitalar. Foram apresentadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas (P <,05; R2 = ,011-,247) para o índice de Barthel, comprometimento cognitivo, demência, osteoporose, doença de Parkinson, estenose aórtica, tipo de cirurgia, pontuação ASA, causa não cirúrgica, benzodiazepínicos, antidementia, antiosteoporose, insulina, tratamentos farmacológicos, alteração da função renal, insuficiência cardíaca, destino e características de ambulação entre grupos etários. O restante das medidas não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa (P> 0,05; R2 = ,000-,010). CONCLUSÃO As distribuições de idade após 75 anos podem determinar a funcionalidade, comorbidades, características cirúrgicas, tratamentos farmacológicos de base, complicações e características na alta hospitalar de adultos mais velhos que sofrem fratura de quadril.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY BACKGROUND Hip fractures may be the greatest complication secondary to osteoporotic disorder. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of age distribution in the functionality, comorbidity, complications and surgical features of older adults with hip fractures. METHODS A prospective cohort study was carried out from 2013 to 2014. A sample of 557 adults over 75 years old with osteoporotic hip fractures was recruited from the Orthogeriatric Unit of the León University Hospital (Spain). Age distributions of 75–84, 85–90 and >90 years old were considered. Firstly, sociodemographic data, fracture type and hospital staying days were collected. Secondly, baseline functionality (Barthel index), ambulation, cognitive impairment and comorbidities were described. Thirdly, surgical intervention, urgency, type, American Association of Anesthesiologists (ASA) scores, non-surgical cause, and baseline pharmacologic treatments were determined. Finally, complications and features at hospital discharge were observed. RESULTS The age ranges did not show any statistically-significant differences (P<.05; R2=.000–.005) for gender, fracture type, or number of hospital staying days. Statistically-significant differences (P<.05; R2=.011–.247) between age groups were observed for Barthel index, cognitive impairment, dementia, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease, aortic stenosis, surgery type, ASA–score, non-surgical cause, benzodiazepines, antidementia, anti-osteoporosis, insulin, pharmacologic treatments, renal function alteration, heart failure, destination and ambulation features. All other measurements did not show statistically-significant differences (P>.05; R2=.000–.010). CONCLUSION Age distributions greater than 75 years old may determine the functionality, comorbidities, surgical features, baseline pharmacologic treatments, complications and features at hospital discharge for older adults who suffer a hip fracture.
  • Mecobalamin and early functional outcomes of ischemic stroke patients with H-type hypertension Original Article

    Yuan, Meixia; Wang, Beiyun; Tan, Shijin

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar o efeito de mecobalamin sobre os primeiros resultados funcionais de pacientes com AVC isquêmico e hipertensão H-type. MÉTODOS De outubro de 2014 a outubro de 2016, 224 casos de AVC isquêmico e hipertensão H-type foram selecionadas. Os pacientes foram divididos aleatoriamente em grupo de tratamento e grupo controle, com 112 doentes em cada grupo. O grupo controle foi tratado com a terapia de rotina. O grupo de observação foi tratado com 500 µg de mecobalamin três vezes por dia, além da rotina de tratamento. No segundo dia, 4 semanas, 8 semanas, 3 meses e 6 meses, comparamos níveis séricos da homocisteína (Hcy) e de hs-CRP, placas da carótida e pontuações NIHSS entre os dois grupos. RESULTADOS Após 4 semanas, 8 semanas, 3 meses e 6 meses, a diferença dos níveis séricos de Hcy entre os dois grupos foi estatisticamente significativa (t= 4,049, 3,896, 6,052, 6,159, respectivamente. Todos os P<0,05). Após o tratamento de 4 semanas, 8 semanas, 3 meses e 6 meses, os níveis de hs-CRP no grupo de tratamento foram significativamente inferiores aos do grupo controle (t=37,249, 28,376, 26,454, 20,522, respectivamente. Todos os P<0,01). Depois de 3 meses e 6 meses, as placas da artéria carótida foram significativamente reduzidas no tratamento, em comparação com os do grupo controle (t=2,309 e 2,434. Todos os P<0,05). Depois de 3 meses e 6 meses, as pontuações NIHSS foram significativamente mais elevadas no tratamento em comparação com as do grupo controle (t=2,455 e 2,193. Todos os P<0,05). CONCLUSÃO Mecobalamin pode reduzir o nível de homocisteína plasmática, o que conduz à redução dos níveis de plasma inflamatórios e do volume das placas na artéria carótida, resultando em maior recuperação funcional.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE To analyze the effect of mecobalamin on the early-functional outcomes of patients with ischemic stroke and H-type hypertension. METHODS From October of 2014 to October of 2016, 224 cases of ischemic stroke and H-type hypertension were selected. The patients were randomly divided into treatment control groups, with 112 patients in each group. The control group was treated with the conventional therapy. The observation group was treated with 500 µg of mecobalamin three times a day in addition to the conventional therapy. We compared serum homocysteine (Hcy), hs-CRP levels, carotid plaques, and NIHSS scores between the two groups on the 2nd day and at 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months. RESULTS After 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 3 months and 6 months, the difference of serum Hcy level between the two groups was statistically significant (t = 4.049, 3.896, 6.052, 6.159, respectively. All P <0.05). After the treatment, at 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 3 months and 6 months, the levels of hs-CRP in the treatment group were significantly lower than those in the control group (t = 37.249, 28.376, 26.454, 20.522, respectively. All P <0.01). After 3 months and 6 months, the carotid artery plaques were significantly reduced in the treatment group compared to those in the control group (t = 2.309 and 2.434. All P <0.05). After 3 months and 6 months, the NIHSS score was significantly higher in the treatment group compared to those in the control group (t = 2.455 and 2.193. All P <0.05). CONCLUSION Mecobalamin can reduce the level of plasma homocysteine, then lead to reductions of levels of plasma inflammatory factors and volume of carotid artery plaques, resulting in more significant functional recovery.
  • Evaluation of plaque characteristics in coronary artery patients with impaired glucose tolerance through optical coherence tomography Original Article

    Jing, Shenhong; Gao, Xuan; Yu, Bo; Qiao, Hong

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Com a adoção da tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT), o presente estudo visa as características dos impactos na placa trazidos pela tolerância diminuída à glicose (IGT) em pacientes com doença na artéria coronária. MÉTODOS Cento e cinquenta doentes com doença arterial coronária foram recrutados para este estudo. De acordo com a hemoglobina glicosilada (HbAlc), os pacientes foram divididos em grupos: tolerância normal à glicose (NGT), diminuição da glicemia de jejum (IFG), diminuição da tolerância à glicose (IGT) e diabetes mellitus (DM). Angiografia coronária (CAG) e OCT foram conduzidas para 150 doentes. RESULTADOS Existem 186 placas descobertas em 150 doentes (37, 40, 44 e 65 nos grupos NGT, IFG, IGT e DM, respectivamente). Em relação ao grupo NGT, o tamanho do núcleo lipídico, que é apresentado como o ângulo médio do arco lipídico, foi significativamente maior nos grupos IFG, IGT e DM (135,7 ± 32,7 Ê, 161,2 ± 55,7 Ê, 162,5 ± 55,8 Ê, e 170,2 ± 59,7 Ê, separadamente, os valores de P<0,05). Entretanto, a tampa sobre o núcleo de lipídios fibrosos no grupo NGT estava bem mais grossa do que nos grupos IFG, IGT e DM (115,7 ± 47,7μm vs. 77,7 ± 23,5 μm, 75,1 ± 23,2 µm, 71,2 ± 22,1 µm, todos os valores de P<0,05). CONCLUSÃO Placas coronárias na artéria coronária de pacientes com NDT são mais estáveis do que em doentes com IGT e DM.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE With the adoption of optical coherence tomography (OCT), this study targets the impacts on plaque characteristics brought about by impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in patients with coronary artery disease. METHODS For this study, 150 patients with coronary artery disease were recruited. Regarding glycosylated hemoglobin (HbAlc), the patients were sectioned into normal glucose tolerance (NGT), impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), and diabetes mellitus (DM) groups. Coronary angiography (CAG) and OCT were conducted for 150 patients. RESULTS There were 186 plaques discovered in 150 patients (37, 40, 44, and 65 in the NGT, IFG, IGT, and DM groups, respectively). Compared to the NGT group, the lipid core size, which is presented as the average angle of the lipid arc, was markedly larger in the IFG,IGT and DM groups ( 135.7 ± 32.7 Ê, 161.2 ± 55.7 Ê, 162.5 ± 55.8 Ê, and 170.2 ± 59.7 Ê, respectively, all P values< 0.05). Meanwhile, the fibrous cap over the lipid core in the NGT group was remarkably thicker than that in the IFG, IGT, and DM groups (115.7 ± 47.7 μm vs. 77.7 ± 23.5 μm, 75.1 ± 23.2 µm, 71.2 ± 22.1 µm, all P values<0.05). CONCLUSION Coronary plaques in coronary artery patients with NDT are more stable than in those with IGT and DM.
  • The serum homocysteine level in patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) after thrombolysis and its relationship with clinical outcomes Original Article

    Ling-Cong,; Hong-Zhao,; Yu-Wang,; Yu-Li,; Xin-Sui,

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO O presente estudo tem por objetivo investigar se a hiperhomocisteinemia (HHcy) afeta os resultados do tratamento trombolítico em pacientes com AVCI agudo. METODOLOGIA Uma amostra de 120 pacientes AVCI agudo foi recrutada e agrupada de acordo com os níveis séricos de homocisteína (Hcy). Uma avaliação nos padrões do National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) foi obtida antes do tratamento e 7 dias após ele para avaliar desfechos neurológicos e a escala de Rankin modificada foi utilizada 12 semanas depois para avaliar os desfechos funcionais. A curva ROC (Receiver Operating Caracteristic) foi utilizada para demonstrar a relação entre os níveis séricos de Hcy e os desfechos após tratamento com t-PA. RESULTADOS Os níveis séricos de Hcy de 120 pacientes foi de 27,57±20,17μmol/L. Os escores NIHSS dos pacientes no grupo de baixo nível de Hcy foram notavelmente mais baixos em comparação àqueles do grupo de nível mais alto (p<0,05), após 7 dias de tratamento. Além disso, os escores mRS dos pacientes no grupo de baixo nível de Hcy, após 12 semanas, foram consideravelmente mais baixos em comparação com os do grupo de alto nível (p<0,01). A curva ROC demonstrou que o nível sérico de Hcy tem relação com os desfechos clínicos do tratamento trombolítico com especificidade moderada (80,3%) e sensibilidade (58,2%). CONCLUSÃO Podemos concluir então que níveis séricos mais altos de Hcy podem prever desfechos clínicos piores para o tratamento trombolítico em pacientes com AVCI agudo.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE The present study aims to investigate whether hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) affects the outcomes of the thrombolytic treatment for patients with AIS. METHODS A sample of 120 AIS patients were recruited and grouped according to their serum homocysteine (Hcy) levels. The National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) was obtained before treatment and 7 days after it to evaluate neurological outcomes; modified Rankin Scale (mRS) was obtained 12 weeks later to assess functional outcomes. Receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was used to demonstrate the relationship between serum Hcy level and the outcomes after tPA treatment. RESULTS The serum Hcy level of 120 patients was of 27.57±20.17μmol/L. The NIHSS scores of the patients in the low Hcy level group were remarkably lower compared to those in the high-level group (p<0.05), after 7 days of treatment. In addition, the mRS scores of the patients in the low Hcy level group, after 12 weeks, were remarkably lower compared to those in the high-level group (p<0.01). ROC demonstrated that the serum Hcy level is related to the clinical outcomes of thrombolytic treatment with moderate specificity (80.3%) and sensitivity (58.2%). CONCLUSION In conclusion, higher serum Hcy levels can indicate poorer clinical outcomes of thrombolytic treatment in patients with AIS.
  • Success of promotion strategies for a stroke rehabilitation protocol Original Article

    Pires, Danielle Silveira; Boasquevisque, Danielle De Sá; Speciali, Danielli Souza; Silva, Gisele Sampaio; Conforto, Adriana Bastos

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Avaliar prospectivamente o sucesso de estratégias de divulgação de um protocolo de reabilitação motora para indivíduos com doenças cerebrovasculares no Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (HIAE). MÉTODOS Um ensaio clínico de neuromodulação e reabilitação para indivíduos com acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) e paresia do membro superior utilizou meios de divulgação digitais e meios tradicionais, não digitais. Foram calculadas frequências das modalidades de divulgação que alcançaram indivíduos potencialmente elegíveis para o protocolo. RESULTADOS Foram analisados dados de 80 indivíduos que manifestaram interesse em participar da pesquisa. As formas de divulgação mais frequentes que motivaram o contato foram redes sociais (38,8%) e informações fornecidas a médicos externos ao HIAE (23,8%). As frequências de contatos motivados por publicações na internet (53%) foram semelhantes às de contatos motivados por divulgações convencionais (47%) (p=0,288). Em relação às publicações sobre a pesquisa na internet, a divulgação pelo Facebook foi a mais eficiente, seguida pelo site do HIAE. CONCLUSÃO A divulgação de um protocolo de pesquisa em reabilitação por meio de publicações em redes sociais e sites pode ser tão eficaz quanto estratégias convencionais de comunicação. Estes resultados podem ter impacto no planejamento de ensaios clínicos, incluindo os que têm por objetivo avaliar efeitos de intervenções de reabilitação em indivíduos com AVC.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVE To prospectively evaluate the success of promotion strategies for a protocol of motor rehabilitation strategies for patients with stroke at Albert Einstein Hospital. METHODS In a clinical trial of neuromodulation and rehabilitation for patients with stroke, conventional methods of dissemination and publications about the research protocol in social networks or on the hospital’s website were performed. Frequencies of types of advertisements that reached potentially eligible subjects were calculated. RESULTS Data from 80 potentially eligible patients were analyzed. The types of ads that motivated contacts more frequently were social media (38.8%) and information provided to physicians from other hospitals (23.8%) (p=0,288). The frequencies of contacts motivated by publications on the internet (53%) and conventional strategies (47%) were similar. Facebook was the digital strategy associated with the higher number of contacts, followed by the hospital’s website. CONCLUSION Social networks and websites can be as effective as traditional methods of advertisement, in order to reach patients for stroke rehabilitation protocols. These results may have an impact on the planning of clinical trials, including studies that evaluate effects of rehabilitation interventions in patients with stroke.
  • The cardiac profile and electrocardiographic standard of at-height workers Original Article

    Soares, Tatiana; Irigoyen, Maria Claudia; Goldmeier, Sílvia

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO FUNDAMENTO O Programa de Controle Médico e Saúde Ocupacional estabelece a realização de exames complementares de acordo com a atividade exercida pelo trabalhador e os riscos a ela inerentes. A Norma Regulamentadora n0 35, implantada recentemente, estabelece que trabalhadores que exercem funções em altura realizem o eletrocardiograma como um exame complementar de rotina. OBJETIVO Avaliar o padrão eletrocardiográfico dos trabalhadores em altura por meio da realização do ECG de repouso. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal, desenvolvido de maio de 2014 a janeiro de 2015 com trabalhadores masculinos que exercem funções em altura. Foram coletados dados clínicos e demográficos e, após, realizado o eletrocardiograma (ECG). Os trabalhadores incluídos eram vinculados a um serviço de medicina do trabalho da Serra Gaúcha, destinado à realização de avaliação médica e exames ocupacionais. Todos foram avaliados pela pesquisadora. RESULTADOS Participaram 561 trabalhadores em altura. A média de idade foi de 35,9±12,2 anos, e 176 (31%) apresentaram alterações eletrocardiográficas na análise dos ECG de repouso. Das alterações do ECG de repouso, 15,7% foram atribuídas a alterações da repolarização ventricular; 8% como bloqueios de condução e 5,8% como sobrecarga de ventrículo esquerdo. As variáveis demográficas não estavam associadas com alterações no traçado eletrocardiográfico. CONCLUSÃO Este estudo verificou que a prevalência de sobrecarga de ventrículo esquerdo e alteração da repolarização ventricular, nos trabalhadores em altura, é maior quando comparada a estudos populacionais brasileiros. A associação de fatores de risco e alterações eletrocardiográficas em indivíduos difere de populações específicas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY BACKGROUND The Medical Control Program for Occupational Health establishes the required supplementary exams, according to the activity exercised by the worker and its inherent risks. The Regulatory Norm No. 35, recently deployed, stipulates that at-height workers must undergo electrocardiogram exams as an additional routine examination. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the electrocardiographic standard in at-height. METHODOLOGY A cross-sectional study, developed from May 2014 to January 2015 with male at-height workers. Anthropometric and clinical data were collected after the electrocardiogram (ECG). The workers included in the program were evaluated by an occupational medicine service of Serra Gaúcha, responsible for medical assessment and occupational tests. All workers were assessed by the researcher. RESULTS A total of 561 at-height workers participated in the study. The average age was 35.9 ± 12.2 years. A total of 176 (31%) presented electrocardiographic changes in the analysis of the resting ECG. Regarding the amendments in the resting ECG, 15.7% were attributed to changes in ventricular repolarization, 8% as blocks conductions, and 5.8% as left ventricular overload. Demographic variables were not associated with changes in the electrocardiographic tracing CONCLUSION This study demonstrated the electrocardiographic alterations and the profile of at-height workers. These findings can help determine prevention strategies and provide warnings of possible future harms to the health of these workers.
  • Analysis of influencing factors of severity in acute pancreatitis using big data mining Original Article

    Fei, Yang; Liu, Xiao-qiang; Gao, Kun; Xue, Cheng-bin; Tang, Liang; Tu, Jian-feng; Wang, Wei; Li, Wei-qin

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY OBJECTIVES To evaluate the epidemiological characteristics of acute pancreatitis (AP) and explore potential relationships between these factors and severity. METHODOLOGY Data-sets of 5,659 patients with AP from health statistics and the Information Center of Jiangsu province, between 2014 and 2016, were analyzed. A self-organizing map (SOM) neural network was used for data clustering. RESULTS Biliary acute pancreatitis (BAP) (86.7%) was the most frequent etiological factor. A total of 804 (14.2%) patients had severe acute pancreatitis (SAP). The mean age of patients was 53.7 + 17.3 (range 12~94y). Most of the AP patients were married (75.4%); 6% of mild /moderately severe AP (MAP/MASP) patients were unmarried, which was less than SAP patients (P=0.016). AP patients with blood type AB in the general population (8.8%) was significantly lower than that of AP cases (13.9%) (P=0.019) and SAP cases(18.7%) (P=0.007). The number of AP patients in southern Jiangsu was much higher than that in northern Jiangsu province, especially in Nanjing (1229, 21.7%). The proportion of acute alcoholic pancreatitis (AAP) in the north of Jiangsu (Xuzhou 18.4%) was much higher than that in southern Jiangsu (Suzhou 2.6%). The whole sample was divided into five classes by SOM neural network. If BAP patients were male, old, divorced, and blood type AB or B, they were more likely to develop SAP. Middle-age, unmarried or divorced male patients with blood type B/AB who suffered from HAP or AAP were also more likely to develop SAP. CONCLUSIONS The number of unmarried patients with MAP/MASP was smaller than that of SAP. Blood types AB and B were more frequent in AP, especially in SAP. The differences between southern Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu, in number of AP patients and the proportion of AAP, were significant. In class I and class IV, the ratio of SAP was much higher than in other classes and the whole sample.
  • The use of drugs and medical students: a literature review Review Article

    Candido, Fernando José; Souza, Rodrigo; Stumpf, Matheo Augusto; Fernandes, Luiz Gustavo; Veiga, Rafael; Santin, Matheus; Kluthcovsky, Ana

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO INTRODUÇÃO O consumo e o abuso de álcool e outras drogas estão cada vez mais presentes na vida dos estudantes universitários, e podem ser considerados problemas de saúde pública pelos potenciais prejuízos acarretados na saúde física e mental. No curso de medicina, as exigências acadêmicas e o estresse têm papel fundamental no aumento do uso de drogas entre os estudantes. OBJETIVO Realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre o uso de drogas, lícitas e ilícitas, em estudantes de medicina brasileiros. MÉTODOS Estudo de revisão de literatura, cuja fonte bibliográfica foram os portais de periódicos SciELO e Medline. No total, 99 artigos foram encontrados, dos quais 16 foram selecionados para esta revisão. RESULTADOS O álcool e o tabaco foram as drogas mais consumidas por estudantes de medicina. Dentre as drogas ilícitas, as mais frequentemente utilizadas incluem maconha, solventes, lança-perfume e ansiolíticos. O sexo masculino apresentou maior proporção de consumo de todos os tipos de drogas, com exceção de tranquilizantes. Foi encontrado um aumento da prevalência de consumo de drogas ao longo do curso de medicina, o que pode ser resultante do estresse próprio das atividades do curso. Estudantes que fazem menos uso de substâncias psicoativas tendem a viver com os pais, não possuir vínculos próximos com usuários de drogas, desaprovar o consumo de drogas, possuir e praticar crenças religiosas e trabalhar. CONCLUSÃO A prevalência de consumo de drogas lícitas e ilícitas entre estudantes de medicina é alta, mesmo eles tendo conhecimento sobre os malefícios que o uso pode causar.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY INTRODUCTION The consumption and abuse of alcohol and other drugs are increasingly present in the lives of university students and may already be considered a public health problem because of the direct impacts on the physical and mental health of these individuals. The requirements of the medical program play a vital role in the increasing rate of drug users. OBJECTIVES To carry out a systematic review of the literature on the use of drugs, licit or not, in Brazilian medical students. METHODS A descriptive-exploratory study, in which the SciELO and MEDLINE databases were used. A total of 99 articles were found, of which 16 were selected for this review. RESULTS Alcohol and tobacco were the most frequently used licit drugs among medical students. The most consumed illicit drugs were marijuana, solvents, “lança-perfume” (ether spray), and anxiolytics. The male genre presented a tendency of consuming more significant amounts of all kinds of drugs, with the exception of tranquilizers. It was found an increasing prevalence of drug consumption in medical students, as the program progressed, which may result from the intrinsic stress from medical school activities. Students who do not use psychoactive drugs are more likely to live with their parents, to disapprove drugs consumption, to practice religious beliefs and to be employed. Conclusion The prevalence of licit and illicit drug use among medical students is high, even though they understand the injuries it may cause.
  • Are women living with HIV prone to osteoporosis in postmenopause? A systematic review Review Article

    Cezarino, Pérsio Yvon Adri; Simões, Ricardo dos Santos; Baracat, Edmund Chadat; Soares Junior, José Maria

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY BACKGROUND Some researchers have suggested that HIV infections can increase the cytokines, which might interfere with the bone metabolism and increase the risk of bone mass loss. However, this issue has yet to be consolidated in postmenopausal women. OBJECTIVE To analyze studies that evaluated the loss of bone mass through DEXA in women living with HIV. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA guideline. The MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane databases were consulted from January 1987 to March 2017. Studies assessing bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women living with HIV were included. The secondary outcome was to evaluate the impact of antiretroviral on BMD. RESULTS Sixty percent of the manuscripts suggested that women living with HIV had more bone loss than women in the control group, mainly in the lumbar spine. Forty percent did not observe any difference between groups. One study reported the influence of antiretroviral drugs on bone mass but did not find any difference between groups. CONCLUSION Our data suggest that HIV infections may have a negative influence on bone mass loss in women. Further studies on the mechanism of this HIV consequence are necessary to clarify the connection as well as the impact of the antiretroviral action on BMD in postmenopausal women.
  • Traditional and ultrasound physical examinations: a hybrid approach to improve clinical care Review Article

    Bastos, Marcus Gomes; Novaes, Ana Karine Brandão; Pazeli Jr, José Muniz Pazeli

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SUMMARY Point-of-care ultrasonography, which is performed at the bedside by physicians who are not specialists in imaging, has become possible thanks to recent technological advances that have allowed for a device with greater portability while maintaining image quality. The increasing use of point-of-care ultrasonography in different specialties has made it possible to expand physical examinations, make timely decisions about the patients and allows the performance of safer medical procedures. In this review, three cases from our experience are presented that highlight the use of point-of-care ultrasonography by clinicians. Bedside ultrasonography is a convenient modality used in a clinical setting to aid in early diagnosis of several common conditions. It is suggested that a hybrid approach of physical examination and point-of-care ultrasonography in the everyday clinical practice is an inevitable change of paradigm that is improving quality of care in a variety of clinical settings.
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