This study aimed the characterization of the importance of vaccination against Newcastle disease of white Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos). There were used 120 Pekin ducks, distributed at random into 4 groups, vaccinated or not. At 60 days of age, all groups were challenged with a pathogenic virus (NDV) suspension, EID50 = 108.15/0.1 mL and a group of Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) chicks were used as control of the virus. Cloacal and tracheal swabs from each bird were collected after 6, 14, 20 and 30 days post-challenge for viral isolation in SPF embryonated eggs. White Pekin ducks of all groups did not demonstrate symptoms of the Newcastle Disease (ND). They were refractory to the ND clinical disease. In Pekin ducks from control group, the viral isolation was obtained from 20 up to 30 days after challenge. The NDV isolation was possible in 100% of SPF chicks that died after challenge with ND clinical signs, suggesting the possible state of carrier of NDV by Pekin ducks. In vaccinated groups, the viral isolation was null. It was also demonstrated therefore the relevance of the vaccination to control the virus dissemination by white Pekin ducks infected with NDV.
KEY WORDS Pekin duck; Anas platyrhynchos ; Newcastle Disease; NDV carrier; vaccination