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COVID-19 prevention strategies during the return to activities in a Speech Therapy Teaching Clinic



Describe the preventive strategies used during the COVID-19 pandemic in the return of academic and health care activities in a Speech Therapy Teaching Clinic at a Brazilian public university.


This is a descriptive study based on documentary research. The strategies were based on official recommendations from national and international institutions and/or organizations to combat COVID-19 published between March and June 2020. The strategic plan included an analysis of the clinic’s infrastructure, material and human resources, and user profile. The results are presented descriptively.


Actions based on the health recommendations to face the COVID-19 pandemic published until then considered adaptations to the infrastructure, care for the environment, and planning and implementation of a new health care routine and a biosafety protocol. The technical-scientific support provided by professionals in the field of biosafety was essential to assess local risks and establish preventive measures.


A detailed description of strategies is a guiding instrument for the return to activities in the safest manner. To be effective, strategies to combat infections of any nature should be formulated considering the particularities of each health care environment. The new routines should contemplate the local socioeconomic reality and fulfill the academic and social objectives of the Speech Therapy Teaching Clinic, but they should be revised by the management team periodically or as the local health situation evolves.

Containment of Biohazards; Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences; Education, Continuing; Coronavirus Infections; Public Health



Descrever as estratégias utilizadas durante o período da pandemia de COVID-19 para o retorno das atividades acadêmicas e assistenciais em saúde da Clínica Escola de Fonoaudiologia de uma universidade pública brasileira.


Estudo descritivo, baseado em pesquisa documental. Para embasar as estratégias, foram utilizadas recomendações oficiais de instituições ou organizações nacionais ou internacionais no combate da COVID-19 publicadas entre os meses de março e junho de 2020. O plano estratégico proposto partiu da análise do serviço considerando as dimensões: infraestrutura, recursos materiais, recursos humanos e perfil dos usuários. Os resultados foram apresentados de forma descritiva.


Foram planejadas ações referentes a adaptações na infraestrutura, cuidados com o ambiente, planejamento e implementação da nova rotina de atendimento e protocolo de biossegurança, fundamentadas nas recomendações sanitárias para enfrentamento da situação sanitária publicadas até o momento. O apoio técnico-científico de profissionais do campo da biossegurança foi fundamental na avaliação dos riscos locais e no estabelecimento de medidas de prevenção.


A descrição detalhada serve como instrumento norteador para o retorno das atividades com o máximo de segurança possível. Para que sejam eficazes, as estratégias de combate a infecções de qualquer natureza devem levar em consideração, no momento de sua formulação, as particularidades que cada ambiente de assistência à saúde possui. As novas rotinas devem contemplar a realidade socioeconômica local e permitir o cumprimento dos objetivos acadêmicos e sociais da Clínica Escola, mas devem ser revistas em períodos preestabelecidos pelos gestores ou de acordo com a evolução da situação sanitária local.

Contenção de Riscos Biológicos; Fonoaudiologia; Educação Continuada; Infecções por CoronavÍrus; Saúde Coletiva


On March 11, 2020, due to the large worldwide number of infections caused by the novel Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) a pandemic(11 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Coronavírus COVID-19. O que você precisa saber [Internet]. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:
). The disease is transmitted through contact with secretions from infected people, such as droplets of saliva, coughing and sneezing, or through contact with contaminated objects and surfaces(22 IRRD: Instituto para Redução de Riscos e Desastres de Pernambuco. LIKA: Laboratório de Imunopatologia Keizo Asami. COVID-19: orientações para profissionais de saúde. Décima primeira Edição [Internet]. Recife: IRRD/UFRPE/LIKA/UFPE; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 12]. Disponível em:
,33 OPAS: Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde. Folha informativa – COVID-19 (doença causada pelo novo coronavírus) [Internet]. OPAS; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 16]. Disponível em:
). From those infected with the COVID-19 virus, approximately 80% will be asymptomatic or experience mild to moderate symptoms. People aged >60 years or those with underlying clinical conditions may need hospital care for breathing difficulties, and ¼ of these individuals may require ventilatory support to treat respiratory failure(11 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Coronavírus COVID-19. O que você precisa saber [Internet]. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:

2 IRRD: Instituto para Redução de Riscos e Desastres de Pernambuco. LIKA: Laboratório de Imunopatologia Keizo Asami. COVID-19: orientações para profissionais de saúde. Décima primeira Edição [Internet]. Recife: IRRD/UFRPE/LIKA/UFPE; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 12]. Disponível em:
-33 OPAS: Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde. Folha informativa – COVID-19 (doença causada pelo novo coronavírus) [Internet]. OPAS; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 16]. Disponível em:
). In addition to the respiratory system, COVID-19 can also affect the vascular, nervous and immune systems. The most common symptoms include fever, dry cough, and breathing difficulties, which can manifest between two and 14 days after contact with the virus(22 IRRD: Instituto para Redução de Riscos e Desastres de Pernambuco. LIKA: Laboratório de Imunopatologia Keizo Asami. COVID-19: orientações para profissionais de saúde. Décima primeira Edição [Internet]. Recife: IRRD/UFRPE/LIKA/UFPE; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 12]. Disponível em:

The seriousness of this situation requires prioritizing infection prevention measures, reducing disease transmission, and providing COVID-19 patients with adequate treatment(11 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Coronavírus COVID-19. O que você precisa saber [Internet]. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:
,22 IRRD: Instituto para Redução de Riscos e Desastres de Pernambuco. LIKA: Laboratório de Imunopatologia Keizo Asami. COVID-19: orientações para profissionais de saúde. Décima primeira Edição [Internet]. Recife: IRRD/UFRPE/LIKA/UFPE; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 12]. Disponível em:
,44 PAHO: Pan American Health Organization. Rapid Assessment of service delivery for NDCs during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Americas [Internet]. PAHO; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:
). In addition, other diseases and health conditions continue to demand treatment, often continued, and represent the greatest burden on health systems(44 PAHO: Pan American Health Organization. Rapid Assessment of service delivery for NDCs during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Americas [Internet]. PAHO; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the WHO have been supporting different countries, including Brazil, by providing the governments with tools that assist in making decisions about non-pharmacological, mental health promotion and social distancing measures based on indicators of epidemic scenarios(33 OPAS: Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde. Folha informativa – COVID-19 (doença causada pelo novo coronavírus) [Internet]. OPAS; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 16]. Disponível em:
). The guidelines of national and international institutions recommend the general behaviors to be adopted during health emergencies; however, specific actions should be planned and implemented by the managers of each health unit respecting their social, cultural and financial characteristics(33 OPAS: Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde. Folha informativa – COVID-19 (doença causada pelo novo coronavírus) [Internet]. OPAS; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 16]. Disponível em:
,44 PAHO: Pan American Health Organization. Rapid Assessment of service delivery for NDCs during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Americas [Internet]. PAHO; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:

Speech Therapy Teaching Clinics are spaces for academic training of speech-language pathology (SLP) professionals that provide their users with speech-language health care related to the prevention, assessment and treatment of communication disorders. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these clinics had to suspend their activities after the publication of ordinance no. 343 of the Brazilian Ministry of Education on March 17, 2020(55 Brasil. Ministério da Educação. Portaria n° 343, de 17 de março de 2020. Dispõe sobre a substituição das aulas presenciais por aulas em meios digitais enquanto durar a situação de pandemia do Novo Coronavírus - COVID-19 [Internet]. Diário Oficial da União; Brasília; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:
). On March 19, 2020, the Federal Speech-language Pathology and Audiology Council (CFFa) recommended the suspension of outpatient speech therapy services and elective procedures and exams through its recommendation no. 19(66 Brasil. Conselho Federal de Fonoaudiologia. Recomendação CFFa nº 19, de 19 de março de 2020 [Internet]. Diário Oficial da União; Brasília; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Maio 11]. Disponível em:

In many countries, impacts on the health of socially vulnerable populations are likely to occur as a result of the suspension of public assistance services, as pointed out in a recent PAHO/WHO document on rehabilitation services(44 PAHO: Pan American Health Organization. Rapid Assessment of service delivery for NDCs during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Americas [Internet]. PAHO; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:

Return to the activities should occur gradually and using systematic prevention and long-term control strategies that guarantee the safety of the population and quality and biosafety standards in different health care practices(77 Zhang W. Manual de Prevenção e Controle da COVID-19 segundo o Doutor Wenhong Zhang [Internet]. São Paulo: Polo Books; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:
). In this context, this study aimed to describe the prevention strategies used during the COVID-19 pandemic in the return to academic and health care activities in a Speech Therapy Teaching Clinic at a Brazilian public university.


We performed a descriptive study based on documentary research in a Speech Therapy Teaching Clinic of a Brazilian public university that has been providing specialized speech-language assistance to the population of the city where it is located, as well as to the populations of the municipalities that belong to its health microregion for six years.

At the time of this study, the Clinic had eight rooms for therapeutic care, two rooms for audiological assessment, and two rooms for the supervision and guidance of SLP undergraduate students. This Clinic provides free services, individually or in group, in all speech therapy clinical areas. The teaching activities are directed to mandatory and non-mandatory curricular internships and practical classes of compulsory or optional disciplines of the SLP undergraduate course. University research and extension activities are also developed in the space.

The actions were planned with assistance of the local Biosafety Commission of the Institution and their preparation considered the Clinic's infrastructure and the economic reality of Brazilian public universities. The strategies were defined in two axes: (i) organization of the Clinic’s spaces and (ii) new biosafety procedures and adaptations to the health care and teaching routines.

To support the process of preparing the strategic action plan for the service in question, documentary searches were conducted on the official websites of national and international health institutions and/or organizations and professional bodies. Official documents and scientific articles and books with recommendations on precautionary and preventive measures to combat COVID-19 were included in this study. The search period was oriented according to the progress of the pandemic and occurred between March and August 2020.

The results are presented descriptively in tables that summarize the main recommendations and the proposed strategic plan to be implemented in the analyzed service.


The search retrieved 19 documents: four (21%) scientific articles/books and 15 (79%) official documents from national and international institutions and/or organizations. Box 1 shows a synthesis of the documents identified during the study period.

Box 1
Main recommendations applicable to the operation of health care services in the COVID-19 pandemic

Considering the set of recommendations identified in the documentary research and the reality of the service, the management team of the Speech Therapy Teaching Clinic aimed to develop a strategic action plan that would ensure continuity of the mandatory activities for the training of SLP undergraduate students (internships and practices), and the health assistance to the community as safely as possible. To this end, the following measures were adopted: changes in the organization of the Clinic’s infrastructure, adaptations to its health care routine, and implementation of a biosafety protocol, considering the specificities of COVID-19. These measures comprised the strategic action plan for the service, as shown in Box 2.

Box 2
Strategic action plan for the return to activities in the health care service studied


The COVID-19 pandemic has been a major concern for public health authorities worldwide, and initially caused the disruption of many health and education services in the affected countries(11 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Coronavírus COVID-19. O que você precisa saber [Internet]. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:

2 IRRD: Instituto para Redução de Riscos e Desastres de Pernambuco. LIKA: Laboratório de Imunopatologia Keizo Asami. COVID-19: orientações para profissionais de saúde. Décima primeira Edição [Internet]. Recife: IRRD/UFRPE/LIKA/UFPE; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 12]. Disponível em:
-33 OPAS: Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde. Folha informativa – COVID-19 (doença causada pelo novo coronavírus) [Internet]. OPAS; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 16]. Disponível em:
). According to the PAHO, to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, countries and their health institutions should be able to respond with enough human resources and skills appropriate to the needs of their populations(1414 OPS: Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Lista de verificación para la gestión de los trabajadores de salud durante la respuesta a la COVID-19 [Internet]. OPS; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 16]. Disponível em:

The literature highlights that the only way to slow the spread of the novel SARS-CoV-2 is to control the source of infection, interrupt the route of transmission, and protect susceptible people(77 Zhang W. Manual de Prevenção e Controle da COVID-19 segundo o Doutor Wenhong Zhang [Internet]. São Paulo: Polo Books; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:
). However, the participation of each citizen is indispensable and, to ensure participation, it is essential that the different spheres of government present a solid social assistance policy that guarantees active cooperation and personal protection(77 Zhang W. Manual de Prevenção e Controle da COVID-19 segundo o Doutor Wenhong Zhang [Internet]. São Paulo: Polo Books; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:

In Brazil, according to the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), organizational policies and practices should be structured in such a way as to minimize the exposure of health professionals, both in pre-hospital settings and other health units(1515 Brasil. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA. Orientações para serviços de saúde: medidas de prevenção e controle que devem ser adotadas durante a assistência aos casos suspeitos ou confirmados de infecção pelo novo coronavírus (sars-cov-2) [Internet]. Brasília: ANVISA; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Maio 25]. Disponível em:
). Some speech therapy practices expose professionals to a high risk of contamination through air and contact; therefore, efforts by management teams to review and adapt their internal guidelines and protocols should be valued(33 OPAS: Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde. Folha informativa – COVID-19 (doença causada pelo novo coronavírus) [Internet]. OPAS; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 16]. Disponível em:
,44 PAHO: Pan American Health Organization. Rapid Assessment of service delivery for NDCs during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Americas [Internet]. PAHO; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:
,1717 Gallasch CH, Cunha ML, Pereira LAS, Silva-Junior JS. Prevenção relacionada à exposição ocupacional: COVID-19. Rev Enferm UERJ. [Internet]. 2020;28:e49596. [acesso em 2020 Maio 20]. Disponível em:

Support and collaboration between the different levels of organization in health units are essential(1717 Gallasch CH, Cunha ML, Pereira LAS, Silva-Junior JS. Prevenção relacionada à exposição ocupacional: COVID-19. Rev Enferm UERJ. [Internet]. 2020;28:e49596. [acesso em 2020 Maio 20]. Disponível em:
). Biosafety and Hospital Infection Control Commissions can assist the management teams of the different health services, including those of speech therapy. The training of all professionals involved in health care, as well as the guarantee of PPE supply are essential to achieve satisfactory responses to control the spread of COVID-19 infection(1717 Gallasch CH, Cunha ML, Pereira LAS, Silva-Junior JS. Prevenção relacionada à exposição ocupacional: COVID-19. Rev Enferm UERJ. [Internet]. 2020;28:e49596. [acesso em 2020 Maio 20]. Disponível em:
). It is noteworthy that, as COVID-19 has been recently discovered, training programs and protocols should be frequently updated, which is a technical responsibility of health managers, researchers and professionals(1717 Gallasch CH, Cunha ML, Pereira LAS, Silva-Junior JS. Prevenção relacionada à exposição ocupacional: COVID-19. Rev Enferm UERJ. [Internet]. 2020;28:e49596. [acesso em 2020 Maio 20]. Disponível em:

Health service managers should develop an action plan that includes adjustments in the assistance flow (conducts and procedures) and health control of their users and professionals(1414 OPS: Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Lista de verificación para la gestión de los trabajadores de salud durante la respuesta a la COVID-19 [Internet]. OPS; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 16]. Disponível em:
,1717 Gallasch CH, Cunha ML, Pereira LAS, Silva-Junior JS. Prevenção relacionada à exposição ocupacional: COVID-19. Rev Enferm UERJ. [Internet]. 2020;28:e49596. [acesso em 2020 Maio 20]. Disponível em:
). In the case of educational institutions that host health courses and services, other concerns, in addition to assistance, should be addressed. Keeping students away from the clinical routine needed for their training hinders their education and creates gaps in their knowledge. Some researchers have pointed out that the distancing caused by the suspension of practical health activities can generate blockages in the students’ knowledge, including of the pathogen responsible for their withdrawal(1818 Quadri NS, Thielen BK, Erayil SE, Gulleen EA, Krohn K. Deploying medical students to combat misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Acad Pediatr. [Internet]. 2020;20:762-3 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:

The PAHO emphasizes that, to guarantee the safety of health workers it is necessary, among other recommendations, to ensure satisfactory training through a viable training plan; move professionals away from risk groups; guarantee preventive measures; provide information, instructions and training; acquire and distribute an adequate number of PPE; implement protocols and systems to manage and monitor cases; ensure that employees know how to identify and report all symptoms(1414 OPS: Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Lista de verificación para la gestión de los trabajadores de salud durante la respuesta a la COVID-19 [Internet]. OPS; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 16]. Disponível em:

Aiming to assist with decision-making, the Brazilian Society of Speech Therapy (SBFa) and the Federal Speech-language Pathology and Audiology Council (CFFa) jointly issued a document that guides the return to teaching activities and that, among other recommendations, includes care with biosafety as one of the needs in this resumption(1919 SBFa: Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia e Conselho Federal de Fonoaudiologia. Considerações para a retomada das atividades de ensino em fonoaudiologia nos tempos da pandemia de COVID-19 [livro eletrônico]. São Paulo: SBFa; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:
). In parallel, the CFFa published the second edition of its Biosafety Manual, which guides professionals on the risks and procedures necessary for the safety of patients, environments, and professionals. These actions seek to assist professionals with the continuity of their activities, guarantee speech therapy assistance in other health conditions, and strengthen the fight against the pandemic(2020 CFFa: Conselho Federal de Fonoaudiologia. Manual de biossegurança [Internet]. 2. ed. Brasília: CFFa; 2020. [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:

The National Health Council (CNS), through recommendation no. 048 of 01 July 2020, instructs the Brazilian Ministry of Education to observe technical opinion no. 162/2020 regarding internships and practices in the health field during the COVID-19 pandemic. This opinion points out that the interrelational skills fundamental to health professionals, which are provided and maintained in direct contact with the patients (users), cannot be achieved with the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and, therefore, should proceed in person based on active and responsible cooperation. Thus, the CNS calls on federal, state and municipal higher education institutions to safely mobilize all their cognitive and operational resources in strengthening the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS)(2121 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Recomendação nº 048, de 01 de julho de 2020. Recomenda ao Ministério da Educação, que observe o Parecer Técnico nº 162/2020, no que diz respeito a estágios e práticas na área da saúde durante a pandemia de Covid-19 [Internet]. Diário Oficial da União; Brasília; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:

Normally, during health care, the safety of users and patients is ensured by applying standard precautions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, health services need to adjust their protocols through administrative, environmental, assistance or engineering measures. These measures should be adopted even before the patients’ arrival and after they leave the service(1717 Gallasch CH, Cunha ML, Pereira LAS, Silva-Junior JS. Prevenção relacionada à exposição ocupacional: COVID-19. Rev Enferm UERJ. [Internet]. 2020;28:e49596. [acesso em 2020 Maio 20]. Disponível em:
), as foreseen in the action plan proposed for the Speech Therapy Teaching Clinic in question (Box 2).

Measures such as rescheduling elective procedures and conducting interviews and prior guidance on signs and symptoms can reduce the transmission of pathogens in the health care environment(1717 Gallasch CH, Cunha ML, Pereira LAS, Silva-Junior JS. Prevenção relacionada à exposição ocupacional: COVID-19. Rev Enferm UERJ. [Internet]. 2020;28:e49596. [acesso em 2020 Maio 20]. Disponível em:
). Upon arrival at the Clinic, other preventive measures should be adopted, such as requirement for the continued use of masks by users and companions, guidance on hand washing, and maintenance of social distancing(99 OPAS: Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde. Orientação sobre o uso de máscaras no contexto da COVID-19. Orientação provisória 06 de abril de 2020 [Internet]. OPAS; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Abr 8]. Disponível em:

Different institutions and authors have recommended that health professionals wear surgical masks or respirators during care(22 IRRD: Instituto para Redução de Riscos e Desastres de Pernambuco. LIKA: Laboratório de Imunopatologia Keizo Asami. COVID-19: orientações para profissionais de saúde. Décima primeira Edição [Internet]. Recife: IRRD/UFRPE/LIKA/UFPE; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 12]. Disponível em:
,44 PAHO: Pan American Health Organization. Rapid Assessment of service delivery for NDCs during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Americas [Internet]. PAHO; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:
,77 Zhang W. Manual de Prevenção e Controle da COVID-19 segundo o Doutor Wenhong Zhang [Internet]. São Paulo: Polo Books; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:
,99 OPAS: Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde. Orientação sobre o uso de máscaras no contexto da COVID-19. Orientação provisória 06 de abril de 2020 [Internet]. OPAS; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Abr 8]. Disponível em:
,1010 PAHO: Pan American Health Organization. Care for health workers exposed to the new coronavirus (COVID-19) in health facilities [Internet]. PAHO; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:
). The PAHO has strongly encouraged public health authorities to advise the community on the use of fabric masks, even by healthy people and in open environments(99 OPAS: Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde. Orientação sobre o uso de máscaras no contexto da COVID-19. Orientação provisória 06 de abril de 2020 [Internet]. OPAS; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Abr 8]. Disponível em:
). Although there is no scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness and efficiency of fabric masks to date, partnerships have been established so that research on the topic can be conducted. The PAHO points out that the use of masks alone, as a source control, is not sufficient to reduce the COVID-19 transmissibility; other measures such as hand washing, social distancing, and respiratory etiquette should be adopted(99 OPAS: Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde. Orientação sobre o uso de máscaras no contexto da COVID-19. Orientação provisória 06 de abril de 2020 [Internet]. OPAS; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Abr 8]. Disponível em:
,1515 Brasil. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA. Orientações para serviços de saúde: medidas de prevenção e controle que devem ser adotadas durante a assistência aos casos suspeitos ou confirmados de infecção pelo novo coronavírus (sars-cov-2) [Internet]. Brasília: ANVISA; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Maio 25]. Disponível em:
,1717 Gallasch CH, Cunha ML, Pereira LAS, Silva-Junior JS. Prevenção relacionada à exposição ocupacional: COVID-19. Rev Enferm UERJ. [Internet]. 2020;28:e49596. [acesso em 2020 Maio 20]. Disponível em:

The use of other PPE such as caps, waterproof aprons, and eye protectors (safety glasses or face shields) should be evaluated according to the need arising from the type of speech therapy procedure performed. The Brazilian Academy of Audiology (ABA) advises, by means of a technical note, that if contact with the patient is very close, a disposable apron should be used, and recommends that a type of eye cover should always be used during consultations(1616 ABA: Academia Brasileira de Audiologia. Nota Técnica – Recomendações para o retorno da prática em Audiologia [Internet]. ABA; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:

Hand hygiene can be performed by washing with liquid soap or applying 70% alcoholic solution(1515 Brasil. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA. Orientações para serviços de saúde: medidas de prevenção e controle que devem ser adotadas durante a assistência aos casos suspeitos ou confirmados de infecção pelo novo coronavírus (sars-cov-2) [Internet]. Brasília: ANVISA; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Maio 25]. Disponível em:
,1717 Gallasch CH, Cunha ML, Pereira LAS, Silva-Junior JS. Prevenção relacionada à exposição ocupacional: COVID-19. Rev Enferm UERJ. [Internet]. 2020;28:e49596. [acesso em 2020 Maio 20]. Disponível em:
). According to ANVISA, hands should be washed when they are contaminated, visibly soiled, before and after contact with patients, immediately after removing gloves, immediately after contact with body secretions, blood or contaminated objects, and between procedures(1515 Brasil. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA. Orientações para serviços de saúde: medidas de prevenção e controle que devem ser adotadas durante a assistência aos casos suspeitos ou confirmados de infecção pelo novo coronavírus (sars-cov-2) [Internet]. Brasília: ANVISA; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Maio 25]. Disponível em:
). Cleaning with 70% alcoholic solution is recommended by the WHO because it is accessible, well tolerated, cost effective, and for its fast and broad spectrum microbicidal activity, with minimal risk of resistance to antimicrobial agents(88 OMS: Organizatión Mundial de la Salud. Guía para la elaboración a nivel local: formulaciones recomendadas por la OMS para la desinfección de las manos [Internet]. OMS; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 15]. Disponível em:
). Cleaning with alcohol 70% should be performed before and after contact with the patient, before putting on gloves or performing procedures, after contact with possibly contaminated objects, and after removing gloves. Training and visual alerts regarding the need and the appropriate technique can reinforce the conduct and ensure greater safety(88 OMS: Organizatión Mundial de la Salud. Guía para la elaboración a nivel local: formulaciones recomendadas por la OMS para la desinfección de las manos [Internet]. OMS; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 15]. Disponível em:
,1515 Brasil. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA. Orientações para serviços de saúde: medidas de prevenção e controle que devem ser adotadas durante a assistência aos casos suspeitos ou confirmados de infecção pelo novo coronavírus (sars-cov-2) [Internet]. Brasília: ANVISA; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Maio 25]. Disponível em:

Care with assistance environments deserves to be highlighted at this time. All furniture (tables, chairs, shelves, etc.), objects (pens, games, papers, etc.), equipment (computers, tablets, cell phones, etc.), and structure (walls, switches, handles, sinks, doors, etc.) need be cleaned to prevent further transmission(1313 WHO: Word Health Organization. Cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19 [Internet]. WHO; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 15]. Disponível em:

SARS-CoV-2, as the other coronaviruses, has a fragile external lipid envelope, which makes it susceptible to disinfectants. A study that evaluated virus persistence on different surfaces found that the COVID-19 virus remained intact for up to one day on fabric and wood, two days on glass, four days on stainless steel and plastic, and up to seven days on the outer layer of a mask(1111 Chin AWH, Chu JTS, Perera MRA, Hui KPY, Yen HL, Chan MCW, et al. Stability of SARS-CoV2 in different environmental conditions. Lancet Microbe. 2020;1(1):e10. PMID: 32835322.
). Another study reported that the virus maintains its integrity for 4 h on copper, 24 h on cardboard, and up to 72 h on plastic and stainless steel(1212 van Doremalen N, Bushmaker T, Morris DH, Holbrook MG, Gamble A, Williamson BN, et al. Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS-CoV-2 as Compared with SARS-CoV-1. N Engl J Med. 2020;382(16):1564-7. PMid:32182409.
). The results of these studies should be interpreted with caution since they were conducted under laboratory conditions and in the absence of cleaning and disinfection practices(1313 WHO: Word Health Organization. Cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19 [Internet]. WHO; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 15]. Disponível em:

During the disinfection process, it is important to note that before any environment cleaning procedure, previous cleaning with water and soap (or neutral detergent) should be performed, accompanied by some mechanical action, such as rubbing or brushing. In this way, dirt, debris, and organic matter such as secretions and blood are removed or reduced. Organic matter can prevent the direct contact of the substance with the surface and inactivate the germicidal properties or the mode of action of various disinfectants(1313 WHO: Word Health Organization. Cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19 [Internet]. WHO; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 15]. Disponível em:
). Disinfectant substances should always be properly prepared and used according to the manufacturer's recommendation(1313 WHO: Word Health Organization. Cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19 [Internet]. WHO; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 15]. Disponível em:
,1616 ABA: Academia Brasileira de Audiologia. Nota Técnica – Recomendações para o retorno da prática em Audiologia [Internet]. ABA; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 18]. Disponível em:
). Preparations that are too weak or too strong can reduce the effectiveness of the product or damage the surface, respectively. Training the professionals responsible for cleaning the environments is essential for the effectiveness of the action. Visual alerts are useful to remind and guide professionals about their technical actions(1313 WHO: Word Health Organization. Cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19 [Internet]. WHO; 2020 [acesso em 2020 Jun 15]. Disponível em:


Careful planning of adaptations to infrastructure and service routines allows the return to health care activities even in times of global health emergency. A detailed protocol is a facilitating tool for the return to activities with the greatest safety possible.

However, to be effective, strategies to combat infections of any nature should be formulated considering the particularities of each health care environment. The new routines should contemplate the local socioeconomic reality and fulfill the academic and social objectives of the Speech Therapy Teaching Clinic, but they should be revised by the management team periodically or as the local health situation evolves.


We would like to thank the members of the Biosafety Commission of the Nova Friburgo Health Institute, Professor Renato Guimarães Varges and Professor Aline Cardoso Caseca, for all their support and contributions.

  • Study conducted at Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF - Nova Friburgo (RJ), Brasil.
  • Financial support: nothing to declare


Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    22 Oct 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    13 July 2020
  • Accepted
    07 Oct 2020
Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia Al. Jaú, 684, 7º andar, 01420-002 São Paulo - SP Brasil, Tel./Fax 55 11 - 3873-4211 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil