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Artigo "Advanced techniques using the plant as indicator of irrigation management" publicado no fascículo v45n5 de maio da Ciência Rural páginas 821-827 sem a inclusão de duas citações e correspondentes referências, onde se lia:

"In the case that the irrigated plant is considered in isolation, such as in an orchard, for example, the biggest problem is to determine the volume of water to be applied for each time period and the moment it should be applied. This is due to the little knowledge about the amount of water used by a plant during its transpiration with the soil in excellent water conditions."

"Plant indicators have been used, primarily in research, as methods for estimating water stress; and their practical applications in irrigation management are still being developed."


"In the case that the irrigated plant is considered in isolation, such as in an orchard, for example, the biggest problem is to determine the volume of water to be applied (ROJAS and ANGELOCCI, 2000) for each time period and the moment it should be applied. This is due to the little knowledge about the amount of water used by a plant during its transpiration with the soil in excellent water conditions (ROJAS and ANGELOCCI, 2000)."

"Plant indicators have been used, primarily in research, as methods for estimating water stress; and their practical applications in irrigation management are still being developed (NAOR and COHEN, 2003)."

NAOR, A.; COHEN, S. Sensitivity and variability of maximum trunk shrinkage, midday stem water potential, and transpiration rate in response to with holding irrigation from fiel-grown apple trees. Hortscience v.38, n.4, p.547-551, 2003. Available from: <>. Acessed: Sep. 01, 2013.

ROJAS, J.S.D.; ANGELOCCI, L.R. Desempenho do dendrômetro de precisão na medida de deslocamento radial do caule de lima ácida "Tahiti" em resposta às diferentes condições ambientais. In: XI Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 2000, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... XI Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia. Rio de Janeiro: Associação Brasileira de Meteorologia, 2000. Para a versão correta, acesse:

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    Fev 2016
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