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Comparison of meat quality from Naïma and DanBred hybrid sows mated with P-76 boars

Comparação da qualidade da carne de porcas híbridas Naïma e DanBred acasaladas com machos P-76


The objective of this study was the comparative analysis of selected attributes of nutritional and technological quality of pork from Naïma and DanBred gilts mated with P-76 boars. The research was carried on 50 pigs (25 in each group) reared under the same environmental conditions and slaughtered at about 115±5.0 kg. Both analyzed crossbreds populations were characterized by overall good nutritional and technological quality. However the loins from DanBred×P-76 compared with those from Naïma×P-76 had significantly greater glycogen and less lactate concentration in early post mortem period, higher pH at all measurement points (besides no statistical differences in pH measured 2 hours post mortem), lower thermal drip and drip loss measured 96 and 144 hours post mortem and lower lightness (except no differences measured 48 hours post mortem). Additionally loins from DanBred×P-76 contained more protein and less water. No statistical differences in IMF content between both analysed groups were noted (their average values were below 2%). Aforementioned may suggest that crossing both Naïma and DanBred hybrids with P-76 boars may not improve IMF content or increase marbling scores to the levels preferred for culinary purposes.

Key words:
fatteners; nutritional value; pork; technological value

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil