When the death causes are understood as a result of morbility process that may have been avoided with diferent kinds of economic, social and welfare services policies and the advance of scientific and technologic knowledges, there is clearly a structural determinism so that many population social sectors can't reach the "modern epidemiologycal patterns". This study used annual data bases of register death 1979–1991 bringed by INEGI/DGE‑SSA from five Mexican federal border entities. It were adjusted by Preston‑Coale method and Life Tables were generated in 1980 and 1990. The percentage contributions of avoidable causes' groups by sex and age of the increases in the Expectation of Life (Ex) were calculated in the same years following Pollard's method. As result of this research, limited increments of Ex were finded because of the permanence of high contribution of deatlhs, that may have been avoided (50%). Contrary to popular beliefs, Ex male diminished the difference compared with Ex female. Highest male mortality is explained even for this kind of causes, where accidents and violence deaths are bringing high percentages of total mortality.
Mortality; Avoidable Mortality; Avoidable Death