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A diluição da fronteira entre sociedade e natureza e a dimensão ontológica da crise de paradigmas nas ciências

This paper discusses the meaning and the extension of the crisis of paradigms in sciences in the current context of boundary dilution between society and nature and of redefinition of the relationships between subject and object of knowledge, processes that result from the advances in genetic engineering as well as in neurobiology, which questions the rationalist perspective and the notion of objectivity that structures modern sciences. Such elements suggest that the aforementioned crisis concerns not only the emergence of new and complex themes, but especially the radical questioning of objects and methods of the sciences of society and nature. On putting the question on those terms, this paper discusses the attempt to equate such problems by means of the theory of systems (specially in the version presented by Niklas Luhmann) and suggest the need to create new approaches, such as the one presented by a thought of reflective character like Gilbert Simondon"s. Basically, this paper suggests that, in spite of the formative character of the classicists, we face, at this beginning of century, a crisis of paradigms in sciences that demands rethinking elements of practical and theoretical nature which structure society and contemporary sciences.

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