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Effect of Essential Fatty Acid Proportion in Feed on Productive and Reproductive Performance of Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)


This investigation was carried out to determine the effect of Essential Fatty Acids proportion (EFAs [n-6, n-3]) in feed through the mixture of soy, olive, canola or chia oil on EFA profile in eggs as well as productive and reproductive performance of Japanese quail. We used 120 quail from 7 to 22 weeks of age, in 15 cages in groups of 6 females and 2 males assigned according to the completely randomized design to 3 treatments with 5 replicates. The treatments were n-6:n-3 proportions 10:1 (control), 4:1 and 1:1. FA profile in yolk, feed intake, laying rate, egg weight, fertility, hatchability, and embryonic mortality were measured. In the egg yolk, n-6 content was similar in the proportions (p>0.05), while n-3 content increased (p<0.01) as n-6:n-3 ratio decreased in the feed. Feed consumption per quail was similar between treatments (p>0.05). In 4:1 and 1:1 proportion laying percentage was greater, but egg weight was lower (p<0.01). Fertility and hatchability were similar between proportions n-6, n-3 (p>0.68). Early and total embryonic mortality was lower in 10:1 and 4:1 proportion (p<0.01); while intermediate and late mortality was similar (p>0.30). The results of the experiment indicate that the mixture of soy, olive, canola or chia oil, to obtain n-6:n-3 proportion of 1:1, 4:1 and 10:1 does not modify feed consumption, laying rate, egg weight, fertility, and hatchability; but, 4:1 and 10:1 proportions favor a lower embryonic mortality.

Omega-3; n-6:n-3 ratio; linolenic acid; hatchability; embryonic mortality


During the incubation process in birds, egg yolk lipids are the energy reserves and provide the embryo the essential fatty acids (Cherian, 2015Cherian G. Nutrition and metabolism in poultry: role of lipids in early diet. Journa of Animal Science and Biotechnology 2015;6(1):28-33.), necessary for the formation of cell membranes (Cherian et al., 1997). The polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) linoleic acid (AL 18: 2n-6) and α-linolenic acid (ALA; 18: 3n-3) are obtained by birds in feed. However, the ability to incorporate n-3 to the yolk can vary according to the source of PUFA and bird type: chicken, quail, turkey or geese (Nadia et al., 2012Nadia L, Radwan MH, Abd El-Samad y Sherin AN. Effects of different dietary ratios of linoleic acidto ?-linolenic acid on productive performance, immunity of laying hens and egg yolk fatty acid composition. Egiptian Poultry Science Journal 2012;32(I):163-188.). Chickens have the liver enzymes delta-6-desaturase and delta-5-desaturase that allows them to synthesize from linolenic acid (n-3), eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (Barceló-Coblijn & Murphy, 2009Barceló-Coblijn G, Murphy EJ. Alpha-linolenic acid and its conversion to longer chain n-3 fatty acids: benefits for human health and a role in maintaining tissue n-3 fatty acid levels. Progress Lipid Research 2009;48(6):355-74.), and from linoleic acid (n-6) arachidonic acid (AA) (Spector, 2000Spector AA. Plasma free fatty acid and lipoproteins as sources of polyunsaturated fatty acid for the brain. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 2000;16:159-165.); however, n-6 and n-3 compete for liver enzymes in the biochemical pathways of desaturation and elongation (Jing et al., 2013Jing M, Gakhar N, Gibson RA, House JD. Dietary and ontogenic regulation of fatty acid desaturase and elongase expression in broiler chickens. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes & Essential Fatty Acids 2013;89(2-3):107-113.). AA and DHA are important during the post-hatching period due to rapid cell proliferation and intense tissue accumulation of these during this time (Cherian & Sim, 1992), as well as favoring the maturation of lymphoid organs (Cherian et al., 1997), therefore their function is likely important during incubation (Cherian & Sim, 1992).

The Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) is native to Europe, North Africa and Asia, (Neumann, 2001Neumann KF. Codornices. Roma Norte: Grupo Editorial Iberoamericana; 2001.); it is of rapid growth, precocity, resistance to diseases and high productivity (Lucotte, 1980). Quail meat production is concentrated in Spain, France, and the United States, and egg production in China, Japan and Brazil (Minvielle, 2004Minvielle F. The future of Japanese quail for research and production. World's Poultry Science Journal 2004;60:500-507.). Studies have been conducted in quails to enrich the egg with n-3 by including up to 4% fish oil or flaxseed in feed (Güçlü, 2008Güçlü BK, Uyanik F, Iscan KM. Effects of dietary oil sources on egg quality, fatty acid composition of eggs and blood lipids in laying quail. South African Journal of Animal Science 2008;38(2):91-100.; Al-Daraji et al., 2010Al-Daraji HJ, Al-Mashadani HA, Al-Hayani WK, Al-Hassani AS, Mirza HA, Al-Hassani, AS. Effect of dietary supplementation with different oils on productive and reproductive performance of quail. Internacional Journal of Poultry Science 2010;9:429-435.). However, the results of supplementation with sources containing n-3 showed no effect on fertility and hatchability of lightweight breeder hens (Nadia et al., 2012Nadia L, Radwan MH, Abd El-Samad y Sherin AN. Effects of different dietary ratios of linoleic acidto ?-linolenic acid on productive performance, immunity of laying hens and egg yolk fatty acid composition. Egiptian Poultry Science Journal 2012;32(I):163-188.) or quails (Manohar, 2017Manohar GR. Effect of dietary omega-3 fatty acid rich oil sources on fertility and hatchability performance of japanese quail eggs. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology 2017;6(1):923-926.); and even decreased in heavy reproductive hens (Herstad et al., 2000Herstad O, Overland M, Haug A, Skrede A, Thomassen MS, Egaas E. Reproductive performance of broiler breeder hens fed n-3 fatty acid-rich fish oil. Acta Agricultura e Scandinavica Animal Science 2000;50(2):121-128.). There was increased fertility in turkey (Shamma et al., 2016Shamma TA, Samia ZM, Samya E, Ibrahim y El-Aik MA. Effect of omega-3 sources and vitamin supplementation in the turkey toms diet on semen characteristics and fertilizing ability. Journal Animal and Poultry Production Mansoura University 2016;7(3):101-111.) and quail hens (Manohar, 2017), as well as an increase in hatchability in quails (Al-Daraji et al., 2010; Manohar, 2017). Al-Daraji et al. (2010) observed that quail fertility and hatchability improved by including 3% fish or flaxseed oil compared to sunflower oil. It is possible to attribute this effect to the narrowest n-6:n-3 proportion in fish and flaxseed oil than in sunflower oil. However, in the studies conducted, the effect of the source of EFA was determined regardless of the n-6:n-3 proportion; therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the effect of n-6:n-3 proportion in the feed on EFA profile of the egg as well as productive and reproductive performance of Japanese quail.


The experiment was carried out in the Poultry Unit of the Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia of the Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa, in Culiacan Sinaloa, Mexico (24 46‘13’‘ LN and 107 21’14‘’ LO). The climate of the zone is BS (h‘) w (w) (e), semi-dry very hot, with rains in the summer, Köppen classification; with an annual average temperature of 25.9 ºC; average relative humidity of 68%, maximum of 81% and minimum 51%; average annual precipitation of 688.5 mm.

The experiment was conducted according to the technical specifications for the production, care and use of laboratory animals of the Mexican official standard (NOM-062-ZOO-1999); and the specifications of the Institutional Committee for the Care and Use of Animals of the Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia of the Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa (Protocol FMVZ-171/11-11-2016). The experimental period comprised four periods of 21 days for productive response and nine periods of 24 days for reproductive response. Before initiating data collection, the quails were adapted to cage management for seven days. 120 quails (90 females and 30 males) were utilized. Egg collection was performed twice a day (08:00 a.m. and 18:00 p.m.). The temperature and relative humidity (RH) in the coop was 25.2 ± 3.7°C and 40.7 ± 7.2%, respectively.

The experiment was established under a completely randomized design with three treatments corresponding to diets with n-6:n-3 proportions in feed: (control) 10:1, 4:1 and 1:1, with five replicates of 8 quails (6 females and 2 males) per treatment, and weeks as a cross-factor. The wire battery cages (60 x 50 x 20 cm) allowed 375 cm2 per quail. The lighting period was 16 h per day and the feed and water were offered ad libitum.

To formulate the diets, fatty acid (FA) profile of soy, olive, canola or chia oil (Table 1); as well as proximal chemical composition (AOAC, 2000AOAC. Official methods of analysis. 17th ed. Washington: Association of Official Analytical Chemists; 2000.) of corn and soybean meal was determined. Metabolizable energy of corn and soybean meal was estimated with the equation: MS (kcal/kg) = 3.75 x crude protein + 8.09 x ether extract - 6.95 x crude fiber + 3.94 x nitrogen-free extract (Moir et al., 1980Moir KW, Yule WJ, Connor JK. Energy losses in the excreta of poultry: a model for predicting dietary metabolizable energy. Animal Production Science 1980;20(103):151-155.).

Table 1
Fatty acids profile of oils included in the diet.

The diets (Table 2) were formulated according to the nutritional requirements for Japanese quail breeders (NRC 1994), and the composition of EFA profile of every oil was considered. A flour-based feed was prepared every week and stored in plastic boxes at 20 to 22°C, subsamples were taken from each batch of feed to determine FA (Table 3) and Proximate chemical analysis. The peroxide index in the feed (NMX-F-154-1987) was measured in the samples after 7 days of storage (Table 3).

Table 2
Composition and nutritional contribution of experimental diets.
Table 3
EFA composition and contribution of n-6:n-3 as well as in dexperoxide index of quail diet.

Three weeks into the laying cycle, based on shape, size and egg color, collection and selection were initiated. The eggs to be incubated were kept at 11.0 ± 0.41°C (Nieto Refrigerator, Critotec CFX-8 Model, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico). An automatic incubator (Huacuja, Model 1200, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico) was used, and the eggs were maintained at 37.44 ± 0.22°C and 74.04 ± 2.08% RH for 334 hours, then they were transferred to a hatchery, where the eggs spent 3 to 4 days at 37.5 ± 0.4°C and 90.2 ± 0.41% RH. Withdrawal of chicks began around 12 h after hatching began. The unhatched eggs were broken and observed with the naked eye to determine if they were fertile, as well as the stage of embryonic death; and classified as early, intermediate, late and total embryonic death according to the classification proposed by Dalton, (2000Dalton MN. Effects of dietary fats on reproductive performance, egg quality, fatty acid composition of tissue and yolk and prostaglandin levels of embryonic tissues in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) [thesis]. Blacksburg (USA): Virginia Polytechnic Institute; 2000.). At week 20 of the laying cycle, three eggs from every treatment were randomly collected for FA determination.

Fatty acid profile of feed yolk and oils was carried out at the Food Technology Laboratory in the Research Center for Food Development Food in Culiacan Sinaloa utilizing the methods developed by Folch et al. (1957Folch J, Lees M, Sloane-Stanley GH. A simple method for isolation and purification of total lipids from animal tissues. Journal of Biological Chemistry 1957;226(1):497-509.) and AOAC (1998) standard 963.22 with modifications; subsequently they were dry evaporated in a rotary evaporator, after methylation the filtrate was recovered in a 2 mL vial, stored in a nitrogen atmosphere and placed in the freezer. Subsequently, 1 µL of the sam-ple was injected into a gas chromatograph. The methyl esters dissolved in hexane were analyzed with a chromatograph (Varian CP-3800, USA), with flame ionization detector (FID) equipped with Omegawax 320 column of 30 m x 0.32 mm, 0.25 mm internal diameter (Supelco , USA). Helium was used as a carrier gas at a rate of 3 mL/min. The oven temperature was maintained at 140°C for 5 minutes, presetat a maximum temperature of 240°C with an increase of 4°C every 90 seconds. Both the temperature of the injector and the detector were set at 260°C. For the identification and quantification of fatty acids, the retention time of sample was compared with those of a standard mixture consisting of 37 methyl esters of fatty acids (Supelco, Bellefonte, USA).

FA results were expressed in percentage of fatty acid with respect to the percentage of fat contained in the sample. The peroxide value was expressed in meq O2/kg. In productive response, after every feed consumption period, egg number and weight were recorded. For reproductive response after every egg collection, fertility rate, hatchability of fertile eggs and early, intermediate, late and total mortality were recorded.

The statistical analysis of FA results in egg yolk, feed intake, laying percentage, egg weight, fertility and hatchability were performed under a model for a completely randomized experimental design. The comparison of means was made with the Tukey test. The proportions of embryonic mortality were analyzed with the Chi-square test. The maximum alpha level to accept statistical difference was 0.05.


Fatty acids in the yolk

FA composition in egg yolk is shown in Table 4. According to the FA group, monounsaturated FA were found to be in the highest percentage, close to 50%, due to its content of oleic and palmitoleic acids, followed by saturated FA that were present in about 30% and finally polyunsaturated FA at 20%. Saturated FA were in greater percentage (p<0.01) in the 4:1 n-6:n-3 proportion than in 10:1 and 1:1 proportions; where as myristic acid and stearic acid were detected in a similar reduced proportion between treatments; while erucic acid appeared in a greater percentage (p<0.03) in the 1:1 proportion. Monounsaturated FA content was similar (p>0.05); However, oleic and palmitoleic acids were in a greater percentage, nonetheless palmitoleic acid percentage was greater (p<0.02) in the 4:1 proportion than in the 10:1 and 1:1 proportion. Polyunsaturated FA content was similar, although the 1:1 proportion had a higher content and was close to having a statistical difference (p>0.08). Linoleic acid content had the greatest percentage and was similar between proportions (p>0.05). Linolenic and docosadienoic acids were in greater percentage (p<0.02) in the1:1 proportion, which revealed a greater percentage of n-3 fatty acids (p<0.01), in accordance to feed proportion and n-6:n-3 proportion also differed. Chen & Hsu (2003Chen TF, Hsu JC. Incorporation of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in to duck eggy olks. Asian-Australasian Journal Animal Science 2003;16:565-9.) supplemented 2 to 6% refined cod liver oil to duck hens and observed that yolk concentration of saturated fatty acids decreased and while polyunsaturated fatty acids eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) increased, compared to animal fat controls. In this study the n-6:n-3 proportion in feed remained in the egg yolk. Based on the amount of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids reported by Neijat et al. (2016Neijat M, Suh JM, Neufeld J, House D. Hemp seed products fed to hens effectively increased n 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in total lipids, triacylglycerol and fhospholipid of eggy olk. Lipids 2016;51:601-614.) in egg yolk and chicken feed after the inclusion of hemp seed or oil as a source of n-3 it can be deduced that n-6:n-3 proportions in the diets is kept constant from 1.1 to 1.5 from feed to the egg yolk; this coincides with the results of Navas et al. (2001Navas JM, Mark AT, Silvia Z, Jesus AR, Niall B, Manuel C. Total lipid in the broodstock diet did not affect fatty acid composition and quality of eggs of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L). Scientia Marina 2001;65(1):11-19.) in bass eggs (Dicentrarchus labrax L) where there was constant of 1.2 to 1.7 from feed to the egg yolk. In addition, arachidonic acid and eicosadienoic acid were detected in the yolk and were not detected in feed analysis; this is explained by the bird’s ability to lengthen fatty acid chains (Spector, 2000Spector AA. Plasma free fatty acid and lipoproteins as sources of polyunsaturated fatty acid for the brain. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 2000;16:159-165.; Barceló-Coblijn & Murphy, 2009Barceló-Coblijn G, Murphy EJ. Alpha-linolenic acid and its conversion to longer chain n-3 fatty acids: benefits for human health and a role in maintaining tissue n-3 fatty acid levels. Progress Lipid Research 2009;48(6):355-74.). It has been observed that lineages or strains can modify EFA profiles, (Mao et al., 1998Mao JNC, Burnside J, Postel-Vinay MC, Pesek JD, Chambers JR, Cogburn LA. Ontogeny of growth hormone receptor gene expression in tissue of growth-selected strains of broiler chickens. Journal of Endocrinology 1998;156:67-75.). Alessandri et al. (2012Alessandri JM, Extier A, Al-Gubory KH, Harbeby E, Lallemand M, Linard A, et al. Influence of gender on DHA synthesis: The response of rat liver to low dietary ?-linolenic acid evidence shigher ?3 ?4-desaturation index in females. European Journal of Nutrition 2012;51(2):199-209.) reported that slow-growing egg-type lines of chickens or layers appear to have greater efficiency in the deposition of EPA and DHA with respect to meat-type chickens since elongation is affected in part by estrogen levels. Arantes da Silva et al. (2009Arantes da Silva W, Naiverti Elias AH, Aricetti JA, Sakamoto MI, Murakami AE, Marques Gomes ST, et al. Quail egg yolk (Coturnix coturnix japonica) enriched with omega-3 fatty acids. Food Science and Technology 2009;42(2):660-663.) after the inclusion of 5% flax seed to quail diets reported that n-3 incorporation into the yolk was 20%. Mennicken et al. (2005Mennicken L, Ponsuksilli S, Tholen E, Khang NTK, Steier K, Petersen J, et al. Divergent selection for omega 3: omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio in quail eggs. Archiv Tierzuchtv 2005;48:527-34.) made a divergent selection in chickens for n-3: n-6 proportions and mentioned that n-3 increased 34.7% in the yolk with respect to feed content. These differences in the ability of these birds to incorporate n-3 to yolk fat can vary according to n-3 source and bird species (Nadia et al., 2012Nadia L, Radwan MH, Abd El-Samad y Sherin AN. Effects of different dietary ratios of linoleic acidto ?-linolenic acid on productive performance, immunity of laying hens and egg yolk fatty acid composition. Egiptian Poultry Science Journal 2012;32(I):163-188.), due to the competition between the enzymes involved in lengthening and desaturation of linoleic and linolenic acid. A 4:1 proportion or lower has been shown to be optimal for elongating 11 g of linolenic acid to 1 g of eicosapentaenoic acid (Nadia et al., 2012), this relationship is important in foods that have a higher linoleic acid content and lower linolenic acid content, since it will reduce the conversion to EPA which is biologically more active than linoleic acid. Therefore, the optimal intake of linoleic in relation to linolenic is crucial for normal metabolism (Simopoulos, 2000Simopoulos AP. Requirement for n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Poultry Science 2000;79:961-970.), which may be related to FA source, linseed and chia contain more LAN and algae and fish oils are a source of EPA, DHA that are not present in land-based plant or animal sources.

Table 4
Fatty acid profile and n-6:n-3 proportions in quail egg olk.

Productive response

The results for productive response are presented in Table 5. Quail feed consumption was similar between treatments (p>0.05). These results coincide with the results observed by Morales-Barrera et al. (2013Morales-Barrera J, González-Alcorta M, Castillo-Domínguez R, Prado-Rebolledo O, Vázquez J, Hernández-Velasco X, et al. Effect of time and fatty acid composition in eggs of White Leghorn hens supplemented with tuna oil. Food and Nutrition Sciences 2013;4:39-44.) who included 3% tuna oil (Thunnus albacares) as a source of n-3 in White Leghorn chicken diets, and with Baucells et al. (2000Baucells MD, Crespo N, Barroeta AC, Lopez-Ferrer S, Grashorn MA. Incorporation of different polyunsaturated fatty acids in to eggs. Poultry Science 2000;79(1):51-59.) who replaced fish oil with linseed oil or grape oil and tallow. Rodriguez-Michel et al. (2018Rodríguez-Michel A, Morales-Barrera E, García-Márquez L, Quezada-Tristán T, Carrillo-Domínguez S, Prado-Rebolledo O. Harina de atún negra en dietas de gallina para incrementar los ácidos eicosapentanoico y docosahexaenoico. Abanico Veterinario 2018;8(3):75-85.) observed that after fish oil inclusion feed consumption decreased. A decrease in feed consumption when adding fish oil is related to a reduction in palatability (Hulan et al., 1989Hulan HW, Ackman RG, Ratnayake WMN, Proudfoot FG. Omega-3 fatty acid levels and general performance of commercial broilers fed practical levels of red fish meal. Poultry Science 1989;68:153-162.), although this may not happen as indicated by the results of Baucells et al. (2000). The inclusion of essential fatty acids sources of plant origin such as oils or seeds, may not affect feed palatability; Regarding this Al-Daraji et al. (2010Al-Daraji HJ, Al-Mashadani HA, Al-Hayani WK, Al-Hassani AS, Mirza HA, Al-Hassani, AS. Effect of dietary supplementation with different oils on productive and reproductive performance of quail. Internacional Journal of Poultry Science 2010;9:429-435.) included 3% sunflower, flax or corn oils in quail feed where n-6:n-3 proportion ranged from 0.08:1 to 251:1 and recorded a similar feed intake.

Table 5
Effect n-6:n-3 proportion on productive performance of quail.

Quails fed 4:1 and 1:1 proportion had a higher laying rate than the 10:1 proportion (p<0.01). The results obtained in other experiments are not consistent and do not give a definite response, since Baucells et al. (2000Baucells MD, Crespo N, Barroeta AC, Lopez-Ferrer S, Grashorn MA. Incorporation of different polyunsaturated fatty acids in to eggs. Poultry Science 2000;79(1):51-59.) reported that laying rate was similar after the inclusion of fish, flaxseed, and grape oils as well as tallow, where PUFA n-6:n-3 proportions ranged from 1 to 38 in chicken feed, on the other hand, Betancourt & Díaz (2009Betancourt L, Díaz G. Enriquecimiento de huevos con ácidos grasos omega-3 mediante la suplementación con semilla de Lino (Linum usitatissimum) en la dieta. Revista MVZ Córdoba 2009;14(1):1602-1610.) reported that in broader proportions (7:1) laying rate was greater than in the narrowest proportion (2:1), 93.1% and 86%, respectively.

In 4:1 and 1:1 proportion egg weight was lower (p<0.01) with respect to the 10:1 proportion. These results are in agreement with those of Güclü et al. (2008Güçlü BK, Uyanik F, Iscan KM. Effects of dietary oil sources on egg quality, fatty acid composition of eggs and blood lipids in laying quail. South African Journal of Animal Science 2008;38(2):91-100.) who added 4% sunflower, corn, fish, soy, sesame, olive, cotton or walnut oils to quail feed and obtained eggs with a greater weight (12 g) in the n6:n3 200:1 proportion, compared with the 53:1 and 7:1 proportions of sunflower, corn or soybean oil which weighed 11.5 and 11.3 g, respectively. The greater weight seen in the 10:1 ratio is explained by the lower laying rate (87%) since there is a genetic and phenotypic negative correlation between these two parameters; in this respect, Hagger (1994Hagger C. Genetic correlations between body weight of cocks and production traits in laying hens, and their possible use in breedings chemes. Poultry Science 1994;73:381-387.) estimated a negative genetic correlation in hens (-0.267).

Reproductive response

Results in reproductive response are shown in Table 6. In this study, fertility was similar between treatments (p>0.680). In studies where different sources containing EFA are supplemented, discrepancies on the effect on fertility are reported. Nadia et al. (2012Nadia L, Radwan MH, Abd El-Samad y Sherin AN. Effects of different dietary ratios of linoleic acidto ?-linolenic acid on productive performance, immunity of laying hens and egg yolk fatty acid composition. Egiptian Poultry Science Journal 2012;32(I):163-188.) used 1.73% flaxseed oil in light reproductive hens, and Manohar (2017Manohar GR. Effect of dietary omega-3 fatty acid rich oil sources on fertility and hatchability performance of japanese quail eggs. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology 2017;6(1):923-926.) included 4% fish oil in quails and did not find any difference. In turkeys Fertility increased by 5.39% when 2% fish oil was supplemented and by 3.43% when 2% flaxseed oil was added (Shamma et al., 2016Shamma TA, Samia ZM, Samya E, Ibrahim y El-Aik MA. Effect of omega-3 sources and vitamin supplementation in the turkey toms diet on semen characteristics and fertilizing ability. Journal Animal and Poultry Production Mansoura University 2016;7(3):101-111.), fertility also increased by 12.75% after the inclusion of 2% fish oil in quail diets (Manohar, 2017), however Herstad et al. (2000Herstad O, Overland M, Haug A, Skrede A, Thomassen MS, Egaas E. Reproductive performance of broiler breeder hens fed n-3 fatty acid-rich fish oil. Acta Agricultura e Scandinavica Animal Science 2000;50(2):121-128.) with diets that had 3% recycled vegetable oil or no oil at all observed that in diets for heavy reproductive hens with n-6:n-3 proportions of 1.03:1 to 1.12:1 with 3% fish oil fertility rate decreased (76.3 to 83.7%) compared to 7.6:1 to 8.31:1 proportion (89.5 to 92.1%). The source, quantity and lipid type in the diets are important. Bleisbois et al. (1997) mentions changes in the proportions of n-6:n-3 or phospholipid ratios affect sperm membrane structure and fluidity; this can alter fertility by modifying viability and ability of the sperm to interact with the reproductive tract of the female and thereby the union of the sperm with the ovum (Bongalhardo et al., 2009Bongalhardo DC, Leeson S, Buhr MM. Dietary lipids differentially affect membranes from different areas of rooster sperm. Poultry Science 2009;88:1060-1069.).

Table 6
Effect of n-6:n-3 proportion in diets in fertility and hatchability fertile eggs.

Hatchability of fertile eggs was similar between the treatments (p>0.95). Discrepancies were also found on the effect of EFA supplementation on hatchability in the studies. Nadia et al. (2012Nadia L, Radwan MH, Abd El-Samad y Sherin AN. Effects of different dietary ratios of linoleic acidto ?-linolenic acid on productive performance, immunity of laying hens and egg yolk fatty acid composition. Egiptian Poultry Science Journal 2012;32(I):163-188.) after the inclusion of 1.73% of flax seed oil and n-6:n-3 proportions that varied from 2:1 to 10:1 in lightweight reproductive hens; and Manohar (2017Manohar GR. Effect of dietary omega-3 fatty acid rich oil sources on fertility and hatchability performance of japanese quail eggs. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology 2017;6(1):923-926.) in quails with 2% flaxseed, 4% fish and 2% and 4% linseed and fish oil combinations, did not observe differences in hatchability. Hatchability increased 3.2% and 6.17% when flaxseed or fish oil with n-6:n-3 proportions of 0.22:1 and 0.08:1 were supplemented in quails, compared to corn oil (42:1) (Al-Darji et al., 2010); Manohar (2017) supplemented quail diets with 2% fish oil and observed 5.4% greater hatchability compared to a zero oil control. On the other hand, Herstad et al. (2000Herstad O, Overland M, Haug A, Skrede A, Thomassen MS, Egaas E. Reproductive performance of broiler breeder hens fed n-3 fatty acid-rich fish oil. Acta Agricultura e Scandinavica Animal Science 2000;50(2):121-128.) observed that in heavy reproductive hens, diets with n-6:n-3 proportions of 1.03:1 to 1.12:1 from 3% fish oil, hatchability decreased (73.2 to 77.5%) compared to 7.55:1 to 8.31:1 proportion (88.5 to 92.4%) obtained from diets with 3% of recycled vegetable oil or zero oil.

The n-6:n-3 proportion 1:1 had higher early and total embryo mortality (p<0.01), while 10:1 and 4:1 proportions were similar (p>0.05) (Figure 1). Al-Daraji et al. (2010Al-Daraji HJ, Al-Mashadani HA, Al-Hayani WK, Al-Hassani AS, Mirza HA, Al-Hassani, AS. Effect of dietary supplementation with different oils on productive and reproductive performance of quail. Internacional Journal of Poultry Science 2010;9:429-435.) observed that in quails supplemented with 3% fish oil total embryonic mortality was 2.92% compared to 12.32% with 3% sunflower oil inclusion. After supplementation with fish oil n-6:n-3 proportion was narrow (0.08:1) with respect to that of sunflower oil (251:1). When EFA content is higher and more double bonds exist, greater oxidation is possible. In this study, the peroxide index in feed a week after being prepared was 4.79 mEqO2/kg in the n-6:n-3 1:1 proportion while in the 10:1 proportion a 2.01 mEqO2/kg (p<0.01) was recorded. Calder (2002Calder PC. Dietary modi?cation of in?ammation with lipids. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2002;61:345-358.) mentions that a greater proportion of n-3 consumption can diminish immune response due to a susceptibility to oxidation due to its unsaturation. In this study, the highest mortality in the 1:1 proportion can be attributed to greater peroxidation of linolenic acid, in addition to the possibility of peroxidation of its products. Zanini et al. (2003Zanini SF, Torres CAA, Bragagnolo N, Turatti JM, Silva MG, Zanini MS. Evaluation of the ratio of omega6: omega3 fatty acids and vitamin E levels in the diet on the reproductive performance of cockerels. Archives of Animal Nutrition 2003;57:429-442.) observed that when the n-6:n-3 proportion in their diet was narrow because it contained 32.3% linolenic acid, fertility in cockerels decreased, however, after vitamin E was administered, fertility increased.

Figure 1
Effect of n-6:n-3 proportion of in diets in embryo diagnosis an non eclosionated quail egg. abSignificant at p≤0.01 with chi square test. *Control treatment.


The results of the experiment indicate that the mixture of soy, olive, canola or chia oil, to obtain n-6:n-3 proportions of 1:1, 4:1 and 10:1 does not modify feed consumption, laying rate, egg weight, fertility or hatchability; but, 4:1 and 10:1 proportion favor a diminished embryonic mortality.

Favoring breeder bird feeds that have n-6 and n-3 proportions close to 1:1 is relative; as shown by the results of this experiment which concludes that reproduction did not improve, therefore it is recommended that n-6 and n-3 content be taken into account and estimate feed consumption in milligrams or daily ingested feed percentage, more than proportion contained in diet.


We gratefully acknowledge to Laboratory of Antioxidants and Functional Foods. Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo, AC, forallowing the use of the Chromatography equipment for the fatty acid profile. The authors would also like to thank CONACYT-México for the scholarship granted.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    05 June 2020
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    19 Aug 2019
  • Accepted
    23 Nov 2019
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