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Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, Volume: 22, Número: 2, Publicado: 2020
  • The Effects of Sodium Chloride versus Sodium Bicarbonate at the Same Dietary Sodium Concentration on Efficacy of Dietary Phytase and a Carbohydrase-Protease Cocktail in Broilers Review

    Argüelles-Ramos, M; Brake, J

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT A trial was conducted to determine the effect of phytase (PHY) or a carbohydrase/protease cocktail (CPX) on broilers fed diets with two different levels of chloride (0.28% or 0.43%) created by altering dietary salt (NaCl) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3). There were 6 combination dietary treatments (3 enzyme x 2 NaCl treatments) applied to 4 replicate pens. The treatments were as follows: Control diet (CON), CON+PHY and CON+CPX, with 0.5% or 0.25% NaCl. The 0.25% NaCl versions contained 0.35% sodium bicarbonate. The 0.5% salt versions had no sodium bicarbonate. Replicate pen BW, and feed consumption (FC) were measured at 1, 14, and 35 d, and mortality was weighed daily for feed conversion ratio (FCR) calculations. Feed consumption at 14 d tended to be lower (p<0.10) for CON+CPX diets compared to CON and CON+PHY diets. The birds fed CON+CPX diet consumed less feed but exhibited improved FCR in the presence of 0.5% NaCl at 14 d. The birds fed the CON, and CON+PHY diets exhibited higher BW at 14 d (p<0.05) and 35 d (p<0.01) of age than did CON+CPX birds. From 15 d to 35 d, birds fed the CON+CPX diet exhibited poorer BW gain (BWG) in the presence of 0.25% NaCl (p<0.05). In conclusion, Cl, as NaCl versus NaH2CO3, could affect CPX but not PHY feed enzyme function in broilers. Further, it may be suggested that certain feed enzymes may be best utilized at later broiler ages rather than in initial feeds.
  • Effects of Lactobacillus Reuteri E81 Added into Rations of Chukar Partridges (Alectoris Chukar) Fed Under Heat Stress Conditions on Fattening Performance and Meat Quality Original Article

    Tekce, E; Bayraktar, B; Aksakal, V; Dertli, E; Kamiloğlu, A; Çinar, K; Takma, Ç; Kaya, H; Gül, M

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This study investigated the effects of the addition of Lactobacillus reuteri E81 (LRE) into rations of chukar partridges (Alectoris chukar) fed under heat stress (HS) conditions on fattening performance and meat quality. This study included 256 chukar partridges aged 1 day. The study comprised an adaptation period of 7 days and a fattening period of 35 days and included 8 different groups with 32 animals in each group. Each group was further divided into four subgroups with eight animals in each subgroup. At the end of the study, the best results in terms of fattening performance in the non-HS groups were obtained in the LRE 600 ppm group and in the HS groups, SLRE 200 ppm had the best effect on average live weight and average live weight increase, whereas SLRE 400 ppm had the best effect on FCR (p<0.05). The analysis of the samples collected from chukar partridges on day 21 showed that, there was no effect on the colour parameters and Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) level in the LRE in the HS and non- HS groups, whereas the meat pH level decreased in the SLRE 400 ppm group (p<0.05). The analysis of the samples collected on day 42 showed that there was no effect on colour parameters in the HS and non-HS groups. TBARS level decreased at the dose of LRE 200 ppm in the non-HS group, and the meat pH level decreased in both HS and non-HS groups (p<0.05).
  • Interactions Between Non-Allelic Loci and Their Effects on Categorized Meat Performance Traits in Ducks Original Article

    Dobek, A; Gornowicz, E; Moliński, IA; Grajewski, B; Lisowski, M; Szwaczkowski, T

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Traits associated with meat performance are characterized by a complex inheritance model, including the effects of non-allelic interactions. The aim of this study was to estimate the significance of non-allelic interactions between pairs of loci in each of two alternative groups based on four important performance traits of ducks: body weight (BW), carcass yield calculated as the ratio of carcass weight to body weight (CY), breast and leg muscle yield as a fraction of carcass weight (BL-CW), and skin weight and abdominal fat, again as a fraction of carcass weight (SF-CW). The experimental material was based on an F2 cross between two parental lines: A-55 (Polish Peking) and GL-30 (French Peking). In total, 368 individuals were recorded. All of the birds (including parents and F1) were genotyped for 23 polymorphic microsatellite loci. Entropy was taken as a measure of interaction between pairs of loci, and the chi-square test was used to verify significance. In total, 253 pairs of loci were analyzed in both categories of each of the four traits. Statistically significant interactions were obtained for each trait. However, it was observed that some of the loci showed a greater tendency to have significant opposite interactions for alternative categories of the same trait. The results indicate the dependence of the recombination rate within pairs of loci on the level of each of the four traits.
  • Haematology, Carcass and Fatty Acid Composition of Finishing Broilers Fed Enzyme Supplemented Expeller Copra Meal in Corn-Animal Protein Diets Original Article

    Devi, A; Diarra, SS; Mael, SH

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This study analyzes the effect of different levels of expeller copra meal (ECM) in animal protein-based diets with enzyme on the haematology, carcass and fatty acid composition of broilers. One hundred and sixty 20 days old Cobb broilers were assigned 8 different diets, 2 of them being controls and 6 others containing ECM at 150, 300 and 450 g/kg, with or without enzymes. Four replicate cages of 5 birds each were fed the diets in a completely randomized design. Higher white blood cell (WBC) counts were obtained in chickens fed the control and 150 g/kg ECM with enzyme (p<0.05) diets. Meat saturated fatty acids (SFA) content increased on the 150 g/kg diet and later decreased above 300 g/kg without enzyme (p<0.05). Monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) content was reduced with the inclusion of increasing ECM levels (p<0.05). No interaction effect on polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) was found. Main effects observed were MUFA and PUFA decrease with the inclusion of ECM in the diet (p<0.05). Saturated fatty acid (SFA) content was found to increase on the 150 g ECM/kg diet and later to reduce with increasing ECM levels (p<0.05). Enzyme supplementation reduced SFA and MUFA content (p<0.05) but had no effect on PUFA (p>0.05). In conclusion, inclusion of ECM up to 300 g/kg in corn-animal protein diets has no adverse effects on most broiler haematological variables, but meat fatty acid composition may be altered. More research into basal diet composition, enzyme source and concentration is recommended.
  • Effect of Environmental Enrichment on the Body Weight in Broiler Chickens Original Article

    Jacob, FG; Salgado, DA; Nää, IA; Baracho, MS

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The present study had the objective of analysing the impact of the use of environmental enrichment (music and light stimuli), broiler sex, and age in broiler chickens’ weight during growth. The observational study was carried out on a commercial farm. The environmental enrichment consisted of broilers’ stimulation by sound and light, and a house was kept without stimulus (control). The music stimuli consisted of different music styles and was played during the experiment to promote motivation for the birds. The light stimuli came from a coloured (red and green) LED strobe projector. Both stimuli were applied once a day for about 6 minutes, for five weeks. The broilers were weighed at the end of each week of growth. Throughout the growth period, broiler behaviours were analysed weekly through videos, and the leg disorders of the birds were put into score evaluations. The effects of the environmental enrichment type, gender, and age, and the probable interactions of these variables, on the weight of the broiler chickens were analysed by the comparative analysis of means, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Tukey test of multiple comparisons. 7, 14, and 21 day old broiler chickens did not differ on body weight when compared with age, gender, and environmental enrichment (broiler house) (p>0.05). Males from 21 days of age had an increase in body weight when compared with females. Light enrichment presented the lowest body weight when compared with all studied houses, while the absence of enrichment presented the highest broiler weight.
  • The Effect of a Balanced Diet Containing Yellow Lupin (Lupinus Luteus L.) on Carcass and Meat Quality of Broiler Ducks Original Article

    Biesek, J; Kuźniacka, J

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to compare the final productivity parameters, carcass and meat quality in ducks fed with yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus) as a protein source instead of soybean meal. 200 Cherry Valley ducks were divided into two equal groups. Control (1) was fed with soybean meal, experimental (2) was fed with yellow lupin. Productivity parameters were calculated. After 8 weeks of rearing, 10 ducks from each group were slaughtered. The pH of breast muscles was measured 15 minutes and 24 hours post-mortem. Carcasses were dissected and each carcass part was weighed. After dissection, breast and leg muscles were analysed for selected parameters of meat quality (water holding capacity, and colour). Additionally, drip loss in breasts was analysed. The body weight of ducks, as well as FI and FCR between groups was compared (p<0.05). There were no differences (p>0.05) between groups in post-slaughter parameters, but the weight of offal was higher (p<0.05) in group 1 than in group 2. There were no differences in the weight of carcass muscles and fatness between the two groups (p>0.05). Lightness (L*) and yellowness (b*) of breast muscles were higher (p<0.05) in group 2 than in group 1. The water-holding capacity of leg muscles was higher (p<0.05) in group 1 than in group 2. Yellow lupin in duck feed as a high-protein component did not deteriorate most meat traits, or the physicochemical parameters of their muscles. It can be proposed as a partial alternative to soybean meal.
  • Study on the Efficient Methods for Chicken Eggshell windowing and the Factors Affecting the Hatchability Original Article

    Yan, HF; Wang, K; Tang, MX; Feng, XH; Trefil, P; Qiu, MZ; Jiang, J

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT In order to find out the main factors influenced the hatchability and improve the hatchability of the windowed chicken eggs at stage X, several experiments were made on the basis of the former patent of eggshell windowing methods on equatorial plane, such as cutting and sealing techniques, air cell recovering, laying position immediately after sealing, as well as the injection volumes into the subgerminal cavity of the blastoderm. The result showed that:1) the best sealing material combination was straw powder (SP) and instant glue (IG); 2) there was a highly positive correlation between air cell rate and hatchability; 3) the highest hatchability increased to 71.6% when the eggs were windowed and sealed with IG dropped firstly and then SP sprinkled, finally lay down with the blunt end upward immediately after being sealed; 4) the hatchability was significantly reduced as injection volume (DMEM) was increased (p<0.05 or p<0.01) from 1 µL to 10 1 µL, and the group of injecting 1 µL was the highest (48.4 %). The hatchability and efficiency with such method of windowing, injecting, and sealing was the highest at the present time (more than 30 eggs per hour per person), and it might be broadly used in the fields of avian transgenesis, genetic resources preservation, and embryonic development model of human medicine.
  • Effect of Broiler Crating Density and Transportation Distance on Preslaughter Losses and Physiological Response During the Winter Season in Punjab, Pakistan Original Article

    Hussnain, F; Mahmud, A; Mehmood, S; Jaspal, MH

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT A study was conducted to determine the impact of crating density and transportation distance on losses and physiological response of broilers during the winter season. For this, ROSS-308 broilers were crated at three densities (i.e., 10, 12, and 15 birds/crate) in plastic crates and transported in three distances (i.e., 80, 160, and 240 km) during the winter season at 3.6 - 9.5ºC temperature and 63.3 - 78.8% relative humidity. Results showed that body weight loss increased significantly with the increase in transportation distance and decrease in crating density, whereas dead on arrival, physical injuries and bruises were not different among different transportation distance and crating density treatments. Significant reduction in carcass and breast yield was observed with the increase in transportation distance, whereas an increase in crating density above 12 birds per crate increased breast yield. Birds transported for 240 km had the highest serum catalase activity and the lowest rectal body temperature compared to other treatments. A gradual increase in crating density resulted in the increase in thyroxine concentration and reduction in rectal temperature. Serum glucose, albumin and uric acid concertation increased significantly after 160km of transportation, but serum triglyceride contents decreased. Moreover, an increase in crating density also increased serum glucose and triglyceride. Results suggested that longer transportation distance during the winter season increased body weight shrinkage with a reduction in carcass and breast yield, and the impact of losses and stress was greater in treatments having a lower number of birds in crates.
  • Evaluation of Quality and Safety Attributes of Slaughtered Versus Dead Chicken Birds Meat Original Article

    Sohaib, M; Zafar, MS; Arshad, MS; Nauman, K; Malhi, IY

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The adulteration of dead chicken meat with halal meat is a concern in Pakistan that can harm safety of meat as well as religious beliefs of the Muslims. Accordingly, the present study was conducted to evaluate slaughtering methods (Islamic and decapitation) with dead chicken meat on composition, quality and safety attributes. Purposely, (n=24) birds were slaughtered and (n=12) dead birds samples were collected and subjected to proximate, mineral and quality analysis including pH, color (L*, a*, b*), cooking loss, texture, as well as thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), peroxide value (PV), haem and non-haem iron. The results indicated ash content, minerals and oxidation parameters including TBARS, PV affected significantly (p<0.05). The highest Iron (Fe) and Magnesium (Mg) levels reported in dead bird meat were 14.21±0.99 and 959.62±2.11 whereas, the lowest in halal slaughtered bird’s meat were 10.09±1.10 and 870.48±2.11, respectively. However, Manganese (Mn) was only detected in halal slaughtered bird meat. Likewise, pH of dead chicken meat was lowest among treatments however, L* was highest in halal slaughtered bird meat. Additionally, the lowest lipid oxidation and haem iron values reported in halal slaughtered meat were 0.32±0.02 and 2.32±0.21, lower than in decapitated and dead bird meat. Our findings draw lines between slaughtering methods and mineral analysis could be used for the differentiation of halal slaughtered meats with dead chicken meat.
  • Comparison of Some Biomechanical Properties of Tibiotarsus in Four Different Feather Color Lines of 60-Day Old Female Quails Original Article

    Suzer, B; Petek, M; Tufekci, K; Arican, I; Abdourhamane, IM; Yildiz, H

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This study aimed to compare some morphological and mechanical measurements of four different color female quails to contribute to the formation of the morphological database. Quails are the smallest farmed avian species which are becoming more important for the poultry industry. They are also used as experimental animals and are valuable birds for researches. Genetic factors are important determinants of bone strength. Thus, skeletal disorders may be reduced by breeding selection in quails. Forty female quails with four different feather colors, including wild, white, yellow, and black, were compared at 60 days of age. Each quail group contained ten individuals. A three-point bending test was performed with a custom-made testing machine designed for low strength materials. No significant difference was found between the groups in terms of body weight. The tibiotarsus weight in wild and black (0,665±0,055g and 0,687±0,025g, respectively) was significantly lower than in the others but, the significant highest value was in white quails (0,758±0,063g) (p=0.001). Significantly shorter tibiotarsus was observed in the black quails (51,286±1,374mm), while the tibiotarsi of the white and yellow quails were the tallest (53,216±1,796mm and 53,083±1,092mm, respectively) (p=0.005). There were no significant differences among the groups in the biomechanical properties of tibiotarsus, except stiffness. Stiffness was the highest in the white quails (109,500±3,807 N/mm) and the lowest in the black quails (99,000±9,498 N/mm) (p=0.042). In conclusion, white quails have been observed to have relatively better bone biomechanical properties compared to the other color groups at 60 days of age.
  • Carcass Washing as an Alternative to Trimming - Is It Possible to Use Carcass Washing as an Alternative to Trimming in Commercial Broiler Slaughterhouses in Brazil? Original Article

    Santos, RA; Garcia, RG; Gandra, ERS; Burbarelli, MFC; Muchon, JL; Caldara, FR

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate visual contamination rates of carcasses of broilers slaughtered in establishments supervised by the Federal Inspection Service (SIF) and efficiency of carcass washing in replacement of trimming. The work was divided into three parts: analysis of partial and total carcass condemnation by contamination in hot (October to March) and cold (April to September) periods; evaluation of microbiological contamination before and after washing 800 carcasses (400 that did not go through washing x 400 that went through washing); and carcass washing test. For the test, twenty carcasses were evaluated in five treatments: carcasses without contamination - before washing; carcasses without contamination - after washing; contaminated carcasses - before washing and before trimming; contaminated carcasses - after washing; contaminated carcasses - after trimming. Hot and cold periods obtained a similar number and weight of slaughtered chickens. There were no differences regarding condemnation by contamination. Periods of the year did not influence the average weight of the birds slaughtered in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Carcass washing in the slaughter line was effective in reducing total bacterial contamination, E. coli, and enterobacteria. There is a similarity in the reduction of condemnations by contamination, evidencing that the uniformity of production systems. Although it is not yet a reality in Brazilian slaughterhouses, the washing procedure can be considered a safe replacement for trimming.
  • Effect of Graded Levels of an Enhanced E.coli Phytase with Step-Wise Reduction of Supplemental Inorganic Phosphate on Growth Performance of Broilers Fed Corn-Soy Diet Original Article

    Poernama, F; Wibowo, TA; Gomes, GA; Aftab, U

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This study evaluated the potential of incremental doses of an enhanced Escherichia coli-derived phytase to support step-wise reduction of supplemental inorganic phosphate in an all-vegetable broiler diet. Corn-soybean meal-based diets containing 0.40/0.80%, 0.35/0.70%, and 0.30/0.60% avP and Ca, respectively from 0-10, 10-25, and 26-42 days posthatch served as experimental control (PC). Three test diets were formulated with 500, 1000, and 1500 FTU/kg of phytase assigned respectively an avP matrix of 0.15, 0.19, and 0.23% and a fixed Ca matrix of 0.15%. An additional diet (PC++) containing extra avP and Ca (+0.05% avP/+0.1% Ca) to that of PC was included to test if avP and Ca were not limiting in PC. Each diet was offered to 16 replicates of straight-run broilers kept in floor pens (30 birds per pen). PC++ had lower (p<0.05; 10 and 25 d) or similar (42 d) BW and toe ash compared with PC confirming the avP and Ca set in PC were sufficient to support optimal growth and bone mineralization. Compared to the PC, diets containing 1000 and 1500 FTU phytase had higher BW (p<0.05) at 10 and 25 d. For the overall period of 0-42 d, FI, BW and FCR did not differ across treatments. Percentage-, but not the absolute-, toe ash at phytase treated groups was significantly (p<0.05) low compared with the PC. The experiment demonstrated that 1500 FTU/kg of enhance E. coli phytase supports optimal BW and FCR of broilers fed corn-soy diet largely void of supplemental inorganic phosphate.
  • Eggshell and Bone Quality in Two Different Genetic Groups of Aged Layer Breeders Original Article

    Rayan, GN; El-Attar, AH; Fathi, MM

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The present study was conducted on pair aged commercial laying breeder strains (Hy-Line Brown and Hy-Line W-36) to evaluate genetic differences of eggshell and bone quality. In addition, egg production performance, mortality rate, internal organs and reproductive measurements were determined. Correlation coefficients among some eggshell and bone traits were calculated. White layer breeder hens had significantly higher percentages of hen-day and hen-housed egg production compared to the brown one. Brown Hy-Line layer breeder strain had better eggshell quality compared to W-36 Hy-Line layer breeder strain. The white layer breeder strain had a significantly higher relative oviduct weight compared to the brown one. Brown layer breeder strain recorded the higher humerus width in comparison with the white one. Tibia bone weight of brown layer breeder strain was significantly heavier by 22.87% as compared to the white strain. Moreover, the brown breeder strain recorded the higher figure of tibia width, thickness, and strength. In conclusion, at the end of the laying cycle, brown Hy-Line layer breeder strain exhibited better eggshell quality, body weight and tibia bone quality than those of W-36 breeder strain. Positive correlation coefficients were detected between humerus bone strength and both eggshell thickness and strength in brown and white strains.
  • Morphology, Blood Chemistry and Behavioral Response of Crossbred Chickens Reared Under Alternative Production Systems Original Article

    Usman, M; Mahmud, A; Hussain, J; Javid, A

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT In the present study, the second generation of two genotypes RNN (Rhode Island Red × Naked Neck) and BNN (Black Australorp × Naked Neck) obtained by two self-crosses (RNN × RNN =RR and BNN × BNN= BB) and two reciprocal crosses (RNN × BNN = RB and BNN × RNN = BR) were evaluated in three alternative production systems (conventional cages, enriched cages, and aviary). In total 480 birds, comprising 240 pullets with 240 cockerels (60 pullets & 60 cockerels from each crossbred) were used during rearing phase (17-21 weeks). Higher body weight, shank circumference, body and drumstick length were noticed in RB and BR genotypes. Among different production systems, chickens reared in enriched cages showed higher body weight and body lengths than other production systems. Comparing the behavior of chickens, higher feeding, jumping and dust bathing were observed in chickens reared in aviary systems than in other production systems while the maximum perching behavior was showed by the chickens reared in enriched cages. The highest glucose level was observed in RR genotypes when reared in aviary systems. Antibody titers against ND and IB were highest in chickens reared in aviary systems. In conclusion, RB and BR genotypes had better performance in terms of morphometrics and blood biochemistry when reared under enriched cages and aviary systems.
  • Soybean β-conglycinin Induces Intestinal Immune Responses in Chicks Original Article

    Kang, DR; Belal, SA; Song, KD; Yoon, C; Park, BY; Shim, KS

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT β-conglycinin from soybean has been recognized as one of the major feed allergens. This study investigated the effects of β-conglycinin-induced allergic sensitization on chicks’ small intestines. A total of 40 7-day-old (100 g) chicks were divided into four groups as control, β-conglycinin 1 h, β-conglycinin 6 h, and β-conglycinin 12 h. All treatment groups were administered 60 mg of β-conglycinin/chick and small intestine samples were collected. β-conglycinin-induced allergic sensitization marginally damages the epithelium lining of the duodenum villi and, in addition, significantly increases the accumulation of mast cells in the lamina propria and crypt of the duodenum. Moreover, the TNF-α level significantly increased in all β-conglycinin groups. IL-8 and IL-2 were significantly downregulated in the 1 h group; however, there were increases for the 6 h and 12 h groups. These results suggest that β-conglycinin may lead to an inflammatory response in the chicks’ small intestines.
  • Improved Antioxidant Capacity and Immune Function of Broiler Chickens Fed with Selenium-enriched Candida utilis Original Article

    Wang, D; Wang, D; Pu, L; Wei, G

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to assess the effect of selenium-enriched Candida utilis with high contents of organic selenium (Se) and glutathione (GSH) on growth performance, antioxidant capacity and immune function of broiler chickens. A total of 100 healthy 7-day-old male broiler chickens were randomly divided into 5 groups, and fed diets supplemented with (a) Na2SeO3, (b) C. utilis, (c) Se-enriched Saccharomyces cerevisiae, (d) Se-enriched C. utilis, and (e) the control without any supplements. The experiment lasted for 6 weeks and parameters were recorded on day 42. No significant differences in average daily gain were found among the 5 groups. However, Se-enriched C. utilis supplemented in the diet increased activities of glutathione peroxidase in the whole blood (p<0.01), catalase in the serum (p<0.01) and breast meat (p<0.01), and superoxide dismutase in the breast meat (p<0.01), as well as decreased contents of malondialdehyde in the serum (p<0.01), liver (p<0.01) and breast meat (p<0.05). Also, Se-enriched C. utilis improved titers of IgG (p<0.01), IgM (p<0.01), and IgA (p<0.01) in the serum, as compared to the control. All these results indicated that Se-enriched C. utilis was a good candidate of dietary supplement to improve the antioxidant capacity and immune function of broiler chickens.
  • Effects of Bile Acids and Lipase Supplementation in Low-Energy Diets on Growth Performance, Fat Digestibility and Meat Quality in Broiler Chickens Original Article

    Arshad, MA; Bhatti, SA; Hassan, I; Rahman, MA; Rehman, MS

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of bile acids and lipase supplementation in low energy (LE) diets on growth, fat digestibility, serum lipid profile and meat quality of broilers. Seven hundred one-day-old broiler chicks were divided into 5 dietary treatments with five replicates of 28 birds each. The five treatments were: i) high energy diet (HE; metabolizable energy (ME) = 3,000 and 3,170 kcal/kg for starter and finisher diet), ii) low energy diet (LE; ME = 2,900 and 3,070 kcal/kg for starter and finisher diet), iii) LE diet supplemented with 300 g/ton bile acids (LEB), iv) LE diet supplemented with 180 g/ton lipase (LEL), v) LE diet supplemented both with bile acids (300 g/ton) and lipase (180 g/ton). The experiment lasted 35 days having starter phase from days 1-21 and finisher phase from days 22-35. Dietary inclusion of both bile acids and lipase in LE diet had no effect (p>0.05) on body weight (BW) gain and feed intake. High energy diet reduced feed intake and BW gain during starter and overall period; however, during finisher phase BW gain was similar in all dietary treatments. Dietary energy level had no effect on feed conversion ratio. Fat digestibility (p>0.05) both in the starter and finisher phase was not affected by the dietary treatments. Concentration of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides were not affected by the dietary treatments (p>0.05). Meat quality of breast and thigh muscle was unaffected due to the dietary treatments (p>0.05). It is concluded that the supplementation of bile acids alone or in combination with lipase in low-energy diets did not improve broiler performance, fat digestibility, serum lipid profile and meat quality.
  • Effects of Lysophospholipid and Lipase Enzyme Supplementation to Low Metabolizable Energy Diets on Growth Performance, Intestinal Morphology and Microbial Population and Some Blood Metabolites in Broiler Chickens Original Article

    Movagharnejad, M; Kazemi-Fard, M; Rezaei, M; Teimuri-Yansari, A

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This experiment aimed to evaluate the impacts of dietary lysophospholipid (LPL) and lipase enzyme complementation based on low-energy diets on growth performance, intestinal morphology, blood metabolites, immune response, and carcass traits in broiler chickens. Two hundreds broiler chicks were assigned to a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replications with ten one-day old chicks. The five treatments were: positive control (PC) without LPL supplementation and adequate in all nutrients, negative control (NC) without LPL the reduced 150 kcal/kg of metabolizable energy, NC+ 0.15% LPL (LPL15), NC+ lipase (NCL), NC+ 0.15% LPL+ lipase (NCLL). Feeding LPL improved body weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR). In contrast, lipase supplementation showed no significant improvement on weight gain and FCR. Supplementation of LPL and lipase did not have significant effect on immune organ, abdominal fat, and liver and thigh but decreased heart and gizzard and increased breast relative weight (p< 0.05). Digestibility of dry matter did not show significant effect but crude protein and ether extract improved digestibility in LPL15 and NCLL group in contrast to NC group (p<0.05). Dietary treatment showed no significant improvement on the metabolic blood factors (p<0.05). The inclusion of LPL to negative diet (LPL15) and LPL+lipase to negative control diet raised villus height, ratio of villi height to crypt depth and increased crypt depth. Overall, LPL inclusion to diet increased weight gain and improved FCR, crude protein and fat digestibility, and improved villus height and ratio of villi height to crypt depth to NC group.
  • Crude Glycerin and Energy Density of Diets for Growing, Pre-Lay and Pre-Peak Backcob Brown Egg-Laying Hens Original Article

    Avellaneda, Y; Ariza-Nieto, C; Afanador-Téllez, G

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT A total of 320 13-weeks-old pullets were weighed and randomly allocated to treatments comprised by four levels of crude glycerin (0, 3, 6 or 9%) and two levels of ME (metabolizable energy, difference of 100 kcal/kg) in the diets growing (14 to 17 weeks of age), pre-lay and pre-peak (low: 2750, 2800 and 2750 kcal/kg and high: 2850, 2900 and 2850 kcal/kg, respectively). During the study, body weight was registered until 30 weeks of age, feed intake, egg weight and egg-production for each repetition and for individual hens were measured every week. The information was analyzed through a completely randomized design with a 4x2 factorial arrangement. During the growing phase, hens that received low energy diets consumed more feed (p<0.05), gained less body weight (p<0.05) and recorded lower feed conversion (p<0.05). Besides, a positive linear effect (p<0.05) was observed when including glycerin on feed conversion and weight gain. During the initial egg-laying phase, hens fed low-energy diets consumed more feed (p<0.05) and laid lighter eggs (p<0.05). Furthermore, a positive linear effect (p<0.05) of including crude glycerin on egg yield and feed intake was observed. After the egg-laying peak, the hens of high energy groups consumed 1.6 g/d less feed (p<0.05) and lay 0.9% less eggs, also, it a quadratic effect of inclusion of glycerin on laying-eggs was observed. In conclusion, the use of high energy diets decrease feed intake, increase egg weight until peak, but decrease the percentage of eggs post-peak; glycerin used in diets increases feed intake and improves egg-laying rate in different ways during the laying phase.
  • Influence of Thermally Oxidized Vegetable Oil and Animal Fats on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Carcass Parameters and Meat Quality of Broilers Original Article

    Kamran, J; Mehmood, S; Mahmud, A; Saima,

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The current study was planned to investigate the influence of soy oil, oxidized soy oil, poultry oil single refined and poultry oil double refined on the performance of broilers chicken. A total of two hundred and forty, day-old broiler chicks were divided into 4 treatments in such a way that each treatment had six replicates and each replicate had ten chicks. The experimental treatments were separated with the usage of single refined poultry oil, double refined poultry oil, oxidized soy oil and soy oil in the diet of broilers. In both starter and overall periods average body weight was higher (p<0.05) for birds which were on a basal diet containing soy oil as compared to other diets. Similarly, feed intake was higher (p<0.05) for birds which were on a basal diet containing soy oil in the starter phase. In the overall phase, average body weight was less in oxidized oil as compared to other dietary treatments (p<0.05). Similarly, birds showed poor feed conversion ratio in the basal diet that contained oxidized oil (p<0.05) in the overall phase of the experiment. The birds showed better digestibility (p<0.05) for crude fat on a basal diet containing vegetable oil and double refined poultry oil as compared to other diets. Results showed no effects of experimental treatments on the meat quality and carcass parameters (p>0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that poultry single refined and double refined oil could be a possible substitute for fresh soy oil for better performance as compared to oxidized soy oil.
  • Antimicrobial Resistance in Salmonella Serovars Isolated From an Egg-Producing Region in Brazil Original Article

    Benevides, VP; Rubio, MS; Alves, LBR; Barbosa, FO; Souza, AIS; Almeida, AM; Casas, MRT; Guastalli, EAL; Soares, NM; Berchieri Jr, A

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Fowl paratyphoid infections are caused by different Salmonella serovars that can affect a wide range of hosts. Due to its complex epidemiology, Salmonella serovar identification is crucial for the development and implementation of monitoring and control programs in poultry farms. Moreover, the characterization of the antimicrobial resistance profiles of Salmonella strains isolated from livestock is relevant to public health because they are a common causative agent of foodborne diseases. The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of Salmonella spp. and to identify the antimicrobial resistance profiles of strains isolated in the midwestern region of São Paulo state, which accounts for the highest production of table eggs in Brazil. For this purpose, 2008 fecal samples were collected on 151 commercial layer farms and submitted to microbiological analyses. Twenty-two serovars were isolated from 80 (52.9%) farms, among which S. Mbandaka and S. Braenderup were the most prevalent. All isolates expressed resistance to at least one of the 23 antimicrobials tested, and the highest resistance rates were determined against streptomycin (93.5%) and sulfonamide (84.6%). Moreover, multidrug resistance was observed in 41% of the isolates and the maximum drug resistance profile was against ten different antimicrobials. Therefore, the identification of Salmonella serovars in poultry production provides epidemiological knowledge to develop prevention and control measures in order to ensure poultry health and to prevent human infection by multiresistant strains.
  • Comparison of Mycoplasma gallisepticum Infection in Different Samples and Ages of Chicken Breeder Flocks Original Article

    Demirbilek, SK; Ardicli, Ö; Carli, KT

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This study aimed to compare method-based and newly developed sample-based methods for Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) detection in different samples of breeder flocks suffering from respiratory disease problems by using culture, real-time PCR (rPCR) and ELISA from chicks and embryonated eggs. Overall, 450 samples of 19-day-old chicken embryo’s trachea, 450 samples of 8-day-old chicken tracheal swabs and 900 blood samples of 20-, 27-, 34-, 40- and 46-week-old breeder chickens from 5 flocks were sampled for 26 weeks, and were all tested for MG by culture, MG-rPCR and MG-ELISA. Culturing assays and rPCR were applied to 450 mixture samples from 19-day-old chicken embryo’s trachea and 450 tracheal swab samples (each pooled into groups of 3) from 8-day-old chicks from the same flocks. Also, 900 blood samples from the same 5 breeder flocks suffering from respiratory disease problems were tested by MG-ELISA. In individual sample-based analyses, 55 (18.3%) of the 300 pooled swab samples were positive for MG using culture methods, and 106 (35.3%) of the same samples were found positive by rPCR (sensitivity, specificity). The ELISAs indicated that 252 (28%) of the 900 breeding blood samples were MG seropositive. Using age-based analyses, the most positive period was 46 weeks, followed by 40 weeks, 34 weeks, 27 weeks and at least 20 weeks, in order of decreasing seropositivity. When comparing the culture and rPCR results of the two different sampling methods, chicken embryo’s trachea yielded more positive results than did tracheal swabs from the same flocks. In conclusion, rPCR is a highly specific, sensitive and reliable method for MG identification.
  • Mineral Source and Vitamin Level in Broiler Diets: Effects on Performance, Yield, and Meat Quality Original Article

    Ribeiro, MV; Bittencourt, LC; Hermes, RG; Rönnau, M; Rorig, A; Lima, FK; Fernandes, JIM

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The purpose of this trial was to supplement commercial broiler diets with optimum vitamin programs and higher availability of mineral sources, and to evaluate the effect on performance, yield and meat quality of broilers. The study used 1800 male broiler chicks randomly distributed in a 2 x 2 factorial design (vitamin programs - optimum and commercial vs. mineral sources - inorganic (sulfates) and carbo-amino-phospho-chelate (CAPC)). Supplementation associating optimum vitamin levels and mineral source CAPC resulted in better feed conversion and higher carcass weight at 42 days of age (p<0.05). Supplementation of diets with optimum vitamin levels resulted in higher absolute and relative breast weight, lower abdominal fat deposition, and reduction (p<0.05) of broiler breast water loss by dripping. Supplementation with CAPC minerals resulted in higher breast weight, lower abdominal fat deposition, less elastic muscle tissue, that is, a higher level of tenderness resulting in less resistance of muscle fibers and skin with higher tear strength than the skin of birds fed inorganic sources. Associating optimum vitamin programs and CAPC mineral source resulted in lower (p<0.05) lipid peroxidation levels in thighs and drumsticks after 10 and 40 days freezing. No difference (p>0.05) was found in the association of vitamin programs and mineral sources on the occurrence of white striping and dorsal myopathy. Supplementing the diets with optimized vitamin programs associated with a more bioavailable mineral source resulted in a positive contribution to the meat quality of broilers.
  • Comparative Effect of Zinc Concentration and Sources on Growth Performance, Accumulation in Tissues, Tibia Status, Mineral Excretion and Immunity of Broiler Chickens Original Article

    Azad, SK; Shariatmadari, F; Torshizi, MAK; Chiba, LI

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding different concentrations and sources of zinc (Zn) on the growth performance, tissue mineral status, bone morphology and immunity responses in 0-4-week broiler chickens. Four hundred and forty 1-d-old broiler chickens were assigned randomly to 11 dietary treatments with 4 cages per treatment and 10 broiler chickens per cage in a completely randomized design. Dietary treatments were: corn-soybean meal basal diet (negative control), basal diet supplemented with 5 g yeast/kg (yeast), and basal diet supplemented with 20, 50, or 80 mg of added Zn/kg as ZnSO4, Zn-Met, or Zn-yeast in a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement of treatments. The results showed that broilers fed Zn supplemented diets had greater average weight gain and average feed intake than chickens fed the negative control diet (p<0.05). The Zn deposition in tibia, meat (thigh and breast) and excreta increased (p<0.01), regardless of source, in response to increasing dietary Zn concentrations. Zinc level increased dry weight of tibia bone and its large diameter. The strength of tibia bone as judged by Seedor index and breaking strength was improved (p<0.01) with Zn concentration in increased diets. Furthermore, supplemental Zn up to 50 mg/kg improved immunity responses of broiler chickens (p<0.01). It is concluded that supplementation with 50 mg Zn may be sufficient for normal broiler growth up to 28 d of age and the dietary inclusion of organic Zn could be utilized more effectively when compared to inorganic sources.
  • Antimicrobial Resistance in Campylobacter jejuni Isolated from Brazilian Poultry Slaughterhouses Original Article

    Paravisi, M; Laviniki, V; Bassani, J; Kunert Filho, HC; Carvalho, D; Wilsmann, DE; Borges, KA; Furian, TQ; Salle, CTP; Moraes, HLS; Nascimento, VP
  • Hematological Parameters of Geese Used in Biomedical Research Original Article

    Benarrós, MSC; Silva, CCB; Silva, GA; Silva, KSM

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Domestic geese are birds of zootechnical interest commonly created for ornamentation and guard in farms but are also useful for biomedical research, once they supply blood as a byproduct for laboratory analysis. The study aimed to contribute to the completion of health data available on these animals to trace a hematological profile of domestic geese that supply blood for research and provide data on the influence of periodic collections to the health of these animals. Ten Chinese geese (Anser domesticus), white and males, were kept in a research center installation. Four blood samples were performed weekly after the 1st collection, the sample with greater volume was sent to the laboratories of the Evandro Chagas Institute to be used in the arbovirus tests. The hematological evaluations observed values of packed cell volume (PCV), total number of erythrocytes (Hm), total number of leukocytes (Lc) and differential leukocyte count and the number of thrombocytes (Tb). All the animals were weighed and correlation of volume of blood collected from the animal’s weight was performed. No differences were found among the means obtained in the hematological values of the 1st collection and the subsequent collections demonstrating that the periodic collection in geese, when performed in obedience to the correlation between animal’s weight and blood volume, does not cause significant alterations in the animal’s hematological profile. The results of the hematological profile obtained in this study will add to the biological data of species available allowing a better health assessment of these animals in the creation of environments and in animal research facilities.
Fundação de Apoio à Ciência e Tecnologia Avicolas Rua Barão de Paranapanema, 146 - Sala 72, Bloco A, Bosque., CEP: 13026-010. , Tel.: +55 (19) 3255-8500 - Campinas - SP - Brazil