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Aesthetic experience and initial teacher education: a look at the field of physical education


This text aims to present contributions of aesthetic experience for the initial training of teachers in the field of Physical Education, from a hermeneutic reference, (Gadamer, 2002Gadamer, 2002 Gadamer Hans-Georg. Verdade e método II: complementos e índices. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes; 2002, Tradução Enio Paulo Gianchini., 2005Gadamer, 2005 Gadamer Hans-Georg. Verdade e método I: traços fundamentais de uma hermenêutica filosófica. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes; 2005, Tradução Flávio Paulo Meurer.). At first, we present a brief approach to Gadamer's aesthetic experience. Then we discuss the aesthetic experience as a horizon for initial training of Physical Education teachers. We understand that the aesthetic experience makes possible think of an open and listen, expanding our horizons in the world. We point out the idea of thinking about initial teacher education as a cross between the different dimensions of the human being, between them, the aesthetic dimension.

Aesthetics; Higher education; Hermeneutics; Physical education

Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte Avenida Esperança s/n, Câmpus Samambaia, CEP: 74690-900, Telefone: +55 (62) 3521-1513 - Brasília - DF - Brazil