Open-access Digital fitness culture in the lexicon of body culture: emerging themes for physical education at school


This paper aims to discuss possibilities to add emerging themes of digital fitness culture in physical education at school. These themes were collected from interactions related to a fitness app based on artificial intelligence. Through the Actor-Network Theory, four themes were identified: fitness spectacularization, a process of strong self-exhibition; the fitness bubble, the result of the action of algorithms; fitness blame, which produces the self-entrepreneur; and biohacking, which ranges from self-experimentation to self-optimization. It is concluded that the digital fitness culture has little explored elements, although relevant to the school.

Keywords:  Physical education and training; Fitness trackers; Mobile applications; Teaching

Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte (CBCE) Rua Benjamin Constant, 1286, Bairro Aparecida, CEP: 38400-678 - Uberlândia - MG - Brazil
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