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Women, leisure and family: crossing


This article presents considerations about how the capitalist and patriarchal society affects the way women relate to their time and with their leisure. Based on research carried out with Brazilian social movements and aiming to map these criss-crossings among women, leisure and family, I made a bibliographical study, documental analysis and also interviews with some leaders of Brazilian feminist movements. The results point to both macro and micro-political aspects which cause women´s leisure time to be put in the background of their demands. Their close connection with the family model has appeared as one of the reasons why women´s idea of leisure as a personal right. Some of the identified aspects are highlighted in order to be reflected upon.

Women; Rights; Leisure; Family

Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte Universidade de Brasilia - Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Faculdade de Educação Física, Asa Norte - CEP 70910-970 - Brasilia, DF - Brasil, Telefone: +55 (61) 3107-2542 - Brasília - DF - Brazil