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Playing and learning: aspects related to children with autism


The work aims at understanding the relational aspects of a child with autism regarding other children when playing fun activities. It is about a qualitative study case typed research. The subjects were 17 students, from three to six years old having ten children belonging to a Children Education Center, six with autism and one with Down syndrome. Data collection was carried out through participant observation, service video recording and field diary records. The research allows to determine that the work developed in a social inclusive environment, strengthened by the most experienced adults and colleagues mediating action, favors the autistic children present attitudes that point out their predisposition to share fun activities with friends.

Children autism; Social interaction; Pedagogic mediation; Playful activities

Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte Avenida Esperança s/n, Câmpus Samambaia, CEP: 74690-900, Telefone: +55 (62) 3521-1513 - Brasília - DF - Brazil