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As the population ages, health conditions, including hypertension (HT), which is one of the most prevalent diseases in the elderly population, increase. Regular physical exercise has been recommended for hypertensive individuals; however, due to the variety of factors involved in exercise, different acute responses can be achieved. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to perform a systematic review of the acute effect of physical exercise on blood pressure (BP) in elderly hypertensive patients and of its applicability to the treatment of HT. The search was performed in electronic databases available at Pubmed/Medline, Scopus and Bireme from 2008 to 2018, using the terms “acute physical exercise and hypertension and elderly”. A total of 592 articles were found, and after applying the inclusion criteria, 9 articles were selected to form the analysis. All studies evaluated the acute effect of the exercise session and the acute effect of the session after a training period in male and female hypertensive individuals aged 60 years or over. The results indicate that in spite of the heterogeneity of training methods, all intervention protocols used in these studies were effective in promoting BP reduction post exercise when compared to the control group. However, there is still a gap in the reviewed literature regarding the maintenance time of post exercise hypotension (PEH) in the elderly. This information could suggest how long individuals undergoing physical exercise would be “protected” from high blood pressure values and their health risks, and help plan physical exercise sessions at the precise time the hypotensive effect ceases to be present. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies-Investigation of treatment results.

Aging; Arterial hypertension; Physical exercise; Post-exercise hypotension


À medida que a população envelhece, aumentam os agravos de saúde, entre eles, a hipertensão arterial (HA) destaca-se como uma das doenças de maior prevalência na população idosa. O exercício físico regular tem sido recomendado para indivíduos hipertensos, entretanto devido à variedade com que o exercício pode ser realizado, diferentes respostas agudas podem ser obtidas. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo consistiu em realizar uma revisão sistemática sobre o efeito agudo do exercício físico na pressão arterial (PA) em idosos hipertensos e sua aplicabilidade para o tratamento da HA. A busca foi realizada a partir de bancos de dados eletrônicos disponíveis no Pubmed/Medline, Scopus e Bireme de 2008 a 2018, utilizando os termos “acute physical exercise and hypertension and elderly”. Foram encontrados 592 artigos e, após aplicar os critérios de inclusão, foram selecionados nove artigos que fizeram parte da análise, os quais avaliaram o efeito agudo da sessão de exercício e o efeito agudo da sessão após um período de treinamento em indivíduos hipertensos, com idade a partir de 60 anos, de ambos os sexos. Os resultados apontam que apesar da heterogeneidade nos métodos de treinamento, todos os protocolos de intervenção utilizados nesses estudos foram eficazes na promoção da redução da PA pós-exercício quando comparados ao grupo controle. No entanto, ainda existe uma lacuna na literatura revisada em relação ao tempo de manutenção da hipotensão pós-exercício (HPE) em idosos. Essa informação poderia sugerir por quanto tempo os praticantes estariam “protegidos” dos elevados valores pressóricos e seus riscos para a saúde e auxiliar no planejamento das sessões de exercício físico, justamente quando o efeito hipotensor estivesse deixando de se manifestar. Nível de evidência II; Estudos terapêuticos–Investigação dos resultados do tratamento.

Envelhecimento; Hipertensão arterial; Exercício físico; Hipotensão pós-exercício


A medida que la población envejece, aumentan los agravios de salud, entre ellos, la hipertensión arterial (HA) se destaca como una de las enfermedades de mayor prevalencia en la población anciana. El ejercicio físico regular ha sido recomendado para individuos hipertensos, sin embargo, debido a la variedad con que el ejercicio puede ser realizado, diferentes respuestas agudas pueden ser obtenidas. Siendo así, el objetivo del presente estudio consistió en realizar una revisión sistemática sobre el efecto agudo del ejercicio físico en la presión arterial (PA) en ancianos hipertensos y su aplicabilidad para el tratamiento de la HA. La búsqueda fue realizada a partir de bancos de datos electrónicos disponibles en el Pubmed/Medline, Scopus y Bireme de 2008 a 2018, utilizando los términos “acute physical exercise and hypertension and elderly”.Se encontraron 592 artículos y, después de aplicar los criterios de inclusión, se seleccionaron nueve artículos que formaron parte del análisis, los cuales evaluaron el efecto agudo de la sesión de ejercicio y efecto agudo de la sesión después de un período de entrenamiento en individuos hipertensos, con edad a partir de 60 años, de ambos sexos. Los resultados apuntan que, a pesar de la heterogeneidad en los métodos de entrenamiento, todos los protocolos de intervención utilizados en estos estudios fueron eficaces en la promoción de la reducción de la PA postejercicio cuando comparados con el grupo control. Sin embargo, todavía existe un vacío en la literatura revisada con relación al tiempo de mantenimiento de la hipotensión postejercicio (HPE) en ancianos. Esta información podría sugerir por cuánto tiempo los practicantes estarían “protegidos” de los elevados valores presóricos y sus riesgos para la salud y auxiliar en la planificación de las sesiones de ejercicio físico, justamente cuando el efecto hipotensor estuviera dejando de manifestarse. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudios terapéuticos-Investigación de los resultados del tratamiento.

Envejecimiento; Hipertensión arterial; Ejercicio físico; Hipotensión postejercicio


Aging is a universal phenomenon and longevity is currently identified as one of the most significant demographic transformations of the 21st century.11. ONU. Envelhecimento no Século XXI: celebração e desafio. Nova York: UNFPA, 2012. In developed and developing countries there has been a proportional reduction in the young population and an increase in the absolute number of older people. This process has multiple determinants, particularly the decline in birth rates, the increase in life expectancy and the reduction in mortality.22. Lin RT, Chen YM, Chien LC, Chan CC. Political and social determinants of life expectancy in less developed countries: a longitudinal study. BMC Public Health. 2012;12:85.

Evidence of a progressively aging population has a direct impact on modern society, due to the significant demand for structural changes, especially those geared towards the public health area. As the number of older people grows, health problems also increase exponentially, with special emphasis on hypertension (HT) as one of the most prevalent diseases in the elderly population,33. Cipullo JP, Martin JF, Ciorlia LA, Godoy MR, Cação JC, Loureiro AA, et al. Prevalência e fatores de risco para hipertensão em uma população urbana brasileira. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2010;94(4):519-26. , 44. Pereira JC, Barreto SM, Passos VM. O perfil de saúde cardiovascular dos idosos brasileiros precisa melhorar: estudo de base populacional. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2008;91(1):1-10. while vascular aging is the main aspect related to blood pressure (BP) elevation in the elderly.55. Cardiologia SBD. VII Diretrizes de Hipertensão Brasileira. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2016.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), HT causes widespread concern among health professionals, as it is associated with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, identified as the leading causes of death in the world.66. WHO. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs): fact sheet. 2017[access on 201806 12]. Available at:
HT affects approximately 1 billion people worldwide, contributing to 9.4 million deaths from cardiovascular diseases per year. In Brazil, HT affects about 25% of the population, of which over 50% is acquired at an advanced age, emphasizing aging as an alarming factor for its occurrence.77. Malachias MV, de Souza WK, Lotemberg AM, Guimarães AC, Negrão CE, Forjaz CL. Diretrizes Brasileiras de Hipertensão VI. Rev Hipertensão. 2010;13(1):1-66.

The development of HT is not due to an isolated cause, but to a set of factors that may increase the likelihood of its onset. Its etiology is multifactorial and involves social, environmental, psychological and genetic variables.88. Parati G, Ochoa JE, Lombardi C, Bilo G. Assessment and management of blood-pressure variability. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2013;10(3):143-55.

To address this worrying public health problem, regular physical exercise is indicated as a non-pharmacological therapeutic tool for the treatment of HT. The VII Brazilian Guidelines on Hypertension pinpoint regular aerobic training as a preferential form of exercise, because it contributes both to the reduction of casual BP in pre-hypertensive and hypertensive individuals, and the reduction of awake BP in hypertensive individuals in situations of physical, mental and psychological stress. Due to its ability to produce an approximate systolic/diastolic blood pressure reduction of 2.1/1.7 in pre-hypertensive patients and 8.3/5.2 mmHg in hypertensive patients, respectively, physical exercise is of paramount importance for the prevention and treatment of HT.55. Cardiologia SBD. VII Diretrizes de Hipertensão Brasileira. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2016. Lifestyle changes as well as regular and continuous aerobic exercise is, according to the European Society of Cardiology, a Class I recommendation and level of evidence B, with an estimated reduction of approximately 6.9 mmHg in systolic blood pressure and 4.9 mmHg in diastolic blood pressure.99. Perk J, De Backer G, Gohlke H, Graham I, Reiner Z, Verschuren M, et al. European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (version 2012). The Fifth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovlascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (construted by representatives of nine societies and by invited experts). Eur Heart J. 2012;33(13):1635-701. Reiterating this claim, the American College of Cardiology states that regular physical exercise is the best proven non-pharmacological intervention for the prevention and treatment of HT, and can cause a reduction of 5 to 8 mmHg in BP values.1010. Whelton PK, Carey RM, Aronow WS, Casey DE jr, Collins KJ, Dennison Himmelfarb C, et al. 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA Guideline for the prevention, detection, evaluation and management of high blood pressure in adults: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018;71(19):e127-248.

Although there is overwhelming evidence in the literature of the benefits of chronic adaptations resulting from regular physical exercise, the variety of factors involved in physical exercise is extensive (different exercise types, intensities, and durations), and it can thus elicit distinct acute responses, especially in elderly hypertensive individuals. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the last ten years on the acute effect of physical exercise on BP in hypertensive elderly individuals and its applicability to HT treatment.


Study search and selection strategy

The search for articles on the effects of acute exercise on BP was performed from electronic databases available at Pubmed/Medline, Scopus and Bireme. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Universidade do Estado de São Paulo (IRB/FC-UNESP No. 2,422,919). The search was conducted using the terms “acute physical exercise and hypertension and elderly”. This systematic review included only clinical trials published between January 2008 and December 2018, which investigated the acute effect of exercise on BP in elderly individuals (aged ≥60 years), diagnosed with HT. There were no restrictions imposed on the sex of the sample groups and the language of the studies. Reviews, meta-analyses, non-clinical trials, studies not involving physical exercise, animal studies, methodological or observational studies (descriptive only), and clinical trials that did not have the full text available were not included in the review. Due to the variability of the interventions, we only included articles with an analysis of the effect of an exercise session on BP. The literature search and evaluation of studies were carried out by two independent reviewers (TAR and AMGM). Articles were initially selected based on their title and abstract, and after both reviewers considered them eligible, studies were selected for full-text screening.

Data extraction and analysis

Data on study origin, sample size, participant characteristics (age, sex, baseline BP, physical activity level and comorbidities), method used to measure BP, intervention characteristics (type, frequency and duration of exercise), and results and limitations were extracted from studies included independently by two authors (TAR and AMGM). In the event of discordance between the reviewers, a third author (RFDS) was consulted. The methodological quality of the studies included was assessed using the PEDro scale ( The results of the systematic review are presented descriptively (mean, standard deviations and minimum and maximum values).


The database search resulted in the selection of 592 articles, of which 449 were removed as they were not clinical trials. Of the 143 clinical trials, 84 were published before January 2008 and one was not available in the full text version. Of the 58 remaining clinical trials, 49 were removed because the population age was <60 years, the subjects were normotensive, or the trials did not involve exercise. Finally, after applying the eligibility criteria, we included nine articles in this review that evaluated only the acute effect of the exercise session (six studies) and acute effect of the session after a training period (three studies) on BP in hypertensive older people ( Figure 1 ).

Figure 1
Study selection process.

Study and characteristics of the subjects

The general description of each study is presented in Table 1 . Nine articles were selected for the final analysis, six of which are considered crossover1111. Scher LM, Ferriolli E, Moriguti JC, Scher R, Lima NK. The effect of different volumes of acute resistance exercise on elderly individuals with treated hypertension. J Strength Cond Res. 2011;25(4):1016-23.

12. Moreira SR, Cucato GG, Terra DF, Ritti-Dias RM. Acute blood pressure changes are related to chronic effects of resistance exercise in medicated hypertensive elderly women. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2016;36(3):242-8.

13. Ferrari R, Umpierre D, Vogel G, Vieira PJ, Santos LP, de Mello RB, et al. Effects of concurrent and aerobic exercises on postexercise hypotension in elderly hypertensive men. Exp Gerontol. 2017;98:1-7.

14. Pinto RR, Karabulut M, Poton R, Polito MD. Acute resistance exercise with blood flow restriction in elderly hypertensive women: haemodynamic, rating of perceived exertion and blood lactate. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2018;38(1):17-24.

15. Orsano VS, de Moraes WM, de Sousa NM, de Moura FC, Tibana RA, Silva AO, et al. Comparison of the acute effects of traditional versus high velocity resistance training on metabolic, cardiovascular, and psychophysiological responses in elderly hypertensive women. Clin Interv Aging. 2018;13:1331-40.
- 1616. Barilli A, Corralo VD, Cardoso AM, Mânica A, Bonadiman BD, Bagatini MD, et al. Acute responses of hemodynamic and oxidative stress parameters to aerobic exercise with blood flow restriction in hypertensive elderly women. Mol Biol Rep. 2018;45(5):1099-1109. and three parallel design.1717. Coelho-Júnior HJ, Irigoyen MC, Aguiar SS, Gonçalves IO, Câmara NO, Cenedeze MA, et al. Acute effects of power and resistance exercises on hemodynamic measurements of older women. Clin Interv Aging. 2017;12:1103-14.

18. Mota MR, Oliveira RJ, Terra DF, Pardono E, Dutra MT, de Almeida JA, et al. Acute and chronic effects of resistive exercise on blood pressure in hypertensive elderly women. Int J Gen Med. 2013;6:581-7.
- 1919. Dos Santos ES, Asano RY, Filho IG, Lopes NL, Panelli P, Nascimento DC, et al. Acute and chronic cardiovascular response to 16 weeks of combined eccentric or traditional resistance and aerobic training in elderly hypertensive women: a randomized controlled trial. J Strength Cond Res. 2014;28(11):3073-84. As regards the trials, three are randomized and non-controlled.1212. Moreira SR, Cucato GG, Terra DF, Ritti-Dias RM. Acute blood pressure changes are related to chronic effects of resistance exercise in medicated hypertensive elderly women. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2016;36(3):242-8. , 1515. Orsano VS, de Moraes WM, de Sousa NM, de Moura FC, Tibana RA, Silva AO, et al. Comparison of the acute effects of traditional versus high velocity resistance training on metabolic, cardiovascular, and psychophysiological responses in elderly hypertensive women. Clin Interv Aging. 2018;13:1331-40. , 1616. Barilli A, Corralo VD, Cardoso AM, Mânica A, Bonadiman BD, Bagatini MD, et al. Acute responses of hemodynamic and oxidative stress parameters to aerobic exercise with blood flow restriction in hypertensive elderly women. Mol Biol Rep. 2018;45(5):1099-1109. Only one study presented samples of normotensive and hypertensive patients,1717. Coelho-Júnior HJ, Irigoyen MC, Aguiar SS, Gonçalves IO, Câmara NO, Cenedeze MA, et al. Acute effects of power and resistance exercises on hemodynamic measurements of older women. Clin Interv Aging. 2017;12:1103-14. while the other articles only presented hypertensive patients. Seven articles were conducted with hypertensive women, one article considering both sexes1111. Scher LM, Ferriolli E, Moriguti JC, Scher R, Lima NK. The effect of different volumes of acute resistance exercise on elderly individuals with treated hypertension. J Strength Cond Res. 2011;25(4):1016-23. and another including only men,1313. Ferrari R, Umpierre D, Vogel G, Vieira PJ, Santos LP, de Mello RB, et al. Effects of concurrent and aerobic exercises on postexercise hypotension in elderly hypertensive men. Exp Gerontol. 2017;98:1-7. while all the studies included participants aged between 60 and 80 years. Six studies assessed the acute effect of a single exercise session on BP with a sample size of 15-20 participants (totaling 106 participants), including only women, or only men or both sexes. Three studies assessed the acute effect of a single exercise session after a training period with a sample size of 20 to 64 participants (totaling 148 participants), including women only. In most studies, BP was measured by a digital or oscillometric device; only one study used the auscultatory method1111. Scher LM, Ferriolli E, Moriguti JC, Scher R, Lima NK. The effect of different volumes of acute resistance exercise on elderly individuals with treated hypertension. J Strength Cond Res. 2011;25(4):1016-23. and two studies used 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM).1111. Scher LM, Ferriolli E, Moriguti JC, Scher R, Lima NK. The effect of different volumes of acute resistance exercise on elderly individuals with treated hypertension. J Strength Cond Res. 2011;25(4):1016-23. , 1313. Ferrari R, Umpierre D, Vogel G, Vieira PJ, Santos LP, de Mello RB, et al. Effects of concurrent and aerobic exercises on postexercise hypotension in elderly hypertensive men. Exp Gerontol. 2017;98:1-7. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using the PEDro scale ( Figure 2 ), with a mean PEDro score of 6.6 ranging from five to ten.

Table 1
General characteristics of the studies.

Figure 2
PEDro classification for the studies included.

Effect of interventions on BP

The main results and conclusions of the different interventions are described in Table 2 . It can be observed that there was a reduction in BP in all protocols when compared to the control intervention, but the results of this review showed some dissimilar effects on the different types of physical exercise, intensity and duration.

Table 2
Main results and conclusions of the studies.


This systematic review evaluated the acute effect of physical exercise on BP in hypertensive elderly patients and its applicability to the treatment of HT. We found nine articles published in the last ten years.

The studies included in this article were found to contain a significant variety of training protocols, of which four used only muscle resistance exercises,1111. Scher LM, Ferriolli E, Moriguti JC, Scher R, Lima NK. The effect of different volumes of acute resistance exercise on elderly individuals with treated hypertension. J Strength Cond Res. 2011;25(4):1016-23. , 1515. Orsano VS, de Moraes WM, de Sousa NM, de Moura FC, Tibana RA, Silva AO, et al. Comparison of the acute effects of traditional versus high velocity resistance training on metabolic, cardiovascular, and psychophysiological responses in elderly hypertensive women. Clin Interv Aging. 2018;13:1331-40. , 1717. Coelho-Júnior HJ, Irigoyen MC, Aguiar SS, Gonçalves IO, Câmara NO, Cenedeze MA, et al. Acute effects of power and resistance exercises on hemodynamic measurements of older women. Clin Interv Aging. 2017;12:1103-14. , 1818. Mota MR, Oliveira RJ, Terra DF, Pardono E, Dutra MT, de Almeida JA, et al. Acute and chronic effects of resistive exercise on blood pressure in hypertensive elderly women. Int J Gen Med. 2013;6:581-7. one used resistance exercises in combination with vascular occlusion,1414. Pinto RR, Karabulut M, Poton R, Polito MD. Acute resistance exercise with blood flow restriction in elderly hypertensive women: haemodynamic, rating of perceived exertion and blood lactate. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2018;38(1):17-24. another three combined resistance and aerobic exercises1212. Moreira SR, Cucato GG, Terra DF, Ritti-Dias RM. Acute blood pressure changes are related to chronic effects of resistance exercise in medicated hypertensive elderly women. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2016;36(3):242-8. , 1313. Ferrari R, Umpierre D, Vogel G, Vieira PJ, Santos LP, de Mello RB, et al. Effects of concurrent and aerobic exercises on postexercise hypotension in elderly hypertensive men. Exp Gerontol. 2017;98:1-7. , 1919. Dos Santos ES, Asano RY, Filho IG, Lopes NL, Panelli P, Nascimento DC, et al. Acute and chronic cardiovascular response to 16 weeks of combined eccentric or traditional resistance and aerobic training in elderly hypertensive women: a randomized controlled trial. J Strength Cond Res. 2014;28(11):3073-84. and only one study used aerobic exercise alone, which was also associated with vascular occlusion.1616. Barilli A, Corralo VD, Cardoso AM, Mânica A, Bonadiman BD, Bagatini MD, et al. Acute responses of hemodynamic and oxidative stress parameters to aerobic exercise with blood flow restriction in hypertensive elderly women. Mol Biol Rep. 2018;45(5):1099-1109. Associated with the different types of exercises used, we also observed different intensities and durations of exercise sessions. Accordingly, it is important to emphasize that the physiological mechanisms involved in BP control and its relationship with the different ways in which physical exercise can be performed are not yet fully established, and may make a greater or lesser contribution to the reduction of BP values according to the training protocol used.

Among the studies included in this review, six analyzed only post-exercise BP reduction following an acute physical exercise session1111. Scher LM, Ferriolli E, Moriguti JC, Scher R, Lima NK. The effect of different volumes of acute resistance exercise on elderly individuals with treated hypertension. J Strength Cond Res. 2011;25(4):1016-23. , 1313. Ferrari R, Umpierre D, Vogel G, Vieira PJ, Santos LP, de Mello RB, et al. Effects of concurrent and aerobic exercises on postexercise hypotension in elderly hypertensive men. Exp Gerontol. 2017;98:1-7.

14. Pinto RR, Karabulut M, Poton R, Polito MD. Acute resistance exercise with blood flow restriction in elderly hypertensive women: haemodynamic, rating of perceived exertion and blood lactate. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2018;38(1):17-24.

15. Orsano VS, de Moraes WM, de Sousa NM, de Moura FC, Tibana RA, Silva AO, et al. Comparison of the acute effects of traditional versus high velocity resistance training on metabolic, cardiovascular, and psychophysiological responses in elderly hypertensive women. Clin Interv Aging. 2018;13:1331-40.

16. Barilli A, Corralo VD, Cardoso AM, Mânica A, Bonadiman BD, Bagatini MD, et al. Acute responses of hemodynamic and oxidative stress parameters to aerobic exercise with blood flow restriction in hypertensive elderly women. Mol Biol Rep. 2018;45(5):1099-1109.
- 1717. Coelho-Júnior HJ, Irigoyen MC, Aguiar SS, Gonçalves IO, Câmara NO, Cenedeze MA, et al. Acute effects of power and resistance exercises on hemodynamic measurements of older women. Clin Interv Aging. 2017;12:1103-14. while the other three repeated the analysis after a training period, assessing not only the acute effect alone, but also chronic adaptation and its effect on the magnitude of PEH.1212. Moreira SR, Cucato GG, Terra DF, Ritti-Dias RM. Acute blood pressure changes are related to chronic effects of resistance exercise in medicated hypertensive elderly women. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2016;36(3):242-8. , 1818. Mota MR, Oliveira RJ, Terra DF, Pardono E, Dutra MT, de Almeida JA, et al. Acute and chronic effects of resistive exercise on blood pressure in hypertensive elderly women. Int J Gen Med. 2013;6:581-7. , 1919. Dos Santos ES, Asano RY, Filho IG, Lopes NL, Panelli P, Nascimento DC, et al. Acute and chronic cardiovascular response to 16 weeks of combined eccentric or traditional resistance and aerobic training in elderly hypertensive women: a randomized controlled trial. J Strength Cond Res. 2014;28(11):3073-84. The above observation shows that physiological and structural adaptations arising in the respective training periods of the studies, despite the use of different training protocols, may contribute to a better hypotensive effect both in chronic terms and in acute responses. A possible hypothesis is that under both conditions the shear stress stimulated by physical exercise (acute or chronic) acts on the endothelial cells which, through a cascade of events, lead to the production of the enzyme endothelial nitric oxide synthase, generating vasodilation and as a consequence the reduction of BP values.2020. Ferrari AU, Radaelli A, Mori I, Mircoli L, Perlini S, Meregalli P, et al. Nitric oxide-dependent vasodilation and the regulation of arterial blood pressure. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2001;38(Suppl 2):S19-22.

As indicated by the VII Brazilian Guidelines on Hypertension,55. Cardiologia SBD. VII Diretrizes de Hipertensão Brasileira. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2016. among other guidelines, aerobic treatment is recommended as a preferential option for the prevention and treatment of HT, a fact that draws attention when we observe that only one of the nine studies used aerobic exercise in its experimental protocol, in combination with vascular occlusion. Associated with this fact, there is a predominance of protocols using resistance and combined exercise, with only one investigation that combined resistance exercise with vascular occlusion. All protocols presented satisfactory post-exercise BP reduction results, demonstrating the search for innovative proposals in exercise planning for hypertensive patients, especially those with some limitation regarding overload, since the protocols that used vascular occlusion and lighter loads also had beneficial results in BP values.

The considerable heterogeneity in training methods may have resulted in different responses in BP behavior. However, it is important to note that all intervention protocols carried out in the studies selected in this systematic review were effective in promoting post-exercise BP reduction when compared to the control group, but the absence of post-exercise BP monitoring in most studies ruled out the possibility of evaluating the duration of post-exercise hypotension (PEH). Only two articles1111. Scher LM, Ferriolli E, Moriguti JC, Scher R, Lima NK. The effect of different volumes of acute resistance exercise on elderly individuals with treated hypertension. J Strength Cond Res. 2011;25(4):1016-23. ,21 used ABPM in their experimental protocols to effectively evaluate the hypotensive effect for up to 24h after an acute exercise session, which makes it possible to measure how long PEH lasted, thus demonstrating a period of time in which exercisers can be “protected” from elevated blood pressure values and their associated health risks.

This observation is relevant to future studies since it would enable us to measure which of the interventions results in desirable pressure responses, and for how long the PEH status lasts. This would allow us to verify, for example, the optimal time for application of a new exercise overload, precisely when the hypotensive effect has ceased. Thus, following the basic principles of physical training, it would be possible to construct an overcompensation curve of the hypotensive effect for each type of exercise performed, such that, knowing the dose-response effect of the physical exercise undertaken, its application would be similar to the administration of a drug or combination of drugs with expected pharmacological effect.

Regarding the methodological quality of the studies included, assessed by the PEDro Scale, all were methodologically deficient, and only one study met all the criteria, which reinforces the risk of bias for interpretation and comparison of data, since most of the studies are subject to limitations such as the blinding of patients, therapists and assessors in treatment conditions, besides the lack of randomization and control.

Implications for clinical practice

Despite the distinction between exercise and/or training protocols used in the studies analyzed, the effect of PEH can be observed in all studies, a fact that may provide more support when planning physical training for both prevention and treatment of HT.


This review was limited by the heterogeneity of intervention programs and variety in BP measurement protocols. In addition, the different equipment used, as well as the time points at which BP was measured, may influence the interpretation of PEH to compare the effect of the protocols of this particular study.


All the reviewed articles, regardless of the methods used, were effective in promoting post-exercise BP reduction. However, there is still a gap in the reviewed literature regarding the maintenance time of PEH in the elderly. This information could suggest how long individuals undergoing physical exercise would be “protected” from high blood pressure values and their health risks, and help plan exercise sessions at the precise time the hypotensive effect ceases to exist.


This study was supported by the CAPES (Higher Education Personnel Upskilling Coordination Office).


  • 1
    ONU. Envelhecimento no Século XXI: celebração e desafio. Nova York: UNFPA, 2012.
  • 2
    Lin RT, Chen YM, Chien LC, Chan CC. Political and social determinants of life expectancy in less developed countries: a longitudinal study. BMC Public Health. 2012;12:85.
  • 3
    Cipullo JP, Martin JF, Ciorlia LA, Godoy MR, Cação JC, Loureiro AA, et al. Prevalência e fatores de risco para hipertensão em uma população urbana brasileira. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2010;94(4):519-26.
  • 4
    Pereira JC, Barreto SM, Passos VM. O perfil de saúde cardiovascular dos idosos brasileiros precisa melhorar: estudo de base populacional. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2008;91(1):1-10.
  • 5
    Cardiologia SBD. VII Diretrizes de Hipertensão Brasileira. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2016.
  • 6
    WHO. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs): fact sheet. 2017[access on 201806 12]. Available at:
  • 7
    Malachias MV, de Souza WK, Lotemberg AM, Guimarães AC, Negrão CE, Forjaz CL. Diretrizes Brasileiras de Hipertensão VI. Rev Hipertensão. 2010;13(1):1-66.
  • 8
    Parati G, Ochoa JE, Lombardi C, Bilo G. Assessment and management of blood-pressure variability. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2013;10(3):143-55.
  • 9
    Perk J, De Backer G, Gohlke H, Graham I, Reiner Z, Verschuren M, et al. European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (version 2012). The Fifth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovlascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (construted by representatives of nine societies and by invited experts). Eur Heart J. 2012;33(13):1635-701.
  • 10
    Whelton PK, Carey RM, Aronow WS, Casey DE jr, Collins KJ, Dennison Himmelfarb C, et al. 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA Guideline for the prevention, detection, evaluation and management of high blood pressure in adults: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018;71(19):e127-248.
  • 11
    Scher LM, Ferriolli E, Moriguti JC, Scher R, Lima NK. The effect of different volumes of acute resistance exercise on elderly individuals with treated hypertension. J Strength Cond Res. 2011;25(4):1016-23.
  • 12
    Moreira SR, Cucato GG, Terra DF, Ritti-Dias RM. Acute blood pressure changes are related to chronic effects of resistance exercise in medicated hypertensive elderly women. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2016;36(3):242-8.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    29 July 2020
  • Date of issue
    Jul-Aug 2020


  • Received
    29 Jan 2019
  • Accepted
    25 Sept 2019
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