Logomarca do periódico: REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana

Open-access REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana

Publication of: Centro Scalabriniano de Estudos Migratórios
Area: Applied Social Sciences, Human Sciences ISSN printed version: 1980-8585
ISSN online version: 2237-9843

Table of contents

REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, Volume: 31, Issue: 68, Published: 2023

REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, Volume: 31, Issue: 68, Published: 2023

Document list
Wars, hysterias and mobilities Marinucci, Roberto
Guerras, histerias e mobilidades Marinucci, Roberto
Dossiê: ”Em fuga de conflitos armados”
The externalisation of the responsibility to protect in the New Pact on Migration and Asylum in Europe Ruiz-Estramil, Ivana Belén

Abstract in Spanish:

Resumen. Este artículo analiza desde una perspectiva sociológica, las implicaciones en términos de protección del Nuevo Pacto sobre Migración y Asilo en la Unión Europea (UE). Trabajando desde una metodología cualitativa, este artículo tiene el objetivo de exponer una estrategia que puede entenderse como externalización de la responsabilidad de proteger desarrollada por la UE bajo el argumento de impedir la saturación del sistema de asilo europeo. Como principales resultados, señalo, en primer lugar, la estructuración de estrategias destinadas a frenar la llegada de población, y en segundo lugar, un análisis del control del acceso a la UE en función de contexto y región de procedencia siguiendo el modelo empleado en la Declaración UE-Turquía de 2016. Planteo como discusión la urgencia de mayores garantías internacionales apoyándome en las denuncias desarrolladas por organizaciones no gubernamentales, para finalmente concluir destacando las prácticas de repliegue de los sistemas de protección ante el aumento de la movilidad humana transnacional forzada.

Abstract in English:

Abstract. This article analyzes, from a sociological perspective, the implications in terms of protection of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum in the European Unión (EU). Working from a qualitative methodology, this article aims to expose a strategy that can be understood as an externalisation of the responsibility to protect developed by the EU under the argument of preventing the saturation of the European asylum system. As main results, I point out, firstly, the structuring of strategies aimed at stopping the arrival of population, and secondly, an analysis of access control to the EU, based on context and region of origin following the model used in the EU-Turkey Declaration of 2016. I raise as a discussion the urgency of greater international guarantees based on the complaints developed by non-governmental organizations, to finally conclude by highlighting the practices of withdrawal of protection systems in the face of the increase in forced transnational human mobility.
Dossiê: ”Em fuga de conflitos armados”
The Colombian population in need of international protection and regional response plans Ortiz, Diana Viloria, Mauricio

Abstract in Spanish:

Resumen El Plan de Acción Brasil PAB (2014-2024), se impulsó a partir de la evaluación del Plan de Acción México (2004-2014) que en sus programas planteó respuestas a la crisis desatada por la migración forzada transfronteriza colombiana en la primera década del siglo XXI, una de las épocas más cruentas del conflicto armado interno. Un fenómeno que persistió, aunque con niveles decrecientes, durante el proceso de los diálogos de paz (2012-2016) y tras la firma del Acuerdo Final entre el Estado colombiano y las antiguas FARC-EP (2016). Entre el 2000 y 2016, cerca del 80% de la migración forzada colombiana se enmarcó en flujos sur-sur. Colombia se ubicó durante los primeros quince años del nuevo siglo, como el principal país de origen de personas con necesidades de protección internacional de la región. En el marco de la segunda evaluación trienal del PAB, se realizaron grupos focales y entrevistas a profundidad a 166 personas de distintas nacionalidades, con necesidades de protección internacional en cinco países de América Latina. El objetivo fue contrastar las respuestas recibidas por las poblaciones afectadas con la formulación y aplicación de los marcos de respuesta regional. Los hallazgos evidenciaron que, los estándares de protección son aún frágiles frente a la inestabilidad política de la región; sin compromisos políticos de largo plazo los marcos de respuesta resultan temporales e inciertos.

Abstract in English:

Abstract The Brazil PAB Action Plan (2014-2024), was promoted based on the evaluation of the Mexico Action Plan (2004-2014), which proposed responses to the crisis unleashed by Colombian cross-border forced migration in the first decade of the XXI century, when the internal armed conflict intensified. A phenomenon that persisted, although with decreasing levels, during the peace talks (2012-2016) and after the signing of the Final Agreement between the Colombian State and the former FARC-EP (2016). Between 2000 and 2016, close to 80% of Colombian forced migration took place in the South. During the first fifteen years of the new century, Colombia was the main country of origin of people in need of international protection in the region. Within the framework of the second triennial evaluation of the PAB, focus groups and in-depth interviews were carried out with 166 people of different nationalities, with needs for international protection in five Latin American countries. The objective was to contrast the responses received by the affected populations with the formulation and application of the regional response. The findings showed that protection standards are still fragile in the face of political instability in the region. Without long-term political commitments, responses are temporary and uncertain.
Dossiê: ”Em fuga de conflitos armados”
Payasos Sin Fronteras: considering refugee populations Silva, Luan do Nascimento

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo: Os Payasos Sin Fronteras atuam em campos de refugiados e outros cenários marcados por conflitos e violências, recorrendo à palhaçaria e ao lúdico como estratégias para defender os direitos humanos e agir diretamente sobre situações de vulnerabilidade social. O presente texto almeja explorar o papel da arte na promoção de uma melhor qualidade de vida para pessoas nessas situações, a partir da atuação dos Payasos Sin Fronteras junto às populações refugiadas. Para tanto, realiza-se uma revisão bibliográfica de caráter exploratória e descritiva para auxiliar na compreensão do estudo de caso, articulando literaturas sobre refúgio e comicidade com a dimensão prática - cujas principais fontes são relatórios e publicações da organização. Verifica-se nesse debate que a função social do riso instrumentalizada pelos PSF contribui com a promoção da resiliência das populações refugiadas, fortalecendo uma perspectiva de “consideração” sobre a sua situação de vulnerabilidade, isto é, de observação atenta, aproximação e construção de possibilidades e alternativas de existência.

Abstract in English:

Abstract: Payasos Sin Fronteras works in refugee camps and other settings marked by conflict and violence, resorting to ludic activities and clowning as strategies to defend human rights and act directly on situations of social vulnerability. This text aims to explore the role of art in promoting a better quality of life for people in these situations, based on the work of Payasos Sin Fronteras with refugee populations. To this end, an exploratory and descriptive bibliographical review is carried out to assist in the understanding of the case study, articulating literature on refuge and comicity with the practical dimension - whose main sources are the organization's reports and publications. It is verified in this debate that the social function of laughter instrumentalized by the PSF contributes to the promotion of the resilience of refugee populations, strengthening a perspective of "consideration" about their situation of vulnerability, that is, of attentive observation, approximation and construction of possibilities and existence alternatives.
Dossiê: ”Em fuga de conflitos armados”
Trajectories of reconstruction and negotiation of relationships in displacement: Intimacy among Syrian families in Lebanon Tuzi, Irene

Abstract in Italian:

Abstract (italiano) L’articolo esplora l’impatto della migrazione forzata sulle relazioni di genere tra le famiglie siriane in Libano e si propone di analizzare alcune delle trasformazioni che hanno interessato le relazioni intime delle famiglie rifugiate. Si concentra in particolare su come donne e uomini in esilio ricostruiscono l’intimità attraverso l’uso della resilienza come dimensione di agentività (agency). Le domande di ricerca a cui l’articolo risponde sono: qual è l’impatto della migrazione forzata sull’intimità? Come vengono ricostruite le relazioni intime nella migrazione forzata? Basandosi su uno studio etnografico svolto in Libano tra il 2017 e il 2019, questo articolo propone una lettura delle traiettorie di ricostruzione e negoziazione delle relazioni di genere attraverso il concetto di resilienza. Dai risultati di questo studio emerge che la resilienza come dimensione di agentività permette di mettere in pratica tecniche di negoziazione attiva e creativa delle relazioni e di ricostruzione dell’intimità nella migrazione forzata.

Abstract in English:

Abstract (English) The article explores the impact of forced migration on gender relations among Syrian families in Lebanon and aims to analyze some of the transformations that have affected the intimate relationships of refugee families. It focuses in particular on how women and men in displacement reconstruct intimacy using resilience as a dimension of agency. The research questions that the article answers are: what is the impact of forced migration on intimacy? How are intimate relationships reconstructed in forced migration? Based on an ethnographic study carried out in Lebanon between 2017 and 2019, this article proposes an interpretation of the trajectories of reconstruction and negotiation of gender relations through the concept of resilience. The results of this study show that resilience as a dimension of agency enables the practice of active and creative techniques of negotiating relationships and reconstructing intimacy in forced migration.
Dossiê: ”Em fuga de conflitos armados”
Syrians in temporary refuge situation in Brazil: life stories and processes of social insertion Valle, Gabriela Viol Bonomo, Mariana Brasil, Julia Alves

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo. Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar experiências de inserção social de homens sírios em situação de refúgio no Brasil. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas individuais realizadas on-line e a amostra foi composta por 10 homens sírios em situação de refúgio no Brasil há mais de quatro anos, com idades entre 25 e 43 anos. O tratamento dos dados foi realizado por meio da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciaram categorias temáticas que se referem a: (i) relações interpessoais, incluindo amizade, relacionamentos amoroso, familiar e com brasileiros, além de elementos sobre como o idioma interfere nessas relações; (ii) trabalho, no Brasil e na Síria; (iii) religião, com enfoque nos conflitos, nos grupos religiosos e nas (des)crenças dos participantes; e (iv) preconceitos e estereótipos, que resultam em discriminações. Discutem-se os processos de inserção social em função das dimensões temáticas centrais ao contexto de vida desses indivíduos em situação de refúgio.

Abstract in English:

Abstract. This research aimed to analyze the experiences of social insertion of Syrian men in temporary refuge situation in Brazil. Data were collected through individual interviews conducted online and the sample consisted of 10 Syrian men in temporary refuge situation in Brazil for more than four years, aged between 25 and 43. Data processing was carried out through content analysis. The results showed thematic categories that refer to: (i) interpersonal relationships, including friendship, romantic and family relationships, and relations with Brazilians; (ii) work, in Brazil and Syria; (iii) religion, with focus on conflicts, religious groups, and participants’ (dis)beliefs; and (iv) prejudice and stereotypes, which result in discrimination. The social insertion processes were discussed according to the thematic dimensions central to the life context of these individuals in refuge situations.
Dossiê: ”Em fuga de conflitos armados”
“I am part of this historical process”. Systematization of the experience of the implementation of the Colombian Commission for the Clarification of Truth in the Exile Echeverri Buriticá, María Margarita Arias, Carolina Morales

Abstract in Spanish:

Resumen: El artículo analiza elementos derivados de la investigación que sistematizó la experiencia de la implementación de la Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición de Colombia en el exilio, en Chile y Ecuador: 1) la importancia de las redes de confianza tejidas para adelantar la tarea de la CEV en el exilio; 2) el valor reparador para las víctimas del reconocimiento estatal y social del exilio como hecho victimizante; y 3) la importancia de la incorporación del enfoque psicosocial en el proceso de escucha. A través de un método cualitativo y participativo, con herramientas narrativas y colaborativas de investigación psicosocial se vivenció y reflexionó analíticamente la experiencia, develando los sentidos y significados que el proceso generó en los y las participantes. Se dan pistas de cómo los mecanismos transicionales como las Comisiones de la Verdad pueden tener un efecto reparador para quienes participan.

Abstract in English:

Abstract: This article analyzes elements derived from systematizing the experience of the implementation of the Colombian Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence, and Non-Repetition in Exile (CEV), particularly in Chile and Ecuador: 1) the importance of trust networks woven to advance in the process of articulating actions for the implementation of the CEV; 2) the reparative value for victims of the recognition made by the State and the society of their exile as a victimizing act 3) the importance of the psychosocial approach in the listening process. Through a qualitative and participatory method, the researchers made part of the CEV process, using narrative and collaborative psychosocial research tools, and experiencing, analyzing, and reflecting; they enlightened the senses and meanings that the process had in the participants. The results allow an understanding of how transitional mechanisms such as Truth Commissions may have a restorative effect on their participants.
Dossiê: ”Em fuga de conflitos armados”
When academic displacement and internationalization intersect, different approaches for inclusion in Higher Education: contributions from the Welcoming Program for Ukrainian Scientists, Paraná - Brazil De Carvalho, Elisa Saes, Klarissa Valero Ribeiro Meza, Maria Lucia Figueiredo Gomes de

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo: As universidades possuem um papel único em facilitar a integração de cientistas deslocados na comunidade acadêmica, promovendo a inclusão. Simultaneamente, instituições de ensino superior ao redor do mundo estão cada vez mais enfatizando a internacionalização, visando atrair e apoiar um corpo docente e discente diverso. Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir como as iniciativas focadas na integração de cientistas deslocados no ensino superior brasileiro se relacionam com os esforços de internacionalização institucional. Examinamos o Programa de Acolhida a Cientistas Ucranianas, Paraná, Brasil. Ao combinar análise de literatura/documentos e entrevistas com atores-chave, examinamos a motivação inicial das universidades e participantes, e as externalidades resultantes da implementação para fornecer algumas reflexões. O estudo revela que o programa tem o potencial de fazer uma contribuição significativa para a internacionalização e diversidade no ensino superior, e simultaneamente, abordar questões de justiça social.

Abstract in English:

Abstract: Universities have a unique role in facilitating the integration of displaced scientists into the academic community, thus promoting inclusion. Concurrently, institutions of higher education worldwide are increasingly emphasizing internationalization, aiming to attract and support a diverse faculty and student body. This paper aims to discuss how initiatives focused on integrating displaced scientists into Brazilian higher education relate to institutional internationalization efforts. We examine the Welcoming Program for Ukrainian Scientists, Paraná, Brazil. By combining literature/document analysis and interviews with key actors, we examine the initial motivation for universities and participants and the externalities resulting from implementation to provide some insights. The study reveals that the program has the potential to make a significant contribution to the internationalization and diversity in higher education and, concurrently, address social justice concerns.
Beyond integration: the role of philia in the migration experience of language teachers in Rio de Janeiro ElHajji, Mohammed Coelho, João Paulo Rossini Teixeira

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo Após apontar problemas conceituais na forma convencional de pesquisar integração de migrantes, usamos teoria da comunicação para defender que investigar o discurso positivo de migrantes sobre suas trajetórias depende de analisar seu estabelecimento de philia no país de acolhimento. Em seguida, apresentamos um estudo qualitativo realizado com cinco migrantes que trabalham como professores numa escola de idiomas no Rio de Janeiro. Exploramos suas experiências segundo três categorias: conexão com brasileiros, conexão com a brasilidade, e convergência identitária para o Brasil. Este artigo conclui que, embora os entrevistados citem alguns dos mesmos indicadores usados para mensurar a integração em trabalhos convencionais da academia (língua e emprego, por exemplo) em seus discursos sobre o país, os significados específicos desses fatores são entendidos apenas ao relacioná-los às trocas intersubjetivas e à philia dos participantes no Brasil.

Abstract in English:

Abstract After pointing out mainstream migrant integration’s conceptual issues, we use communication theory to argue that researching migrants’ positive discourse about their trajectories depends on analyzing their establishment of philia in the host country. Then, we present a qualitative study with five migrants who work as teachers at a language school in Rio de Janeiro. We explore their experiences according to three categories: connection to Brazilian people, connection to brazility, and identity convergence to Brazil. This paper concludes that although interviewees cite some indicators used to measure integration in mainstream academia (e.g., language and employment) in their discourses about the country, the specific meanings of these factors are understood only by linking them to participants’ intersubjective exchanges and philia in Brazil.
Psychosocial analysis of the migratory process of Haitian men and women to Brazil: an intersectional perspective of race-ethnicity, gender, and age Gil, Pedro Henrique Conte Pizzinato, Adolfo

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar as experiências psicossociais dos processos migratórios de haitianos e haitianas ao sul do Brasil, sobretudo por uma perspectiva interseccional de raça-etnia, gênero e idade. Foram entrevistados 15 migrantes, sendo nove mulheres, dois homens e quatro crianças, que residiam em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Os dados foram submetidos a análise temática indutiva, o que possibilitou a organização de três temas centrais: 1) as motivações para migrar do Haiti para a América do Sul; 2) os papéis de gênero e seus respectivos impactos nas vivências no Brasil; e 3) a rede de apoio reduzida e as experiências de xenofobia racializada. Discute-se em que medida as diferenças de gênero e etárias, associadas aos atravessamentos do fenômeno da xenofobia racializada, implicam em diferentes e singulares experiências psicossociais para haitianos em seu processo migratório para o Brasil, considerando que a maioria converge para uma posição de marginalização social.

Abstract in English:

Abstract The aim of this paper was to analyze the psychosocial experiences of Haitian men and women migratory processes to southern Brazil, especially from an intersectional perspective of race-ethnicity, gender, and age. Fifteen migrants were interviewed: nine women, two men, and four children, who were living in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Data were submitted to inductive thematic analysis, which allowed the organization of three central themes: 1) motivations for migrating from Haiti to South America; 2) gender roles and their respective impacts on experiences in Brazil; and 3) reduced support network and experiences of racialized xenophobia. We discuss in which level gender and age differences, associated with the crossings of the phenomenon of racialized xenophobia, imply in different and unique psychosocial experiences for Haitians in their migratory process to Brazil, but in which most converge to a position of social marginalization.
Haitian migration in Chile and the unstable horizon of aspiration: voodoo and community building in the past, present, and future Rivera, Cristián Felipe Orrego

Abstract in Spanish:

Resumen La trama burocrática a la cual se ve enfrentada la migración haitiana en Chile para conseguir la regularización y la residencia definitiva, genera un espacio de espera marcado por la incertidumbre y el riesgo, y configura un horizonte de aspiración inestable. En el presente artículo, se analiza cómo el vudú, en tanto elemento forjador de relaciones comunitarias y de protección, constituye un capital para que las personas haitianas en Chile enfrenten de mejor manera las problemáticas derivadas de la negligencia de la gestión migratoria.

Abstract in English:

Abstract The bureaucratic plot experienced by Haitian migrants in Chile in order to obtain regularization and permanent residence generates a waiting space marked by uncertainty and risk and configures an unstable horizon of aspiration. This article analyzes how voodoo, as a main element of community building and protection, constitutes a capital for Haitians in Chile to better face the problems derived from negligent migration management.
The novel O quinze as memory of resistance: the victims of Ceará concentration camps Bandeira, Mariana Augusto Vieira, Matheus Silva

Abstract in Spanish:

Resumen: Este artículo pretende discutir los dilemas sociales vividos por los migrantes del noreste brasileño durante la sequía de 1915, basado en la novela El quince (1930), de Rachel de Queiroz. Nuestra investigación se apoya inicialmente en la Teoría Crítica del Derecho, disciplina abierta al diálogo con otras áreas del conocimiento, como la Historia y la Literatura. Utilizamos estudios de literatura comparada con fundamento teórico, teniendo en cuenta que las categorías estéticas utilizadas por Queiroz son fundamentales para la comprensión de los dramas sociales de los personajes. Por tanto, el análisis se dividirá en una discusión y contextualización histórico-literaria de la novela El quince, un análisis teórico y jurídico de los hechos históricos que rodearon la producción del texto literario nombrado y opinión sobre la normativa legal y sus consecuencias sociales sobre los migrantes.

Abstract in English:

Abstract: This article aims to discuss the social dilemmas experienced by migrants from the Brazilian northeast during the 1915 drought, based on the novel O quinze (1930), by Rachel de Queiroz. Our research is initially based on the Critical Theory of Law, a discipline open to dialogue with other areas of knowledge, such as History and Literature. We use comparative literature studies with a theoretical foundation, given that the aesthetic categories used by Queiroz are essential for understanding the social dramas of the characters. Therefore, the analysis will be divided into a discussion and historical-literary contextualization of the novel O quinze, a theoretical and legal analysis of the historical facts that surrounded the production of the named literary text and an opinion on the legal regulations and their social consequences on the migrants.
Socio-sanitary repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic for immigrants and refugees in Brazil: a narrative review of the literature Sampaio, Mariá Lanzotti Almeida, Alexandra Cristina Gomes de Silveira, Cássio Matsue, Regina Yoshie Martin, Denise

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo: Trata-se de revisão narrativa de literatura que objetiva apresentar o estado da arte da produção científica sobre as repercussões sociossanitárias da pandemia por Covid-19 para populações de migrantes internacionais no Brasil. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados Web of Science™, PubMed e Scielo no período de 21 de abril de 2022 a 12 de janeiro de 2023 e foram selecionados 12 artigos. A análise abarcou as temáticas de vulnerabilidade e desigualdade estrutural; discriminação e preconceito; acesso aos serviços sociais e de saúde e respostas governamentais; e sofrimento psíquico. Há necessidade de enfrentamento das desigualdades estruturais, negligência e exclusão sofridas por grupos de migrantes internacionais e intensificadas durante a pandemia. Ademais, é urgente a defesa de estratégias interculturais no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e do estabelecimento de agenda política que englobe marcadores interseccionais e esteja comprometida com a garantia de direitos e cidadania destes grupos.

Abstract in English:

Abstract: This narrative literature review aims to present the state of the art of scientific production on the socio-sanitary repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic for international migrant populations in Brazil. The search was conducted in the Web of Science™, PubMed, and Scielo databases from April 21, 2022, to January 12, 2023, and 12 articles were selected. The analysis covered the themes of vulnerability and structural inequality; discrimination and prejudice; access to social and health services and governmental responses; and psychological suffering. There is a need to confront the structural inequalities, neglect, and exclusion suffered by groups of international migrants and intensified during the pandemic. Furthermore, it is urgent to defend intercultural strategies in the Public Health System and to establish a political agenda that encompasses intersectional markers and is committed to guaranteeing the rights and citizenship of these groups.
Knowledge deployed in the parenting processes by migrant women in Chile Contreras-Salinas, Sylvia Pavelic, Mónica Ramírez

Abstract in Spanish:

Resumen El artículo tiene como objetivo describir algunos saberes que reproducen mujeres migrantes en Chile, en los procesos de enseñanza a sus hijxs/as, bajo una perspectiva fenomenológica que insta a asociar la migración a la experiencia del habitar, conjuntamente a proponer que los tropos son una forma de reconocer saberes, todo ello a partir de un estudio que se desarrolló entre 2016-2019, con una metodología de carácter cualitativa-narrativa de casos múltiples. Se exponen y analizan tres tropos que anuncian saberes: que los hijos aprendan que las cosas cuestan; saberse comportar y uno cría a sus hijos para que no se sientan menos que nadie. Los hallazgos dan cuenta de una tensión entre subalternidad y agencia, en la intención de las madres por actuar en favor de un mejor habitar de sus hijos. Concluyendo, que las pedagogias del hogar son una dimensión analítica clave de la experiencia migratoria, porque las lecciones en el hogar se basan en la relación entre los dispositivos estructurales e institucionales y las acciones estratégicas que despliegan las mujeres migrantes.

Abstract in English:

Abstract The article aims to describe some knowledge that migrant women in Chile reproduce in the teaching processes of their children, under a phenomenological perspective that encourages associating migration with the experience of living, together with proposing that tropes are a form to recognize knowledge, all from a study that was developed between 2016-2019, with a qualitative-narrative methodology of multiple cases. Three tropes that announce knowledge are exposed and analyzed: that children learn that things cost; know how to behave and one raises their children so that they do not feel less than anyone. The findings show a tension between subalternity and agency, in the intention of mothers to act in favor of a better living for their children. Concluding that the pedagogies of the home are a key analytical dimension of the migratory experience, because the lessons at home are based on the relationship between the structural and institutional devices and the strategic actions that migrant women deploy.
The evolution of Turkey’s diaspora engagement policies (2003-2014) Brum, Alex Guedes

Abstract in Portuguese:

Resumo Este artigo explica o repentino interesse da Turquia em implementar políticas de vinculação da diáspora durante o período em que Erdoğan ocupou o cargo de primeiro-ministro do país (2003-2014). Argumenta-se que a evolução dessas políticas foi resultado de uma combinação de fatores domésticos, transnacionais e internacionais: internamente, a ascensão do AKP ao poder resultou em reformas econômicas e políticas e na promoção de uma nova identidade nacional baseada no neo-otomanismo e no nacionalismo sunita-muçulmano. Transnacionalmente, a crescente influência socioeconômica e política das comunidades turcas nos países de abrigo instou a Turquia a reconsiderar a eficácia de sua diáspora como fonte de influência no exterior, bem como um eleitorado em eleições nacionais. Acontecimentos internacionais também moldaram a nova agenda diaspórica do país, como o aumento do poder de barganha vis-à-vis a UE desde o início dos anos 2000 e o aumento da islamofobia no pós-11 de setembro.

Abstract in English:

Abstract This article explain Turkey's sudden interest in implementing diaspora engagement policies during the period in which Erdoğan was the country's prime minister (2003-2014). It is argued that the evolution of these policies was the result of a combination of domestic, transnational and international factors: internally, the AKP's rise to power resulted in economic and political reforms and the promotion of a new national identity based on neo-Ottomanism and the Sunni-Muslim nationalism. Transnationally, the growing socio-economic and political influence of Turkish communities in host countries has urged Turkey to reconsider the effectiveness of its diaspora as a source of influence abroad, as well as an electorate in national elections. International developments have also shaped the country's new diasporic agenda, such as the rise in bargaining power vis-à-vis the EU since the early 2000s and the rise of Islamophobia in the post-9/11.
Extracontinental mobility. People of African and Asian origin in transit through the southern border of Mexicos Vargas León, Lady Junek
Centro Scalabriniano de Estudos Migratórios SRTV/N Edificio Brasília Radio Center , Conj. P - Qd. 702 - Sobrelojas 01/02, CEP 70719-900 Brasília-DF Brasil, Tel./ Fax(55 61) 3327-0669 - Brasília - DF - Brazil
E-mail: remhu@csem.org.br
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