Introduction The Activity Card Sort (ACS) is a tool developed to evaluate the participation of older adults in instrumental, social, and leisure activities of low and high demand. It is a useful assessment tool for the occupational therapeutic process that adopts the occupational-based and client-centered approach.
Objective The study analyzed the main characteristics of scientific production in applying the Activity Card Sort in the elderly population.
Method It was carried out an integrative literature review. We used six sources of information to select the literature without a time frame. A bibliographic collection record was created to perform a descriptive analysis. The VOSviewer was applied to construct the bibliometric network.
Results The sample consisted of 67 articles. The studies examined the instrument's psychometric properties, the use of the ACS to assess the impact of the health conditions in participation and engagement in activities, and the use of the ACS as an outcome measure in different interventions.
Conclusion The instrument was an option that enriches the evaluation process in Occupational Therapy. It has good psychometric properties, and it was able to capture the level of participation in different populations and their related factors, as well as it can be used as an outcome measure for interventions that are concerned with engaging in occupations.
Keywords: Occupational Therapy; Aged; Social Participation; Activities of Daily Living; Review Literature as Topic
Introdução O Activity Card Sort (ACS) é uma ferramenta desenvolvida para avaliar a participação de idosos em atividades instrumentais de vida diária, sociais e de lazer de baixa e alta demanda. É considerado um instrumento de avaliação útil para o processo terapêutico ocupacional utilizando uma abordagem baseada nas ocupações e centrada no cliente.
Objetivo Analisar as principais características da produção científica sobre a utilização do ACS na população de idosos.
Método Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura. Para a seleção dos registros bibliográficos, foram selecionadas seis fontes de informação, sem recorte temporal. Na organização e análise dos dados, foi criada uma coleção dos registros bibliográficos para realizar a análise descritiva e, na construção e visualização de redes bibliométricas, foi aplicado o VOSviewer.
Resultados A amostra foi composta por 67 artigos. Os objetivos das pesquisas eram direcionados a examinar as propriedades psicométricas do instrumento, utilizar o ACS para comprovar o impacto das deficiências na participação e engajamento em atividades ou usar o ACS como medida de desfecho em diferentes intervenções.
Conclusão O instrumento se apresentou como uma opção que enriquece o processo avaliativo na terapia ocupacional, uma vez que apresentou boas propriedades psicométricas, foi capaz de capturar o nível de participação em diferentes populações, assim como pôde ser usado como medida de desfecho para intervenções que se preocupam com o engajamento em ocupações.
Palavras-chave: Terapia Ocupacional; Idoso; Participação Social; Atividades Cotidianas; Literatura de Revisão como Assunto
Engagement and participation in activities are the central objectives of occupational therapy (Almeida et al., 2017). Studies show that participating has a positive impact on individuals' mental and physical health, decreasing the risk of disability (Fox et al., 2017), acting as a protective factor for cognitive deficits and depression (Spitzer et al., 2011), contributing to the well-being and reducing mortality (Uemura et al., 2018).
In gerontology, there is the importance of assessing the level of participation in activities of the elderly population to understand the factors that impact their engagement and, think about political solutions and services to favor healthy aging (Packer et al., 2008).
When considering the evaluation process in occupational therapy, the Activity Card Sort (ACS) stands out as an instrument based on occupations and centered on the client, providing useful information on the participation patterns in instrumental, social, and leisure activities (high and low physical demand) (Baum & Edwards, 2001, 2008; Laver-Fawcett et al., 2016).
There are three versions to apply the instrument depending on the environment in which the individual is inserted or the health condition: for institutionalized people (version A), in rehabilitation (version B), and for those who live in the community (version C) (Alegre-Muelas et al., 2019).
The ACS uses photographs of elderly people in activities to capture the level of participation measured by the percentage of activities that are currently preserved, compared to a previous situation (before the disease, hospitalization, or a certain age, for example) (Orellano et al., 2014). The collected data inform the elderly's occupational repertoire (Poerbodipoero et al., 2016; Kniepmann & Cupler, 2014).
By the relevance of this assessment, the guiding question of the research was: How has the ACS been used with the elderly older adult? Thus, this article aimed to analyze the main characteristics of scientific production on the application of ACS in the elderly population.
We carried out an integrative literature review based on the study by Souza et al. (2010).
As inclusion criteria, we considered articles in Portuguese, English, and Spanish that addressed the use of ACS in older adults. We excluded literature review studies, pre-prints, conference abstracts, proceedings, editorials, books, dissertations, and theses.
The sources of information selected in the first stage with no time frame were: Web of Science, Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, PsycINFO, SciELO, and LILACS. The search term used was “Activity Card Sort” (ACS) and the descriptor “aged”, “idoso” ou “anciano” (consulted by the Health Sciences Descriptor). In English literature, other search terms were also used such as: “older adults”, “older person” or “elderly”. The expressions were found in the title, abstract, and/or keywords of the productions found. The search was carried out between September and December 2019. The Boolean operators AND, and OR were used for the combinations.
The total number of publications was 184. For the elaboration of the bibliographic portfolio, we removed 104 duplicates, leaving 80 documents. Then, we selected and excluded some justified in Figure 1. All articles were read in full, regardless of the type of access release.
For data organization and analysis, we created a collection of bibliographic records in the reference manager EndNote®. We applied VOSviewer - Visualizing Scientific Landscape to create the infographic and check the bibliometric network of keywords used in the articles.
Subsequently, we prepared the Microsoft Excel® form to organize the results. The articles were analyzed considering the authorship, year of publication, journals used, objectives of the studies, methodological designs, use of the ACS, outcomes, recommendations, or conclusions of the studies. Thus, these data were then submitted to a thematic categorization process that will be presented in the results.
The research corpus consisted of 67 articles from 2003 to 2019, with the largest number of publications in 2018 (n = 10), followed by 2014 and 2019 (n = 08). The productions were published in 25 different types of journals, with the largest productions published in OTJR: Occupational, participation, and Health (n = 13), followed by Disability and Rehabilitation (n = 12) and American Journal of Occupational Therapy (n = 6). They came from 14 countries, most of them from educational institutions in the United States (n = 27), Australia (n = 13) and Israel (n = 10).
The scientific publications involved 313 authors. In the collaboration network between the authors, Baum (n = 10), Packer (n = 07), Hartman-Maeir (n = 05) and Katz (n = 04) were the authors who most published on the theme, in different partnerships among them and with other co-authors. The author who contributed most to the productions - Carolyn Baum - is the creator of the instrument and has partnered with researchers from different countries. Dorothy Edwards - the second author responsible for the development of ACS - appeared in only one publication.
Figure 2 shows the relevance of the themes, which represents the volume and list of terms used as keywords in publications.
In this representation, the size of the circle is directly proportional to the frequency and importance of the items. Thus, we observed clusters highlighting the following keywords: participation, rehabilitation, activity (including the level of activity and activities of daily living), and psychometric properties (adaptation, utility, validation). Linked to these terms, the themes that addressed aging, occupation, and disabilities were highlighted.
Approximately 54% of the studies were done exclusively with the elderly population. In the rest of the articles, adults and older adults were recruited; however, the age did not interfere with the results achieved. The results show that the research was composed of three objectives: to examine the psychometric properties of the instrument (n = 14); to use the ACS to prove the impact of diseases on participation (n = 31); or as a measure of the outcome of interventions (n = 22).
The research aimed at examining psychometric properties has disclosed cross-cultural adaptations, inter-and intra-examiner agreement analysis, internal consistency, utility, reliability, and/or validity. The contexts and outcomes of each research are described in Table 1.
In the analysis of these studies, we found that the ACS is a culturally dependent instrument. It has been translated, validated, and adapted in numerous locations such as the United Kingdom, Spain, Hong Kong, Holland, Japan, South Korea, and Australia. In each location, the total number of activities analyzed by the instrument was differentiated since the items that did not correspond to the culture of that population were removed and other activities that were part of that country's repertoire were added.
Na sequência, foram analisados os estudos transversais que utilizaram o ACS como uma medida para avaliar o nível de participação em diferentes populações, para investigar os fatores que estavam associados ao engajamento em atividades ou para correlacionar a participação a diferentes constructos (Tabela 2).
ACS studies as an evaluation measure to analyze the level of participation, its factors, and correlations (n = 31 articles).
Then, we analyzed the cross-sectional studies that used the ACS as a measure to assess the level of participation in different populations to investigate the factors that were associated with engagement in activities or to correlate participation with different constructs (Table 2).
These studies were interested in recruiting people with/without disabilities, with neurological, neurodegenerative, oncological, orthopedic diseases, in situations of vulnerability, or in specific environmental contexts. Due to age or health/social condition, these participants showed a reduction in the level of participation, especially in high-demand social and leisure activities, measured by the ACS.
Instrumental activities were the most preserved of the three ACS categories, except in the research by Cipriani et al. (2006) and Fox et al. (2017). Cipriani et al. (2006) investigated older adult residents in long-term care facilities. Thus, the greatest reduction in instrumental activities was due to the institutional routine, in which the activities were carried out by employees of the institution. Fox et al. (2017), when studying low-income elderly people pointed to greater reductions in instrumental activities due to lack of opportunity or interest.
The results also showed thirteen studies that sought to associate the level of participation with the sensory, cognitive, affective, psychic, or motor functions of individuals. Deficiency in body functions was associated with a lower occupational repertoire for all categories of activities measured by the ACS assessment instrument. The factors positively associated with the level of participation in the activities were the self-perception of recovery from a disease, the feeling of well-being, opportunities, interests, and having the company of other people (Orellano et al., 2012; Tucker et al., 2012; Wolf & Koster, 2013).
In the last analysis, the ACS was used as an assessment tool to measure the effectiveness of interventions in populations with different health conditions (Table 3).
The ACS detected an increase in the level of participation in instrumental, social, and leisure activities in individuals after a stroke, when using occupational therapy interventions based on occupations, with the specific training of activities (Wolf et al., 2019; Ahn, 2019), as well as cognitive orientations (COSTAR or CO-OP) (Henshaw et al., 2011; Wolf et al., 2019) or community rehabilitation (Hartman-Maeir et al., 2007a). However, these studies reinforce the need for research with a larger population to ensure the generalization of its outcomes.
Participation in activities, especially in the instruments of daily living (Kaizerman-Dinerman et al., 2018; Kaizerman-Dinerman et al., 2019; Newman et al., 2019), increased after cognitive interventions in individuals with schizophrenia and people with cancer who had a cognitive deficit. However, in the study with elderly people with MCI, this outcome did not impact participation in activities despite having resulted in increased cognitive ability (Kim & Cho, 2018).
The ACS did not observe any statistically significant changes in the level of participation in patients with anxiety disorders who underwent BREATHE –Breathing, Relaxation, Education for Anxiety Treatment in the Home Environment. In this case, only the anxiety condition was reduced after the intervention, without interfering with cognitive ability (Gould et al., 2018).
The level of engagement in activities that required functional or community mobility, such as walking, visiting friends, dancing, and taking care of the home environment increased after community tango programs (Foster et al., 2013), occupational therapy at home (Sturkenboom et al., 2014) and Brooklyn Parkinson's Group (dance, gymnastics, and art) (Sabari et al., 2015) for individuals with Parkinson's. We found the same results with weak older adults or those at risk of falling, using a community program (physical and social activity) (McNamara et al., 2016), hippotherapy (Wehofer et al., 2013) or with the Activity, Balance intervention, Learning, and Exposure (Wetherell et al., 2018).
The level of participation in all ACS categories was higher after self-managed health interventions such as the Vision Self-management Program (VSM), Managing Fatigue and Cognitive Self-Management than in the usual care of older adults with visual impairment due to aging, with individuals with extreme fatigue or with people with cancer and who had cognitive deficits, respectively. Also, these programs have been associated with reduced depression and a better sense of self-efficacy (Packer et al., 2009; Girdler et al., 2010; Ghahari et al., 2010; Ghahari & Packer, 2012; Newman et al., 2019).
The ACS proved to be a useful occupational therapy tool to measure the impact of health conditions on participation in activities or as a result measure in the intervention process. This shows several studies related to psychometric properties in several countries such as Puerto Rico, the United Kingdom, Israel, Hong Kong, Holland, Japan, and Australia (Gustafsson et al., 2017). Other countries are still in the process of analyzing the psychometric properties of this instrument, as is the case in Brazil and Spain.
Considering that the clinical practice of occupational therapy is based on scientific evidence, we can justify the importance of using standardized assessment instruments, as it increases reliability and rigor (Souza et al., 2017) for the identification of the occupational repertoire, and it allows to capture the factors that limit or favor their participation. Using ACS can contribute to a more effective evaluation process, producing comparable results between different locations, as it is a legitimate resource for evaluating intervention programs over time (Massa, 2016).
The studies that used the ACS were similar in three major thematic categories: those aimed at capturing the level of participation in activities, identifying the factors that support or restrict participation, or as a measure of interventionist results in the occupational therapy area. This demonstrates versatility in the use of this instrument since it is capable of informing about the individuals' profile about the participation in daily activities, being able to identify contextual aspects, with their barriers and facilitators for engaging in occupations and for being a useful tool to measure effects of interventions in the occupational therapy area.
The ACS showed that age, health condition, or social situation impacts the participation in activities, especially in high demand social and leisure activities. A study conducted in Brazil found that situations of vulnerability, health problems, poverty, and low quality of life were associated with lower social participation. In this research, the participation was measured by the ability to visit people, go shopping, go to church, go to social meetings, participate in cultural events, drive, make short and long trips and participate in elderly groups (Pinto & Neri, 2017). The variables in this study correspond to items similar to the ACS investigation.
Understanding the participation in social activities is essential in the evaluation processes, as these activities directly influence physical and mental health and the perception of well-being (Neri & Vieira, 2013). Also, through socially established relationship networks, the identity, values, beliefs, and cultures are formed (Polatajko et al., 2013), having an impact on the occupational profile and the formation of the individual's occupational repertoire.
Thus, it is essential to identify engagement in leisure activities as they are associated with the feeling of rest and fun (Iwasa et al., 2012), generating a sense of independence, self-confidence, and self-satisfaction (Oliveira et al., 2015). Leisure prevents the onset of diseases and is a predictor of quality of life and social participation (Punyakaew et al., 2019). In addition to this evidence, Crevenna & Dorner (2019) also stated that the restriction on leisure - specifically when involving physical activities - is associated with significant limitations for performing instrumental and basic activities of daily living.
Data analysis showed that instrumental activities were the most preserved among older adults. These activities aimed at managing the home environment and mobility in the community are complex to carry out and predict the possibility of the person living alone (Assis et al., 2013). Thus, the commitment in this area imposes changes in the dynamics of the family to meet this person's demands, often leading to the need for a caregiver, social assistance services, or even the institutionalization of the older adult (Massa, 2016), essential to define the care and attention to the older adult.
Some studies show how different health conditions impact participation in activities and highlight how satisfaction with life or the perception of the quality of life affects engagement in occupations. The studies by Roets-Merken et al. (2014) and Choi et al. (2019) confirm the relationship between sensory impairments (auditory and visual), cognitive deficit, or fear of falling due to the decrease in the performance of daily activities, social participation, and loss of quality of life.
Self-perceived health and well-being correlated positively with the level of participation. These findings are corroborated by the study by Lee, Lee & An (2020), who stated that the social bond, the self-perception of functionality, a sense of well-being, intrinsic motivation, and perception of safety in the place where they live correlated with greater participation leisure activities, especially those involving physical activities.
The ACS, in a complementary way, proved to be a valid tool for interventionist outcome measures. Studies with interventions aimed at the use of occupations, techniques for the rehabilitation of body functions, and adaptations of the environment or activities used this instrument. Most interventions resulted in an increased level of participation, except for the BREATHE relaxation technique in people with an anxiety disorder (Gould et al., 2018).
In the interventions focused on engaging in occupations, the systematic reviews by Stewart et al. (2018) as the results of this review, stated that receiving occupational therapy services was strongly associated with an improvement in daily functioning post-stroke, especially in activities of daily living; but in their other study, the authors declared low evidence with an impact on improving the quality of life among survivors (Stewart et al., 2019).
The effective engagement of the older adults in daily activities was also a measure of results in studies that used rehabilitation of body functions such as the use of cognitive interventions (Saa et al., 2019; Tomioka et al., 2018). However, an overview of the review led by Gillespie et al. (2014) reported that cognitive interventions do not impact the functional capacity and participation of post-stroke elderly people and that this interventionist strategy has moderate effectiveness only for attention deficits, spatial neglect, and motor apraxia, but there is no conclusive evidence of effectiveness for those with memory deficit, perceptual disorders or executive dysfunction.
This review showed dance as a resource that affects motor skills with repercussions on participation in activities. As in the studies by Foster et al. (2013) and Sabari et al. (2015), the systematic review by Rocha et al. (2015) stated that dance has strong scientific evidence in improving mobility, greater social participation, and better perception of the quality of life.
Similarly, Welsby et al. (2019) agreed that the effects of occupational therapy in older adults have a positive impact on occupational performance, with an increase in the level of participation in activities. However, these long-term effects are still imprecise and need to be further studied.
In the reviewed studies, the health self-management was also positively correlated with participation. These resources are increasingly adopted in health services as care modalities based on the concept of self-care and supported self-care, requiring individuals who are committed to managing their demands and be co-responsible for all their treatment (Tavares & Silva Júnior, 2018).
The research showed that the ACS tool is an option that enriches the evaluation process in gerontological occupational therapy since this instrument has reliable psychometric properties, can capture the level of participation in different populations, identifies factors that influence this participation, and can be used as an outcome measure for interventions that are concerned with engaging in occupations.
We thank the funding agencies IFRJ and CNPq, which were essential for the execution of this research.
How to cite: Bernardo, L. D., Pontes, T. B., Souza, K. I., Ferreira, R. G., Deodoro, T. M. S., & Almeida, P. H. T. Q. (2021). Activity card sort and the occupational repertoire of older adults: an integrative literature review. Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional, 29, e2130. https://doi.org/10.1590/2526-8910.ctoAR2130
Funding Source CNPq and IFRJ.
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