Basic information
Ciência & Educação is an open access journal released in continuous publication mode and its purpose is to publish original scientific articles in the areas of Science Education, Mathematics Education and related fields. Its abbreviated title is Ciênc. Educ. This journal does not apply fees or any charges for the submission and publication of manuscripts accepted through peer review, or for granting access to its contents. |
Indexed in
Ciência & Educação is indexed in the following national and international databases:
All content of this journal, except where otherwise stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons BY type and its online content is freely accessible for reading, downloading and disseminating information for academic purposes, with due citation of the source, when necessary. Authors who publish in Ciência & Educação:
The journal is sponsored by the Postgraduate Program in Science Education of Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (Unesp), campus of Bauru, by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and by the Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa (PROPE) of Unesp.
Associated Editors
Editorial Council
Technical Support
Aims and scope
Ciência & Educação aims to publish original articles drawn on the results of empirical or theoretical investigationsand essays on topics related to Science and Mathematics Education. Research on Science Education and Mathematics Education is understood here as investigations that generate knowledge about teaching and learning of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geosciences, Astronomy, Health and Environment Education, as well as related areas. The journal also has the responsibility to spread among researchers, professors, teachers and students, as well as the general public, the national and international production in these areas of knowledge. Ciência & Educação was created and has been edited since 1995 under the auspicious of an Editorial Board composed of professors from the Postgraduate Program for Science Education at State University of São Paulo (UNESP). It has become one of the most important journal in the area of Science and Mathematics Education. The participation of leading researchers from several national and international institutions in its Advisory Council and Board of Evaluators (composed of around 650 researchers), allowed the journal to reach the classification A1, the most important level in the system QUALIS of journals Evaluation, managed by Coordination for the Improvement of High Education Personnel (CAPES) in Brazil. Published before in quarterly basis, from the year 2020 the journal is released in a continuous publication model. This means that as soon as an article is ready to be published, it will immediately released online to the public. |
Editorial policy and ethics
Ciência & Educação follows strict procedures in order to guarantee ethical behavior in scientific communication. Such procedures are based on recommendations from national and international organizations, especially the guidelines of the Code of Conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), with regard to the principles on how to deal with misconduct in order to guarantee research integrity. COPE defines plagiarism as “When somebody presents the work of others (data, words or theories) as if they were his/her own and without proper acknowledgment”. Ciência & Educação uses plagiarism detection software to examine all submissions before forwarding them to the double blind review process. Author responsibility
Editors’ code of conduct
The reviewers
Acknowledgement / correction
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Presentation of the original article Ciência & Educação accepts contributions in Portuguese, Spanish and English languages. The originals must be submitted in typed text in Word for Windows or compatible software, font Times New Roman, size 12, single space, up to 15 pages. The paper size is A4 and the margins should be set at: 3 cm to the left and the top and 2 cm to the bottom and the right. All originals submitted to publication should have abstract in English and vernacular language and five key words relating to the subject, in Portuguese or Spanish, and in English. The standards of references and of citations follow the most current standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), NBR6023 and NBR10520, respectively. Institutional affiliation The front page should contain the title of the article (in Spanish or Portuguese and English) and complete affiliation of all authors in the following order, where applicable: university name, with the acronym in brackets, name of the unit (college, institute, center or similar), name of the department, name of the city of the institution, acronym of the state to which the city belongs, country, and e-mail of the first author, for correspondence. The use of institutional e-mail is strongly recommended. Title, abstract, keywords The first page of text should include the title of the article in Spanish or Portuguese and English, abstract in Portuguese or Spanish, and English, up to 150 words, in both cases. Also must be assigned up to five keywords in Portuguese or Spanish, and in English, separated by a semicolon. These keywords must describe as accurately as possible the content covered in the article, so as to facilitate users’ subject research. We recommend that the keywords are not the same as those already used in the title of the article. Table Tables should be represented according to the standards of tabular presentation of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The identification of the table should appear on top of it, in Arabic numerals, next to the word Table, followed by the title (mandatory), all in a smaller font than the text. Every table must cite the source, written in the first line of its footer, to identify those responsible for numerical data. The identification must be preceded by the word source or sources. Every table must have a header to indicate the content of the columns. The frame of a table should not have vertical lines bounding the left and right sides. It is recommended that a table is presented on a single page and having graphic uniformity in the bodies, types and sizes of fonts and numbers, in the use of capital letters and graphic signs. Illustration
Illustration of any kind (drawing, picture, diagram, flowchart, graph, map,layout, etc.) must have the .jpeg extension, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. We recommend the use of color graphics and images. ootnote Numbered in Arabic numerals, footnotes must be brief and used only to clarify information when strictly necessary. Furthermore, they should be in smaller font and left aligned in the bottom of the page. The use of citations and/or references in footnotes is not allowed. Transcript Should be placed between quotation marks and in italics (eg transcription of a interview, speech etc.) when they are shorter than three lines. When they exceed the three lines, they must be in italics, aligned at 1.25 cm from the left margin and in a smaller font, to differentiate them from direct citation. Citation Citations should follow the order of author surname and date in uppercase and lowercase letters and, when in brackets, should be capitalized. Up to three authors should me mentioned, with their last names separated by semicolons. For more than three authors, use the surname of the first one and the expression et al.
1. Direct or literal citation: must be in the form: author's last name, date and page. Up to three lines, the citation should be between quotation marks and without italic. If over three lines, citation should follow the standard: recoil of 4 cm the left margin, smaller font, without quotation marks and/or italics.
3. Citations of several documents by the same author published in the same year are distinguished by adding lower-case letters, in alphabetical order, after date and without space.
4. Sources/authors cited must be listed in the references at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, according to ABNT standards.
Book Chapter
Rule 2: Author of the book is not the author of the chapter
Rule 3: When the author is an entity
Rule 4: For a work by two or three authors, separate them with semicolons
When there are four or more authors, it is advisable to indicate all of them. It is allowed to indicate only the first, followed by the expression et al. Rule 5: Electronic book
In electronic media:
Theses and Dissertations
Conference paper (proceedings, proceedings abstracts etc.)
Ordination of references
All documents cited in the text must be included in the reference list, which must be ordered according to the alphabetic system and aligned to the left of the page.
Submitting an article
Use the site for submitting articles to Science & Education. Create login and password via the Create an Account option. Data access is required to enter items for evaluation as well as to track the status of items already submitted. Articles should follow the requirements recommended in the Instructions & Forms resource. |