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(Updated: 2024/09/03)


Brief Background


The Brazilian Journal of Sports Sciences (RBCE) released its first volume in 1979. It is published under the responsibility of the Brazilian College of Sports Sciences (CBCE) and has contributed to disseminating the knowledge produced in Physical Education/Sports Sciences.

Throughout its trajectory, RBCE has been recording the history of Brazilian Physical Education from different perspectives and conceptions, from different approaches, themes, objects, and problematizations.

On the occasion of the launch of the RBCE in September 1979 and in the following ten years, the journal favored the publication of original articles, chronicles, news, conference annals, courses, reports of experiences, interviews, letters from readers, reviews of theses and dissertations, in addition to focusing on topics such as human motricity, sports management, special physical education, as well as works related to the ten years of the CBCE.

Volume 12, bringing together issues 1, 2 and 3 published in 1992, constituted the first thematic edition of the magazine, focusing on the theme of leisure. During the 1990s, the thematic editions were maintained, and the themes were determined based on the demands of the members, the State Secretariats, and the events organized by the CBCE. Physical Education teaching, motor learning, curriculum, gender issues, legislation, teaching methodology, assessment, sport, communication and media, leisure and environment, conferences, and texts presented at the Brazilian Congress of Sports Sciences, guided the thematic editions of that decade.

Vol. 30, n. 1 (Sep/2008) of the RBCE marks a suspension of the thematic orientation that was driving the editorial dynamics of the journal, an important shift in inducing the demand for works in Physical Education/Sports Sciences. This conclusion was in favor of the movement of the area itself, which has been strengthened with the creation of new graduate programs and with the increase in the dissemination of scientific knowledge through the publication of articles with different approaches and from investigations in various lines of research.

Since September 2008, on its twenty-ninth anniversary, the RBCE has gained its digital version, favoring the expansion of dissemination, transfer of scientific information, and exchange with national and international entities, students and professionals related to the area of Physical Education/Sports Sciences and other interested parties.

In 2019, it began to adopt the rolling pass system, speeding up the process of publishing approved articles.

In 2023, it launched two new sections: the Dossier and the Panel, which is a way to highlight topics of national relevance and emphasize the internationalization of RBCE.



Open Science Compliance


RBCE is seeking to gradually adopt practices that align with Open Science, implying greater transparency in the processes that involve research, its production, evaluation and publication, from the article itself to data and other related elements. In this sense, the journal accepts the submission of preprints (see the topic "preprints"), will publish the name of the editors responsible for its evaluation along with the article, and follows the Gold Open Access model, which means that all articles are open access, available free of charge, and the authors contribute to the funding of the journal through fees (see below item "Charging fees").

Authors of articles submitted to RBCE must complete and submit via ScholarOne the Open Science Compliance Form.



Ethics in Publication


At the time of submission of the article, the authors undertake to declare that the ethical guidelines and procedures were respected at all stages of the development of the research, to inform funding sources and the research agencies that provided support. In applicable cases, the author must declare that the research was submitted to an ethics committee and approved by it. For research carried out in a virtual environment, RBCE suggests that authors follow what is established by CONEP. For research from other countries, you should consult an equivalent document or contact RBCE. The proper conduct and observance of good research ethics practices is the responsibility of the authors.

RBCE adheres to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the SciELO Codes of Ethics,  and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).



Focus and Scope


The Brazilian Journal of Sports Sciences (RBCE, eISSN 2179-3255), is a journal of the Brazilian College of Sports Sciences (CBCE), edited and maintained by the Graduate Program in Physical Education of the University of Goiás (UFG) in partnership with SciELO Brasil and Editora Cubo. It presents original research on current and relevant topics arising from deep theoretical reflection and/or rigorous empirical research. In addition, RBCE publishes comprehensive reviews on current topics in Physical Education/Sports Sciences, which reflect the significant theoretical, methodological, disciplinary, interdisciplinary and geographic diversity of the area.



Digital Preservation


RBCE follows the standards defined in the Digital Preservation Policy program of the SciELO Program. As an Archiving Policy, this journal uses the LOCKSS system, developed by Stanford University, to create an archive distributed among participating libraries. The system allows these libraries to create permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration purposes. More information at

The journal is also part of IBICT's Cariniana Digital Preservation Services Network, which provides preservation for any journal of the Open Journal System [OJS] in Brazil. Finally, RBCE maintains a page, OJS, as a repository and memory where it keeps all the volumes published since the first one in the year 1979.



Indexing Sources



Bibliographic Journal Information

  • Brazilian Journal of Sports Sciences
  • Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Sport (Online)
  • Publication by: Brazilian College of Sports Sciences
  • Periodicity: Annual
  • Publication Mode: Continuous Publication
  • Year of creation of the journal: 1979


Websites and Social Media






RBCE accepts submissions of articles deposited in preprint servers, such as,  SciELO Preprints, and others. Its submission is optional for the author, and the name of the preprint server  and its DOI must be informed at the time of submission, through the Open Science Compliance Form. It should be noted that the preprint submission option implies the abstention of double-blinding since the authorship of the preprint breaks anonymity.



Peer Review Process


The evaluation of articles submitted to RBCE follows a simple flowchart. The article initially undergoes a form evaluation, in which the Executive Editor evaluates the adequacy of the article to the journal's standards, and its alignment with the Biodynamics, Sociocultural and Pedagogical subareas of Physical Education. Articles in the sub-area of Biodynamics must be submitted in English. Articles from the Sociocultural and Pedagogical subareas can be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish. Articles approved in this process are sent to the Associate Editors, who, together with the Assistant Editors, forward the article to ad hoc reviewers. These can give three types of opinions: approval, disapproval or revisions (major or minor).

Approved articles are sent for layout and publication. A version of the approved article (in PDF) will be sent by the publishing company by e-mail to the corresponding author, who may request adjustments and corrections to the version before its publication. Instructions on this PDF file will be in the email. It is worth mentioning that this approval version is intended only for verifying the composition, editing, completeness and correctness of the text, tables and numbers. Significant changes to the article accepted for publication will only be considered at this stage with the permission of the RBCE editor-in-chief.

Rejected articles are forwarded to the authors, along with the opinions detailing the reasons for the decision.

Articles with review opinions are sent to the authors, who must adapt and submit the work to a new round of evaluation. Authors must resubmit their articles using the same ID, i.e., a new submission MUST NOT be created. To resubmit the article during the review process, authors must keep the "authors' term of agreement" and "cover page" files. However, you should exclude previous versions from the main article file and include the following files:

  • Letter in response to the reviewers, pointing out the changes in the article (supplemental file for review);
  • Manuscript with the changes highlighted (supplemental file for review);
  • Manuscript with the changes inserted (main document file).

The RBCE adopts the policy of openness in which the names of the editors responsible for its evaluation appear in the published article.



Open Data


As a way of adopting Open Science practices, RBCE suggests that authors share their data, codes, methods, and materials through trusted repositories. We suggest reading the materials below:





The RBCE adopts an article processing fee of US$ 100.00, when all authors of the article are not members of the Brazilian College of Sports Sciences (CBCE), with an annual fee up to date. Exceptionally, articles submitted in 2024 will be exempt from the publication fee. This exemption is for a fixed period and the editorial board will communicate any changes. The authors are responsible for the grammatical revision of the articles, if the reviewers request it, regardless of the original language of the article (Portuguese, English, Spanish).

For more details on the costs related to the operation and maintenance of journals, it is suggested to read the SciELO Statement on Financial Sustainability:



Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy


Authorship is understood as all those responsible for the preparation of the submitted article, identified at the time of submission, whose roles are duly assigned according to the CRedit guidelines (see below under "Authors' Contributions"). These subjects must certify that the research follows ethical precepts in its elaboration and send the appropriate supporting documentation.

The RBCE reinforces that the research and its ethical implications are the responsibility of the authorship. In this sense, misconduct perceived during the evaluation process of the article will be discussed by the editorial team and reported to the authors. If the article has been published, the authors will be asked to provide clarifications to the journal and the scientific community, and may suffer editorial sanctions depending on the nature of the misconduct.

If errors or inconsistencies are noticed in the article after its publication, as long as they are not of misconduct, errata will be published, treated according to the Guide for the registration and publication of Errata (Portuguese Only):

Severe errors or identifications of misconduct may require the publication of partial or total retractions (cancellation) of the article, according to the guide for the registration and publication of retractions (Portuguese Only):



Policy on Conflict of Interest


RBCE expects authors, reviewers and editors to work with maximum transparency about possible conflicts of interest, whether financial and/or commercial, and/or political, and/or academic, and/or personal.

Authors must declare the existence or not of conflicts of interest in a specific field of the ScholarOne submission system, and on the cover page (see below under "Manuscript preparation> cover page). This information will be maintained in the publication in a specific field. For example: "We declare that we have a financial and/or commercial, and/or political, and/or academic, and/or personal conflict of interest." If there are no conflicts of interest, add the following information: "The authors declare no conflicts of interest". When submitting the manuscript, authors are responsible for acknowledging and disclosing financial or other conflicts that may have influenced the work. If there is, even potentially, a conflict of interest, the author(s) must inform it in a specific document signed and attached to the submission platform. For more information see: Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest.

Evaluators must declare the existence of a conflict of interest in the evaluation form contained in the RBCE ScholarOne system.

Editors, if they have a conflict of interest of any nature, should request that another editor be responsible for the article, through internal communication at RBCE.



Adoption of Similarity Software


RBCE adopts the iThenticate® similarity checking software, in which all articles approved in the form evaluation stage go through the software. Articles with high levels of similarity are evaluated by the executive editor and the RBCE editorial team, which may choose to immediately reject and archive the submission, or request clarifications and corrections to the authorship.



Adoption of software using Artificial Intelligence resources


RBCE does not oppose the use of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) resources by authors, editors and reviewers, as long as they are not configured as those who prepared the text and/or evaluated the article. In cases where there is the use of Artificial Intelligence resources, the RBCE requires that the Guide to using Artificial Intelligence tools and resources has been observed, in summary:

  • Any and all use must be recorded and reported to the RBCE, as well as follow good ethical practices in scientific communication.
  • Only humans can be authors. A.I. tools can assist in the preparation, drafting, proofreading, and translation of texts.
  • A.I. sources and materials should be cited and referenced.
  • The security of the data entered in the A.I. resources should be verified, since in articles whose evaluation process presupposes anonymity of content and identity of authors and reviewers, the leakage of this information can result in losses for both parties.


Gender and Sex Issues


The RBCE editorial team, in addition to the authors who publish in the journal, must always observe the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER). The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines that guide the reporting of sex and gender information in study design, data analysis, and results and interpretation of findings. In addition, RBCE observes and has been building gender equality in the formation of its editorial board.



Ethics Committee


Authors must attach a statement of approval from the ethics committee of the institution responsible for approving the research.

The ethical criteria of the research must be respected within the terms of Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council (available at:, when it involves experiments with human beings; and according to the Ethical Principles in Animal Experimentation of the Brazilian College of Animal Experimentation - COBEA (available at:, when it involves animals.  

All manuscripts that present experiments with human beings or animal must detail in the study methods that the research is in accordance with the ethical principles that guide the resolutions cited above.  

The name of the Ethics Committee that approved the study, along with the reference number, should be included during the production process of the article, if it is accepted for publication, i.e., this information should be hidden to ensure the anonymity of the authors during the peer review process. Any exemptions granted by the Ethics Committee should also be detailed in the manuscript.





RBCE adopts the license Creative Commons 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) for all published articles.

Authors of articles published by RBCE retain the copyright of their works by licensing them under the license Creative Commons Attribution, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited. The authors grant the Brazilian Journal of Sports Sciences the right of first publication.



Intellectual Property and Terms of Use


Except where otherwise specified, all RBCE content is licensed under license Creative Commons 4.0 (CC BY 4.0). Authors of articles published by the Brazilian Journal of Sports Sciences retain the copyright of their work, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited.

The ideas and opinions expressed in the article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the journal.

RBCE encourages the authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts by publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, provided that the full citation is included in the website version of the journal.



Sponsors and Promotion Agencies








Executive Editor



Associate or Section Editor(s)



Assistant Editors





The RBCE follows editorial practices that encourage research ethics recommendations, such as the Guide to Good Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publishing (SciELO). Articles in the sub-area of Biodynamics must be submitted in English. Articles from the Sociocultural and Pedagogical subareas can be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish.



Types of Documents Accepted


RBCE currently accepts the following types of work:

  1. Original articles: articles that communicate the results of original empirical and/or theoretical research on relevant and unpublished topics, preferably presenting the following fundamental sections – or variations of these, according to the exposition of the object and results of the investigation: introduction; methodological design; results and discussion; Conclusions; References. Submissions in this section can be made at any time, in a continuous demand system.
  2. Review articles: review or summary article of the state of the art, i.e., articles with the objective of synthesizing and/or evaluating scientific works already published, establishing a temporal, thematic, disciplinary and/or geographical framework for the analysis of the literature consulted. This section is exclusively for induced demand, i.e., the Editorial Board will invite authors to submit their articles. Articles improperly directed to this section will be archived.
  3. Essays: theoretical-conceptual reflection produced from authorial experience to defend a certain position that aims to deepen or problematize discussions of relevance to the area, presenting new contributions without necessarily being based on review or empirical production. This section is exclusively for induced demand, i.e., the Editorial Board will invite authors to submit their articles. Articles improperly directed to this section will be archived.
  4. Dossier: brings together articles and essays submitted from induction and public call, through which RBCE proposes to mobilize the scientific community in the area, based on the scheduling of debates around emerging themes in the national scenario. This section is exclusively for induced demand, i.e., the Editorial Board will invite authors to submit their articles. Articles improperly directed to this section will be archived.
  5. Panel: brings together articles and essays submitted based on induction, proposed by research groups consolidated in dialogue with groups linked to foreign institutions, which is dedicated to the scientific scheduling of debates around emerging themes in the international scenario. This section is exclusively for induced demand, i.e., the Editorial Board will invite authors to submit their articles. Articles improperly directed to this section will be archived.
  6. Interview: interviews induced by RBCE by invitation dedicated to provoking dialogue between leading researchers on relevant topics or development trends in the area. This section is exclusively for induced demand, i.e., the Editorial Board will invite authors to submit their articles. Articles improperly directed to this section will be archived.
  7. Editorial: introductory text of the journal expressing opinions, comments and/or positions written by members of the editorial team about the development of the area and the RBCE. This section is exclusively for induced demand, i.e., the Editorial Board will invite authors to submit their articles. Articles improperly directed to this section will be archived.
  8. Preprints: texts already published on recognized preprint servers, as described in the section "EDITORIAL POLICY > Preprints".


Authors' Contribution


Authors should identify the contribution of each listed author according to the guidelines of the CRedit (Contributor Roles Taxonomy). 

For example: "Author X was responsible for...; Author Y was responsible for...; Author Z was responsible for..., etc."

This identification must be made in the ScholarOne submission system, and in the Cover Page file (see below).



Manuscript Preparation


The article must be submitted through RBCE’s editorial system ScholarOne.

The person responsible for the submission must correctly fill in all the information, indicate the data of all authors, and insert the following files/documents that make up the submission:

  1. Article (see below under "Paper Submission Format");
  2. Individual files of figures and videos (see below under "Digital Assets").
  3. Authors' term of agreement (see below under "Supplementary Documents";
  4. Cover Page (see below under "Supplementary Documents"). 
  5. Statement stating that the research was approved by an institutional ethics committee.


Article Submission Format


The text must be submitted in editable Microsoft Word format, written in a single column with standard fonts, e.g. Arial or Times New Roman. It should not contain any identification of authorship, including the information present in the "file properties", i.e. the name of the file.  This authorship identification rule does not apply to preprints.

    1. Title: In the language of the submission, and regardless of the sub-area, it must be accompanied by its versions among the three languages that RBCE adopts, Portuguese, English and Spanish
    2. Abstract: An informative abstract should be prepared, including objective, methodology, results, conclusion. Each abstract that accompanies the article should have a maximum of 790 characters (counting spaces). It must be in the language in which the paper will be submitted (Portuguese, English or Spanish). Then, the same corresponding information must be included, with the same formatting, translated into the other languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish). It is important to note that each abstract must respect the maximum limit of 790 characters (Portuguese, English and Spanish).
    3. Keywords in Portuguese and English: consisting of four terms that identify the subject of the article separated by semicolons. We recommend the use of the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS), available at: and/or MeSH, available at . They must be in the language in which the paper will be submitted (Portuguese, English or Spanish). Then, the same corresponding information must be included, with the same formatting, translated into the other languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish). It is important to note that each abstract must respect the maximum limit of 790 characters (Portuguese, English and Spanish.
    4. The number of characters will be counted including all elements present in the manuscript from the introduction to the final considerations, including footnotes, tables, titles and sources of tables and illustrations. The title of the article, abstract, keywords and bibliographic references are excluded from this count. It is important to emphasize that, even after the editorial review process, the manuscript must remain within the maximum character limit according to the sub-area.
    5. Footnotes: Explanatory notes only and should be avoided as much as possible. The notes contained in the article should be indicated with Arabic numerals and sequentially immediately after the sentence to which it relates. The notes should come at the bottom of the corresponding page. Note: Do not insert Full References in the notes, only as a reference in the same way as the text.


Digital Assets


Tables: they must be inserted in the body of the text and numbered in order of appearance in the text with Arabic numerals. It should have a title (before the table), an explanatory legend (after the table) and present the sources that correspond to them. They must be in editable format.

  • Figures, Images and Illustrations: When applicable, they should be numbered in order of appearance in the text with Arabic numerals. In the body of the article, it should have a title (before), an explanatory legend (after) and present the sources that correspond to them. They should be sent in individual files, separate from the main text of the article, named according to the order in which they are inserted in the text (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). They must be in high definition (300 dpi) and image format, e.g. JPG, PNG, TIFF. When applicable, they must be accompanied by a specific authorization for each of them, in which it is informed that the image to be reproduced in the article was specifically authorized for this purpose. In the case of photographs, permission must be given by the photographer (even when the photographer is the author of the article) and by the people photographed. Works whose author died more than 71 years ago are already in the public domain and therefore do not need authorization.


Citations and References


The RBCE adopts the Vancouver style for citations and references, in the author system date of the text entries, and list of references in alphabetical order in a specific section of the article. They should be updated containing, preferably, the most relevant works on the subject published in the last five years. It should contain only works referred to in the text. The presentation must follow the format called "Author-Date." In-text citations should refer to: 1. Unique author: author's last name (no initials, unless ambiguous) and year of publication; 2. Two authors: both authors' last names and the year of publication; 3. Three or more authors: first author's last name followed by "et al." and the year of publication. It is suggested to use DOI when available. Examples:

Balay FB, Galak E. Escuela y escolarización de los cuerpos en la formación superior: un análise de las prácticas profesionales de Educação Física (UDELAR, Uruguay) from the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu. Rev Bras Ciênc Esporte [Internet]. 2023; 45:e20230063. Available from:

Borowski EB von, Frasson JS, Medeiros TN, Bossle F. School Physical Education in professional education: a study based on the knowledge produced. Rev Bras Ciênc Esporte [Internet]. 2023; 45:e20220066. Available from:

Correia MAA, Pinto JM de R. Early childhood education in Emilia-Romagna, Italy: social participation and challenges in guaranteeing the right to education. Educ Soc [Internet]. 2024; 45:e270328. Available from:

Mascarenhas F, Lazzarotti Filho A, Vianna LC. The RBCE and the challenges for Brazilian scientific journalism. Rev Bras Ciênc Esporte [Internet]. 2023; 45:e20230045. Available at:



Supplementary Documents


Authors' agreement: This is a letter that must be signed by all authors, authorizing the publication of the article and declaring that it is unpublished and that it has not been or is submitted for publication in another journal. The RBCE advises that only people who actually participated in the central stages of the research should sign the papers, and it is not enough, for example, to have reviewed the text or just collected the data. All persons listed as authors, at the time of submission of papers to RBCE, will automatically declare responsibility under the terms of the templates available at the link Template of Author's term of agreement.

Cover Page: This document must contain exclusively:

  • Title of the work;
  • Complete identification of all authors, containing: e-mail, last academic degree, institutional affiliation (Department or Graduate Program, Center or Sector, Teaching or Research Institution - affiliations must be presented in descending hierarchical order (e.g. University of São Paulo, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics) and in the original language of the institution or in the English version when the writing is not Latin (e.g.:  Johns Hopkins University, University of São Paulo, Université Paris-Sorbonne), City, State (Federation Unit) and Country;
  • ORCID of all authors;
  • Postal address and telephone number (only of the main contact of the work);
  • Financial support: it is mandatory to inform, in the form of a footnote, all financial aid received for the preparation of the work, including scholarships, mentioning the funding agency, public notice and process number. This information will be kept in the publication in a specific field, for example: "The present work was carried out with the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – Brazil (CAPES) – Financing Code 001". If the work was not financially supported, add the following information: "This work did not have financial support of any kind to carry it out".
  • Conflicts of interest: It is mandatory to declare the existence or non-existence of conflicts of interest in the form of a footnote. This information will be maintained in the publication in a specific field. For example: "We declare that we have a financial and/or commercial, and/or political, and/or academic, and/or personal conflict of interest." If there are no conflicts of interest, add the following information: "The authors declare no conflicts of interest".
  •  Acknowledgments: if they are mentioned, they should come in the form of footnotes. For example: "I thank my lab colleague for his critical reading and notes on the text."
  •  Authors' contributions: List the contribution of each listed author according to the CRedit (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) guidelines.  For example: "Author X was responsible for...; Author Y was responsible for...; Author Z was responsible for..., etc."

Statement stating that the research was approved by an institutional ethics committee; See the section "Editorial Policy – Ethics Committee" above.



Financing Statement


Provide sources of support for the work, including names of sponsors, contract number (if any), along with explanations of the role of these sources. This information must be included in the submission to ScholarOne and on the Cover Page (see item 4.5 above).



Additional Information


The historical collection of the RBCE, whose first publication dates back to 1979, can be found here.





Federal University of Goiás
Faculty of Physical Education and Dance
Graduate Program in Physical Education
Avenida Esperança s/n, Câmpus Samambaia
Zip Code: 74690-900
Goiânia – Goiás – Brazil
Phone: (55) 62 – 3521-1513



Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte Avenida Esperança s/n, Câmpus Samambaia, CEP: 74690-900, Telefone: +55 (62) 3521-1513 - Brasília - DF - Brazil