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REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, Volume: 24, Issue: 48, Published: 2016
  • Mobilizações de migrantes e refugiados: as lutas pela visibilidade e pelo reconhecimento Editorial

    Marinucci, Roberto
  • Exhibiting the undisguised. The reaches of the mobilizations of undocumented people in France Dossiê: "movimentos Sociais E Mobilizações De Migrantes E Refugiados"

    Boisriou, Valentine Le Borgne de

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen La cuestión de la participación política, en el espacio público francés, de los inmigrados cobra actualmente una gran relevancia, en el contexto de la crisis migratoria que atraviesa el conjunto del continente europeo. Frente a las interrogaciones que plantea esta situación, en torno a la capacidad de las sociedades a recibir y sumar a sus sociedades los que suelen ser considerados como su “excedente”, este artículo, basado sobre un trabajo de campo realizado entre 2007 y 2014, propone una reflexión acerca de la historia y los desafíos actuales de los movimientos sociales llevados a cabo por personas indocumentadas en Francia.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract The matter of political participation, in the French public space, of immigrants currently takes great relevance, in the context of the immigration crisis facing the European continent. Faced with the questions posed by this situation, about the capacity of societies to receive and add to their societies those who are often seen as their "surplus", this article, based on a fieldwork conducted between 2007 and 2014, proposes an investigation about the history and the current challenges of social movements carried out by undocumented people in France.
  • Migrant struggles in transit: the case of the Central American migrant movement Dossiê: "movimentos Sociais E Mobilizações De Migrantes E Refugiados"

    Huerta, Amarela Varela

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen Este texto aborda un ejemplo concreto de organización de migrantes, el Movimiento Migrante Mesoamericano, que trabaja por los derechos de los migrantes en tránsito por México, de forma coordinada con organizaciones y familiares de migrantes víctimas de desaparición en su tránsito hacia Estados Unidos. Este estudio de caso es un ejemplo de luchas migrantes en contextos de tránsito, tipo específico de movimiento social que ha sido poco abordado en la literatura que piensa la acción colectiva de los migrantes. En el trabajo se analizan los actores, las prácticas, las alianzas y el contexto al que se enfrentan los activistas del movimiento en cuestión.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This paper addresses a specific, little known example of grassroots migrant organization. The Mesoamerican Migrant Movement advocates for and advances the rights of migrants in transit through Mexico via collaboration with other migrant organizations and relatives of victims of disappearance while migrating to the United States. The case study is an example of migrant struggles in transit, which is a specific type of organizing that has received minimal attention in the literature about the collective action of migrants. The analysis touches upon the specific actors, practices, partnerships, and contexts that Mesoamerican Migrant Movement activists engage in their day to day efforts.
  • Memories of struggles: Brazilian abroad (1993-2010) Dossiê: "movimentos Sociais E Mobilizações De Migrantes E Refugiados"

    Feldman-Bianco, Bela

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo Neste ensaio, o meu intuito é expor as relações entre as mobilizações de transmigrantes brasileiros em Lisboa contra as políticas restritivas de imigração da era Schengen, a constituição de uma Comunidade de Brasileiros no Exterior em prol de seus direitos de cidadania no Brasil e a formulação de políticas do Estado brasileiro dirigidas à sua diáspora, durante a era Lula (2003-2010). Desse ângulo, examino essas mobilizações desde o primeiro caso de extradição de brasileiros ocorrido no aeroporto de Lisboa em inícios de 1993 e a eclosão de conflitos diplomáticos entre Brasil e Portugal. Analiso seus desdobramentos em contextos diversos através de um período de 17 anos, discernindo, assim, o processo de formação e globalização de um movimento social dos Brasileiros no Exterior e suas conexões com a luta pelos direitos dos imigrantes no Brasil. Argumento que o deslanche desse movimento social global desde Lisboa revitalizou e expandiu a mobilização em prol dos imigrantes no Brasil, inclusive a luta por uma nova legislação migratória baseada em direitos humanos.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract In this paper, I expose the relations between the mobilization of Brazilian transmigrants in Lisbon against the Schengen restrictive immigration policies in Portugal, the constitution of a Community of Brazilians Abroad demanding citizenship rights in Brazil and the formulation of public policies by the Brazilian state on behalf of its diasporic population during the Lula era (2003-2010). From this perspective, I examine the formation of this social movement since the first deportation case of Brazilians in the Lisbon airport in 1993. I disclose the subsequent mobilizations in diverse places and contexts throughout a period of 17 years tracing, thus, the globalization process of this social movement as well its connections with the struggles for the immigrant rights in Brazil. I suggest that the launching of this global social movement in Lisbon has revitalized and expanded the mobilizations in favor of immigrants in Brazil, including the struggles for a new legislation law based on human rights.
  • Facing Institutional Racism. Analysis of two cases of Senegalese migrants in Argentina (2012-2016) Dossiê: "movimentos Sociais E Mobilizações De Migrantes E Refugiados"

    Espiro, María Luz; Voscoboinik, Sonia; Zubrzycki, Bernarda

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen En este artículo abordamos el modo en el cual el control estatal y el racismo institucional en Argentina son contestados desde las prácticas de algunos migrantes senegaleses. Para ello analizamos dos casos de agencia: la trayectoria de Amadou y la marcha por la muerte de Massar Ba. En ambas situaciones hemos reconstruido el uso estratégico que los migrantes han hecho de las instituciones estatales, de las instituciones no gubernamentales, de los vínculos con académicos y de los medios de comunicación para canalizar sus demandas y mejorar su situación en el país. Así, al visibilizar la agencia de este colectivo migrante, buscamos despojarlos del status de víctimas y reconocerlos con capacidad de acción, de cambio, de toma de decisiones, iniciativas y riesgos.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract In this article we approach the way in which state control and institutional racism in Argentina are replied from the practices of some Senegalese migrants, and for that we analyze two cases of agency: Amadou’s trajectory and Massar Ba’s death protest. In both situations we have reconstructed the strategic use that migrants have given to the state institutions, to non-governmental institutions, to the bonds with academicians and communication media for canalizing their claims and for improving their situation in the country. Thus, when visibilizing the agency of this migrant collective, we try to deprive them from the victim status and to recognize them with capacity for action, for change, for decision making, for taking initiatives and risks.
  • Between exploitation and protest: migrants and the agricultural gangmaster system in Southern Italy Dossiê: "movimentos Sociais E Mobilizações De Migrantes E Refugiados"

    Scotto, Angelo

    Abstract in Italian:

    Riassunto Questo articolo descrive le caratteristiche e l'origine del caporalato (una forma di mediazione illecita all'assunzione lavorativa, in inglese “gangmaster system”) nell'Italia meridionale, come è cambiato quando i migranti sono diventati la principale manodopera in agricoltura, il modo in cui porta allo sfruttamento dei lavoratori, e la reazione dei lavoratori stranieri contro questo sistema.Presentiamo due esempi di come i lavoratori hanno affrontato il caporalato in Puglia: nel primo caso, la provincia di Foggia, i migranti non sono stati in grado di organizzarsi per protestare contro i caporali; nel secondo caso, Nardò, hanno dato il via a uno sciopero che ha dato visibilità nazionale a questo fenomeno.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This article describes the features and the origin of the gangmaster system (a form of illicit mediation to labour contracting, also called 'caporalato') in Southern Italy, how it has changed when migrant became the main workforce in agriculture, the way it leads to the exploitation of workers, and the reaction of foreign workers against this system.We provide two examples of how workers dealt with caporalato in Puglia: in the first case, the province of Foggia, migrants were not able to organize to protest against the caporals; in the second case, Nardò, they started a strike that gave this phenomenon national visibility.
  • Protests and emancipation at the European border. The case of Lampedusa Dossiê: "movimentos Sociais E Mobilizações De Migrantes E Refugiados"

    Lendaro, Annalisa

    Abstract in Italian:

    Riassunto Questo articolo si propone di approfondire a livello teorico i legami tra proteste ed emancipazione dei migranti senza status legale, che si trovano in situazione di detenzione amministrativa sull’isola italiana di Lampedusa. Il presente contributo mette in evidenza il fatto che l’agency dei migranti, seppur privi di libertà e di uno status legale, è determinante per sbloccare una situazione di crisi in un contesto simile allo stato di eccezione descritto da Agamben. Più precisamente, la protesta dei migranti di Lampedusa mostra in che modo la sospensione dello stato di diritto apra degli spiragli per, non solo denunciare l’ingiustizia di alcune norme, ma anche per agire.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This paper provides a theoretical analysis of the links between the protests organized by migrants without legal status and their emancipation, while they are officially detained in a closed center on the Italian island of Lampedusa. This study shows that the agency of these migrants is fundamental to the issue of this crisis, within a context similar to the Agamben’ state of exception. More precisely, the protest in Lampedusa highlights the way in which the adjournement of the rule of law can open up new opportunities to, not only denounce the injustice of some norms, but also to act against them.
  • Undoing citizenship. Undocumented queer activism and practices of rights Dossiê: "movimentos Sociais E Mobilizações De Migrantes E Refugiados"

    Pieri, Mara

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo No contexto da emergência do activismo migrante, a experiência do UndocuQueers, nascida em San Francisco em 2011, desafia ideias comuns sobre práticas de movimentos migrantes, através das intersecções entre reivindicações queer e migrantes. Para compreender estas peculiaridades, neste artigo procuro em primeiro lugar analisar algumas das características mais relevantes do activismo UndocuQueer. De seguida, concentro-me na série online “Undocumented and awkward” (“Sem documentos e estranho”), de modo a discutir as interseccionalidades propostas pelo movimento. Na terceira parte, proponho-me a analisar a série enquanto exemplo de práticas inovadoras de cidadania. Finalmente, discuto como o movimento UndocuQueer e a sua produção cultural oferece um exemplo original de práticas políticas de direitos e propõnho uma perspectiva promissora para um engajamento crítico com questões de cidadania.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Within the emergence of migrant activism, the experience of UndocuQueers developed in San Francisco from 2011 challenges common assumption about practices in migrant movements through the intersections between queer and migrant claims. In order to understand their peculiarities, I will first analyse some of the salient characters of UndocuQueer activism. Then, I will focus on the web-series “Undocumented and awkward”, in order to discuss the intersectionalities proposed by the movement. In the third part, I will discuss how the series may be framed as examples of groundbreaking practices of citizenship. I will finally argue that UndocuQueer movement and its cultural production offer a ground-breaking example of political practices of rights and propose a promising perspective for a critical engagement with citizenship issues.
  • Access and quality of employment of recent immigration in Uruguay Artigos

    Prieto, Victoria; Robaina, Sofía; Koolhaas, Martín

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen Este artículo analiza las características de acceso y calidad de la inserción laboral de los inmigrantes extranjeros llegados a Uruguay entre 2007 y 2015. Los desempeños de los inmigrantes se comparan con los de la población nativa no migrante y retornada, primero de forma bivariada, luego mediante la inclusión de la condición migratoria en la estimación de modelos logísticos binomiales de la probabilidad de empleo, informalidad y sobrecalificación. La fuente empleada corresponde a las Encuestas Continuas de Hogares del período 2012 – 2015. Los resultados muestran una desventaja sistemática en el acceso al empleo de la población extranjera, y mayor riesgo de sobrecalificación y de informalidad entre los ocupados del mismo origen. Dentro de los extranjeros las mujeres tienen menores chances de insertarse en el mercado de trabajo pero no se encuentra un efecto negativo de la doble condición mujer-inmigrante en los indicadores de calidad del empleo. Si bien el tiempo de asentamiento mitiga el efecto adverso de la condición inmigratoria sobre el empleo, la informalidad y sobrecalificación, éste no desaparece entre los inmigrantes más antiguos.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This article analyzes the characteristics of access and quality of employment of foreign immigrants arrived in Uruguay between 2007 and 2015. We compare immigrants’ performance to that of the non-migrant native-born and returnees, first using bivariate analysis, then by including migration status as a control in the estimation of binominal logistic regressions for the probability of employment, informality, and overqualification. The data used corresponds to the pooled cross-section Continuous Household Surveys for 2012-2015. Results show a systematic disadvantage of foreign-born population in the access to job opportunities, as well as in a higher risk of overqualification and informality among those already employed. Females have lower chances of being employed, but we did not find a negative effect of the double disadvantage female-immigrant regarding the quality of employment. Despite the fact that the duration of residence inhibits the adverse effect of immigration on employment, ovequalification and informality, its impact does not vanish for oldest immigrants.
  • Skilled migration: the case of Colombian women in Buenos Aires Artigos

    Ciurlo, Alessandra; Couto-Mármora, Diana; Santagata, Mónica

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen Este artículo nace de la observación de un pequeño grupo de jóvenes mujeres colombianas altamente calificadas, residentes en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. El análisis de orden cualitativo y desde una dimensión psicológica y social, afronta las trayectorias migratorias de dichas mujeres. Se examinan las motivaciones para emigrar de las jóvenes de donde emerge una fuerte necesidad de emancipación emocional y económica de la familia, emancipación social de la sociedad de origen, encubiertas en gran parte bajo la búsqueda de oportunidades de estudio y profesionales. En el estudio se analizan además, algunos factores de estrés presentes en la experiencia migratoria, la incidencia de la familia y las presiones de orden social que ejerce la sociedad de origen. Se indaga cómo durante el proceso migratorio se van consolidando entre las entrevistadas, la exploración y apropiación de nuevos modos de vida, cómo se van delineando cambios en las relaciones interpersonales, en el ejercicio de los roles sociales y en las relaciones de género.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This article stems from the observation of a small group of highly qualified young women, who reside in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. A qualitative analysis of the migratory paths of these women is performed from a psychological and social dimension. An examination of the motivations for migration shows a strong need of emotional and economic emancipation of the family and social emancipation from the society of origin, mostly disguised in the search for academic and professional opportunities. The study also analyzed some stress factors present in the migratory experience and the incidence of family and social pressures exerted by the society of origin. The study inquires how new explorations and appropriation processes of new forms of life are consolidated among those interviewed during the migration process and how new interpersonal relationships take shape in the exercise of social roles and gender relations.
  • Responses to trafficking in the Global North: The case of Portugal and Spain Artigos

    Pérez, Julie Lima de

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo Países desenvolvidos usam ações e discursos contra o tráfico de seres humanos como uma maneira mais palatável de impor políticas que restringem a migração e o trabalho sexual. Ainda que suas metas e resultados sejam similares, a maneira como Estados individuais elaboram e utilizam suas estruturas antitráfico varia e gera consequentemente repercussões distintas. Podemos considerar, por exemplo, que ainda que as políticas Ibéricas sejam similares, a Espanha tem um sistema mais duramente criticado do que o de Portugal, pois seus métodos violam direitos de maneira mais clara.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Developed countries use anti-trafficking actions and discourses as a more palatable way of imposing polices that restrict migration and sex work. Although their aims and results are similar, the way individual States elaborate and use their anti-trafficking frameworks differs and therefore leads to different repercussions. We may consider, for instance, that while Iberian policies are similar, Spain’s system is much more harshly criticized than Portugal’s as its methods violate rights in a clearer manner.
  • The immigrant women protagonism in the building of the social networks to strengthening identity: the case of Brazilian women in Chicago (USA) Artigos

    Escudero, Camila

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo O presente artigo aborda a questão de redes sociais transnacionais migratórias a partir da ideia de identidade nacional e cultural e fazendo uso da perspectiva de gênero. Assim, propomos uma pesquisa com mulheres brasileiras que vivem em Chicago (EUA) e constroem seus laços de interação simbólica a partir da realização, na cidade, de festividades e eventos artísticos relacionados a aspectos variados da cultura do Brasil. De abordagem qualitativa, o método de pesquisa utilizado foi o Estudo de Caso. Entre os principais resultados, destacamos como essa rede contribui para a composição identitária, interação simbólica e socialização dessas mulheres e possibilita uma vivência de protagonismo, autonomia e empoderamento.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This article is about the transnational migratory social networks from the idea of national and identity and making use of the gender perspective. So, we propose a research with Brazilian women who living in Chicago (USA) and building their symbolic interaction links from the organization and promotion of festivals and artistic events related to various aspects of Brazil’s culture in the city. The research method used was the Case Study, in a qualitative approach. Among the main results, we highlight how the social network contributes to the identity composition, symbolic interaction and socialization of these women and provides them an experience of autonomy and empowerment.
  • The teachings of migrants Relatos E Reflexões

    Maggi, Lidia
  • Perspectives on human relations on asylum interviews Relatos E Reflexões

    Waisman, Hannah; Serricella, Giulianna
  • The invention of Brazilianness. National Identity, ethnicity and immigration policies Resenhas, Teses E Dissertações

    Villamar, María Del Carmen Villarreal
Centro Scalabriniano de Estudos Migratórios SRTV/N Edificio Brasília Radio Center , Conj. P - Qd. 702 - Sobrelojas 01/02, CEP 70719-900 Brasília-DF Brasil, Tel./ Fax(55 61) 3327-0669 - Brasília - DF - Brazil